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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. and its an 18+ month "thinking about the next cycle" process. So, POTUS terms are really two years.... maybe less.....
  2. If you could make them unique enough, there is probably a market for it. I was in Crested Butte CO for an art festival this summer, and there was turner that did peppermills..... custom painted, they were very, very slick- standards inerts, but he custom truned the bodies. They were selling for 45-$100 a shot with no precious metals that I could see..... he said he had done will at the festival..... so you never know
  3. It's great producing a nice pen from a blank, right? I am not a turner, but perhaps in the future. I am finsihing and end table from a bunch of scraps I had sitting around, including some dining room table legs from a table I converted into a coffee table with storage. It blowns me away to this day I can take boards and turn them into functional furniture. I just finished the dovetails in the drawer, I have to say, pretty darn tight. I wish I had a lathe to spin the old finish of the legs, but I am going to Milk Paint the piece anyway.
  4. There he is! I have the 12 days of drinking covered, I eat lot, and have asked friends what they're kids want for X-mas- There, brother!
  5. Thats awesome, I sit here in Envy- my wife and I are trying to get our house paid off, school loans, etc. so we can quit out jobs and do things we really enjoy. We could likely do it now, but it would be easier with less expenses. I salute you-
  6. The question becomes this: "who do you want to make rationaing decisions?" Private Insurers ration care all the time, as does Medicare does through the ABN process. In the end do you want a company whose goal in the end if healthy margins, or a government who tends to produce cost overruns and is reliant on tax collections to make those decisions? as far as a paying adminstrator, they are basically the same, finiate dollars with decision to me made. Costs are going to continue to rise either way, whether it is Government Care of Private Care. Americans do not like being told what to do (and that is their right), they general label any movement to increase health as preachy, and most have no intention to improve their lifestyle. Well, there is a cost to that freedom and the continued expansion of the Nation's waistline- higher costs do to chronic management of Diabetes, Health Disease and other related illnesses. More reponsibilty for payment of care should be on every single American. I have always felt that decent size deductible plans for Americans is a great avenue in which to make people AWARE of costs- If you are fat and unhealthy, you will cover your deductibel pretty fast- no better way to change behavior that hitting people in the pocket, year after year. I addtion, lareg dedcutible plans force Americans to save for their expenses- that way dead beats can't shift onto others.
  7. They're polticians, that's why things are so f'ed up. Who exactly is "different?" well that person is not going to get elected, so you get Politician or Politician..... Any poitician's motivation is votes, not the interests of constituents or their well being.
  8. 1. I guess I was speaking only from what I remember, or have expereinced. 2. Perhaps, but as Americans the majority let higher sensibilities lead the way and slavery was abolished. Just because it was created with flaws, does not mean flaws canot be cleansed in the future. 3. There will always be powerful people who are able to manipulate others to the better interests. Would you prefer they do that through a Federal Government, or through a much smaller entity where the average person might be able to do something about it. While I think programs intended to help the poor are a great service provided by the government, I think in the end they waste reources like no other single enitity, besides an king or dictator. 4. We still live pretty well in this country- many people who are in trouble have made bad decisions that put them in that position..... I am not sayijng all, but alot. Yes- but it is not just a left wing control thing, the right has their own agenda and we have seen the fallout of their policies. From Ag subsidies, to foreign aid, to defense contractor sweetheart deals, the government is full of pet projects and waste. I mean we don't even feel the need to pay for things we do anymore, Wars, Drug Programs, Stimulus, etc. Out government does what they want it is irrelevant, or has been for a long time, to ask tax payors to pony up.
  9. Exactly, The Bengals are winners, the Eagles are dissappointments, the Patriots are vulnerable, The Cowboys are up and down..... It really is a league of parity this year, sand Green Bay. I think the Bills should take a look at what Denver is doing right now. Running the Ball Slowing the Game Down Giving the D a break Playing Good Special Teams/ Field Position Battle Keeping games Close Playing LOW Mistake Football With Freddie the Freak and Spiller in need fo carries, why not pound the rock?
