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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. it's like a Geriatric Center over here.... I wonder what time Bingo is?
  2. It begs the question, then, where is a Woman's place then?
  3. What the F was that all about? Is this code for a women's place is in the kitchen?
  4. What she meant to say was the stove is properly level, so the stew she is brewing cooks evenly.....
  5. I am going to ask you to do a small task. Go get the Frommer's travel guide for places like Wyoming and Monatana, and flip to the special sections that warns homosexuals about traveling through those States.... there is a special sections that warns those peope against harm that will come to them for traveling through a free country. Hate speech flames these longstanding stances and beliefs on intolerance, and frankly, we are better people than that. I am wise and compassionate, I choose to not repond to bigotry and racism with more bigotry and racism. I live in a neighborhood that is 60% African American, it was one of the first heavly integrated neigborhoods in Denver (Park Hill, go research it). I get dirty looks all the time from people in the neigborhood, at the same time, some of by black neigbors are the most kind and generous I have ever encountered- there is good and bad in all races, in places, in all countries...
  6. Do them a favor, buy American.....
  7. Nothing... I go back and see what's new, but there is really nothing. I can't imagine spending much time there
  8. Yes, us white males are an overwhelmingly beat down minority.... But nice try
  9. It's polite, courteous and classy to not use the word fag.... If you chose to take offense at being any one of those things, it is your right to do so. If you are a white male, like myself and have never experience discrimination or hate speech, place yourself in those shoes just for just a moment... Think about how it would make you feel. I also called my friends Faggots as a kid, but a grew up into a sensible adult who felt compassion for others... Then again, my avatar is a tranny, so I may be biased in my openmindedness Its called discretion.... Comedians get a pass, producers of shows do not... He should have known better
  10. Prostatitis... That is why I got the accelerated exam... Not sexy, not at all
  11. It's a negotiation, better to leave the table with a Nympho rather than nothing... I always say.... I dated a girl once who had a insane sex drive. She brought up using implements one time, and I kind of lost my horny. As much as I am 100% supportive of what floats other peoples' boats, my fartpipe has always been and will continue to be a one way street. She was really nice, very attrative, and wanted to violate..... me Not totally true now that I thinkk about it, my MD broke the law and drove the wrong way down the one way street..... I guess my prostate is slightly enlarged for a 34 year old guy....
  12. and that boys, is what I call a Lady
  13. I am going to agree with Koko on this one, this is grounds for a final seperation.... unless you have substantial assets, then you might want to consider, losing half your s@$t is a big deal... but if you are broke, its time.... Holy Grail stupid....blasphemy! But I bet calling the Notebook wussy is out of bounds (don't want to sounds like a puzzy, but that movie was sad as hell... and Racahel McAdams is hot)
  14. Awesome scene reference. Stangely enough, I had the old I-Pad out last weekend and I was watching Airplane!- my wife comes over and sits down, and ask "what is this movie?" I married a girl who has never seen Airplane!.... the things you just don't know about people, I feel like I am living with a stranger now....
  15. We have already begin the process of implementing software that helps acheive the goals of seeing how pateints flow though the system. Various Bedboard program help inpatient hospital management insure that inpatient hopsital rooms are filled, turned, cleaned and ready for assignment in certain timeframe goals.... Length os Stay has diminished in many places around the country, and LOS recudution tend to equal lwer overall cost to the insurtance company, and perhaps makes it back to the premium payor. I see it happening everyday, the trick with healthcare, espcially hospital, is how do you implement the cutting edge IT systems (which are exopensive, as you know), build and expand new capacity, while have margins of 2-3%, and while absorbing 150 million in unreimbursed care every year?
  16. So what you're saying, it massive amount of cheap credit, leverage, and securitization of everyting on the face of the country is a bad thing? Whoda thought that.
  17. The ACA is the exact same plan the GOP proposed when Hillary was pushing Universal Care..... Cost goes up because people live longer, we have more and more therapies in which to treat chronic disease, and we have groundbreaking therapies in develop that have a huge R and D price tag... And the uninsured/ uninsurable get treated and pass the cost onto those who pay..... Our system continues to expand through capital projects, and buildings and outfitting them for medicine is very expensive.. Those are a few factors why no matter what we do, healthcare will continue to rise in cost for decades.. Our nation needs to get over the Walmart attitude toward healthcare..... It will never be cheap as long as we expect the best practitioners, therapies and diagnostic modalities..... Starting budgeting folks, you're going to need it.
  18. Please, enlighten me. I have not been in hospital administration for 12 years, so I will have little to no experience with this matter... Actually not true... I have been, but I am sure a will find your healthcare math lesson refreshing.
  19. This is going to be very interesting as I assume th highest court in the land is going to hear this. I from day one I have been supportive of the ACA legislation, I think in the end this was the best fit, as it is based in free market yet covers everyone. I know alot of people hate this law, and in some sense I understand, but if you evlauate the alternatives, this was the most widely appealing option. yeah, and I got it from the Huff, whatsit to ya.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/08/obama-health-care-reform-_n_1081865.html
  20. I have thought that for years.... I got a message on my door telling me if I just filled out my ballot for Denver, they would pick it up and deliver it to the polling location. IT is really sad more people do not vote, and for it not to be online, it kind of silly.
  21. Clinton was the last President who made meaningful changes to welfare programs, and operated with balanced budgets and created surpluses..... to be fair
  22. If there was ever an opportunity to emerge a 3rd political party, now is the time. But I hear people all the time say "a vote for a 3rd party is just a wasted vote" Really... isn't voting the current system kind of a wasted vote?
  23. Tax Rate Irrelevance + Credit = More Spending
  24. I find the posturing by our political leadership entertaining. Truth be told, IMHO, there is a fundamental fact we all must face in America.... that everyone, in general, is going to have to reduce their lifestyle in America. As you can see in my Sig, the great credit expansion is over, and it is a fickle, unsustainable policy for this country. A Majority of Citizens have failed to use it repsonsiblly.... our Government, at least Federal, has 100% failed to respect credit. The problems we have in the US today are a combination of massive fixed expenses, and a list for money now, even if it has not been earned yet. As for the first sentence in your response, we have raised taxes in this country, we are not paying for it now.... we have borrowed in order to lower the rate we are paying, but the tab has ot dispppeared. I have been in favor of taxes = expenditures, and I don't care of that tax rate is 75%, because that is the only way people are going to realize we have to bgin living with less... and to me, that is the big 3... Medicare, SS and Defense. To keep charging the operation is paramount to recklessnes...
  25. I remember when Obama was elected, the consesus of the talking heads was the Death of the GOP, they are no longer relevant, etc.... until the Mid-Terms of course.... The Democrats are just fine. The Tops of the Party are Cozy with Big Business, Unions, Minorities, most of the Urban Centers, Women, etc. I am going to predict the future, if a GOP POTUS gets elected and the GOP remains in control of congress. They will begin to chisel away at popular entitlements, begin to the take away the gifts in the tax code, do their best to repeal healthcare reform... and off the the sudden, people will freak out again and the Democrats will be popular again. This is all a resulst of Federal Government where "power and control", eclipsed responsible representation of the US populace many, many moons ago. The R and D's are Net Expanders of Federal Government- they have been for 30 years.... ask youself why NOW would it change?
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