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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. I think you can appeal to reasonable people that the age for benefit may need o be raised, as well as some means testing.
  2. Meh, we'll cut taxes and spend what we want and probably default. I'm not sure I really care anymore, Ill be dead and gone long before that happens.
  3. Paid off my 50K- wouldn't do College again if had to redo.
  4. Trigger to raise taxes should the theoretical growth not materialize, a responsible addition IMO, can't be included because it would defeat passage... a bit of irony
  5. Watch the tape from the Giants Super Bowl and the Denver Broncos AFCCG 2015- its a simple formula, just difficult to implement.
  6. Pressure, Pressure, Pressure- its the best way to beat Brady, get him on his ass all day.
  7. Denver is in a tailspin, it’s splitting hairs...
  8. I’m gonna go over to Broncos.com and start a “bring back Dennison thread” when he gets fired.. one mans trash, another mans treasure..
  9. Of course, until it doesn’t.... GOP are not fiscal conservatives... at least most aren’t.
  10. The Broncos have had their poop pushed in the last three weeks, the Bills last two weeks.... I don't think I can watch the Pats embrass the Broncos tonight.
  11. You need to win those AFC games, i.e. Bengals and Jets.... this team will likely be in the race for a Wildcard, and a win against the Jets who may end up in the race sure wold help. Thats what pisses me off, that and the sloppy **** effort.
  12. Next to that in the dictionary should be a picture of the Buffalo Bills...
  13. 7-3 to close out November would be incredible..... Why does 10 wins seem like moving mountains?? God it’s so painful.
  14. It goes up and down, 5-3 is a great start. Stop turning the ball over and taking dumb penalties they’ll be good. Gotta get 10 Wins.
  15. Flat/ Fair Tax- No Favorites, No Political Goodies, No WIFM....Adjust future flat tax rates to meet spending overruns for the last year. Its he only way to remove the political leverage politicians exercise over us, and for Americans to finally feel the pain when their government overspends... any idea of timeframe on that 4k increase? I mean we get a 3% cola, is that in addition to a COLA adjustment? I question the pay increases estimate- yes some businesses will pass on savings to employees, but much of labor is market driven... i think there is fuzzy assumption there. Id rather see most Americans get a massive tax cut, they can be separated from their money with relative ease... business owners, i have to think that saving goes to their own pocket (which is fine), toward upgrades or to pay down debt.
  16. Headline here at home: "US issues blank check to pay for US Healthcare"
  17. Orangemane.com But beware, its very rapey... GDT threads are the best though, Broncos fans are about as spoiled as they can be.... try maintaining fandom after 17 years of no playoffs, that's hardcore.
  18. When you can leave your 3rd best corner on Dez Bryant man to man, you can do special things on defense especially against the run. Not to mentioned that all their corners can tackle. Keep in mind they dealt Ward and are still producing at a very high level. You'll lose badly if you don't take some chances against that defense.
  19. I blame Obama, as has been clearly demonstrated on TBD in the PPP, Presidents directly dictate commodity prices.. especially Deap State ex-presidents...
  20. they face the same reality Democrats do when they are in power, except Democrats have embraced the reality- without articulating very meaningful changes to CMS, SS and the War Department, you simple nibble around the edges of the US spending problem. Cutting outlays for these 3 sacred cows is a vote killer, and both parties know it. I guess you could argue the Tax Code could be included as well- but that is more about shifting and shell games, not as much outlays.
  21. So now you're assuming I'm a Xtian? Ya bigot. Great, now I'm triggered, thanks a lot.
  22. so you're assuming i haven't fully transitioned? Try again you evil bigot!!!!!!
  23. Hickenlooper has a a very good job as Mayor and Governor here, and I like Kasich's practical sensibilities. Id vote for just about any conservative that is not DJT.
  24. I'm worried this could be the case for most of the posters on this board...
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