  10. Meh, our representative Government has represented minority interests for decades now, so they are by defaults business people. Government has become the great Lever for people who know how to/ can afford to use it to adavatage themselves over others.... For that very reason, I think that is why the framers envisioned a limited government... one that would not become infested with cronyism, waste and favoritism.... We see how that has faired....
  11. I knew it rang a bell, Scott Phillips from American Woodshop- watch it all the time. Watched a video about the Unisaw, gotta say, pretty impressed with some of the small details that were not overlooked in the design. I think Rockler near my house either has a SawStop or Unisaw on display... I am going to go buy and see.... It's pretty amazing when you can start and stop a 600+ pound machine and still balance a penny. My bandsaw starts and stops passing the nickel test, and if Finley adjusted can support a penny... Nothing like fine tuned perfection.....
  12. Hobby, hoping to be career at some point.... my intertest is contemporary/modern furniture, but I do enjoy designing built-ins.... My passion is stepping back and enjoying any perfect project and the last speck of finish is done.... No better feeling of accomplishment!
  13. Crazy... The sweetheart Stanley chisels jut released the last few years were based on the old Stanleys that were made here in the USA.... Noe they are made in the UK I have to be honest, I am just a chump for the powermatic yellow paint People tend to associated x-mas with presents.... I am not sure in 20 years of Christian schooling where buying stuff and placing it under a Tree ad ny correlation.... Holiday spending forecasts are about X-mas..... the religious holiday..... I fail to see the confusion D- JC was about charity, kindness and others... I can assume somehow that is where presents came from, but jc's deal was more about the sck and poor.... People who dd not have ****, and who were outcasts and downtrodden... Do people not spend money around this particular Holiday??
  14. That is why I stated other than people who are willing to make the "no treatment, this s my time" choice, most opt for extending their life. We also live a society that values life, and in general we find it abhorrent to let people die who would prefer to live... And that is probably good policy... Like you said, we have growing population that has increasing chronic conditions that live very long unhealthy lives... To pretend cost will decrease is absurd.... Cost will rise until there are less people, less chronic illness, cure for chronic diseases, or until be decide that we are willing to stop treating people at a certain age.... Maybe a combination of all of those. I know someone who firmly believes that the US should spend no more than 6% of GDP on any kind of healthcare related outlays, and people can't afford to pay for it for themselves and they die, so be it.... He's a real prick
  15. The claim to be made in the USA... I was under the impression from what I have read that their socket chisels were made here, 100%.... I thought their planes were as we'll.... Buying used is tricky.... I have looked at some used stuff.... Like table saws, but the run out on some made it not worth the brain damage.... Also the table flatness would need a lot of machining, which is fine if you have the time and know reliable people to do it. I do look for old planes in antique stores etc. sometime you will get a nice find, a plane that has all its parts, and if it does not look like it went through a world war.... I've thought about the Unisaw.... Also powermatic makes some awesome cabinet saws.... But I know Delta/Porter Cable was now internationally owned, who owns Powermatic? So the Unisawn is butter???? It's good idea.. My wife and I do charitable donations in people's names for most of our holiday adventures.... My wife tries to find as much from ETSY for gifting... It's a site where people make and sell stuff... The commercial aspect distracts people from meaning of the holiday... Most, not all Spend local, tha seems pretty straight forward Many atheists and agnostics get pulled into the Christmas spending mayhem.... If you going to spend , do so for America Holiday spending IS portrayed and marketed around Christmas, a religious holiday....
  16. Direct TV can attempt to bend me over the barrel, and I have choice to not participate. I go without , no loss other than no NFL Network... Healthcare, unless you are a ambivalent about Life, if you have Cancer you are 100% signed up to pay... Private interests know they have capitive customers..... That is a potentially dangerous prospect... The issue is that Medicine is unlike most other industries... Choice is often throw out the door.... That is why it is a tough problems to solve, and simple "free market" chants will not address the problem alone.... Although I do believe competitive pressures can have positive impact....
  17. Socializing risk is not a component of free-market economics.... I am tired of banks and congress viewing the masses as powerless patsies...
