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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. I'd eat her ass like groceries
  2. Whats sad, in 2018, the Democrats could if they wanted to take over as the party of fiscal responsibility.... nobody fills that spot right now, I think that could be a very compelling message given the state of the Countries finances. Propose some measures to fix CMS/SS fiscally, reign in war powers and military adventurism, among many other items people could get behind... Instead they tinker with universal basic... isn't that tantamount to waving the white flag of leadership in a way?
  3. She essentially done- thought she has a lot of money, so probably doesn't care. Update: the real travesty is now the people I have see on social media who claim Roasanne's freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights are being violated... dumb people are a disaster in and of themselves.
  4. all she had to do was not to compare black women to apes.... just couldn't resist I guess.... she fisted bout a hundred other people working for that show, thats the real travesty.
  5. I'll give him credit for penning his own communications I guess....
  6. that letter sounds like a 7th grader wrote it.....
  7. It’s weird, my most vivid memory was TT getting a screen pass to the left and i think the hit he received lacerated his liver... it looked brutal. I seen to remember it was the Colts...
  8. Allen is the best pick because he'll be able to elude tacklers and create play where none exist. Lets just hope he develops a pocket game so his career isn't cut short from getting pounded.
  9. Buffalo and Cleveland suck at acquiring veteran QB's, drafting QB's in general and especially at developing players at said position.
  10. I know is sounds kind of Gee Aye Why, but I’ll miss having Brady in the league when he’s gone... it’s funnto hate him/ Patriots.
  11. Cleveland passes over Fitzpatrick and Chubb for a undersized CB... the QB pick aside, they loved what Mayfield brought in competitiveness and acuracy... that 4th selection could be one of the biggest whiffs in recent draft history, just because you need a CB doesn’t mean you pass on no brainer elite defensive propsects... Jesus Cleveland, I sure hope you were right, Elway says thank you...
  12. That stat line is an anomaly for Alex Smith- go back historically and he’s got the same issues that Tyrod had this year, can’t throw the deep ball accurately, is a checkdown junkie and does hit receivers that are open downfield because he’s reluctant to pul the Trigger. Watching Brees/ Newton last night was like night and day between Taylor/ Smith
  13. Smith a little less agile version of Tyrod Taylor. Alex Smith consistently tucks and runs instead of thread a dart to open receivers down field. Watching the Chiefs yesterday and Bills today made me think of how similarly average those two are. 2 seasons ago Alex Smith didn’t have a TD pass to a wide receiver for a while season... that’s incredibly pathetic I hope neither are part of our future plans
  14. I am in disbelief.... utter disbelief
  15. We’re really just lucky this is even a game, exciting really
  16. Gotta think were !@#$ed... those to green every play
  17. The old PI in the end zone gig.... this league is classic
  18. GOPs version of Swamp Logic.... different but just as irresponsible as Democrat Swamp Logic. Drain it my white ass....
  19. Were really screwed when the party of fiscal restraint passes legislation like this. Maybe the plan is for the Uber wealthy Americans to extract every bit of wealth from this country, leave, and start a new country just for the global financial class elsewhere, what other reason could there be? how can you have 20T in debt, continuous year in year out deficits (large), a request for an increase in military spending, IMO a war with Iran on the horizon, and plan to address all that with a theoretical increase in tax revenue from tax cuts? Who honestly believes this will end well? Haven’t we learned at some point you actually have to have Americans pay for stuff like wars and spending increases? how does the Conservative party scream about deficits for 8 years and produce a bill that in all likelihood will produce more debt in the end? How is that leap made???? Jesus H were !@#$ed.
  20. ah, the old BBMB. The But used to be maybe the single greatest sub forum ever on a message board. There was a distinct group of poster in the sub, some really find ****, until the hammer came down and everything was an infraction. Kinda drifted elsewhere after than, mainly this mastic little nook. Ive heard from a friend who was a mod there that there was no warning, it was just gone one day. The theory is that OBD wants to used facebook and other social media to communicate with fans, and fans with fans. wasted a lot of boring workdays on that site, find memories indeed.
  21. Hate to admit it, but T-Bone is right on this one. Theoretical growth will or won't materialize, time will tell, but it won't matter because I'm almost certain Neocons will have us into a war with Iran or North Korea, and we know the War department spends whatever they want. Job creation by small businesses will decline because of a tailspin in health insurance markets, people may be forced to abandon starting a business or leave the business they started just to have health coverage for their families. There re is nothing Conservative about the GOP anymore, there is not one ambitious or bold idea in these bills coming out of congress. More of the same that got us where we are, drowning in debt and adding on big heaps every year.
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