  18. I understand your point, I am in research mode for buying new table saw and helical planer.... It is almost impossible to find either 100% made in the US... Meaning, steel used, coatings, other components... However, there are still companies out there who design, macinne and assemble precision within our borders.... I guess my original statement was not with big machinery in mind.....Lie-Nielsen, I am almost certain use all-American supplies in their chisels, planes and other traditional tools... But again, that is not machinery, so not quite a parallel comparison.... Point is, why in the worst economic situation perhaps ever in the US, is there not more talk about seeking out and buying things that produce American jobs and livelihoods? Our government and our corporations have done a great job at sending prosperity overseas to supportbtheir cronyism.... We, the little guys can do something about it, we can... People are going to avoid me for it, but I am pushing American all day, everyday.... This is a great time to take this economy back... Perhaps that 750 will not go as far this year, but in the end, won't it go further buying domestic? Side note: So, did you get the job?
  19. I love the season.... I just don't buy anything from stores for anyone.... People thought I had horns coming out of my head, you didn't buy any presents!!!!!!!! Most people I know have lost focus of what that holiday is about.... And it is not Chinese garbage wrapped in paper with candy canes on it.... It the birth of the most generous, compassionate, charitable person to ever have walked the rock.... My point is, ever year people get sucked back into the retail frenzy, even if they have no business doing so, so spend it USA. My thread is not making Xmas a problem, it is recognizing people could do something positive for America.....
  20. The average American spends 750 on the consumeristic farce that has made a mockery of JC and the celebration of his birthday.... But..... Since people are to dumb to just enjoy the holiday without mall related misery..... How bout this thought: Holiday Season 2011- spend 100 percent of your X-mas allotment on local, small businesses, that sell certifiable, 100% American made products.... As exciting as the OWS is, there is no better way for Middle Classers to show their power and moxy than supporting and showing pride in their neighbors .... Billions and Billions of non- goverment dollars making change in the land we love, and bring a sense of pride back to this great land..... If you don't support this, you hate Freedom and America.... For the atheist, jus pipe down and be an f'n patriot....
  21. The system as it existed before trainwrecked... It's a solution, let's see where it goes.... If it fails, cut loses and move on. Everybody said Medicare Part D would crash and burn.... In reality , it has cost less than projected.
  22. Gary Johnson ® Buddy Roemer I was reading through a article about what many political leaders around this country have said about Occupy Wall Street. I was most interested in the R's responses.... many of them exactly as I expected "lazy, class warfaring, shots at Obama".... but I was interested in these two R's that I have never really heard of. John Hunstman and Ron Paul also had a similar flavor, but I certainly knew who they were. What do you suppose is the reason these cats are not even mentioned? The quotes seem resonable, a fair portrayal of the siuation in America right now- I assume are small government supporters, and seems to recongnize sucking the life out of the middle class is a not a good end game approach. Did these guys squeeze out of that cellar where the Middle Class protecting R's have been hiding for decades? As you might have observed, I am a centrist for the most part, but have been voting Dem for 10 years now..... but to be honest, these are the Republicans Party guys who make me want to reconsider voting R, giving them a chance again. IMHO, the R have over and over protected the Rich in this country.... not that I think the 1%s should shoudler the burden or be punished for their possession or success... that is UnAmerican- but so is shifting more and more burden on the hard working of this country. Anybody have some input on these guys?
  23. Very little.... we need to step back form being the world police stattion... defend our domestic soil..... We also need to reform program like SS to act as they were intended. SS should not be a National Pension program for every American.... it should exist to help truly unfortunate Americans live a dignified life in their elder years. There is no reason millionaires should be getting checks, its wasteful and pointless- and if you start planning now, pretty good chance you can me a millionaire in retirement. This all goes back full circle to one of my favorite discussions, scope of Government: 1. Should the FED Government be in the Pension Business? 2. " be in the Private Residence Financing business? 3. " be in the higher education financing business? 4. " subsidizing certain crops business? 5. " sunsidizing variosu industries business? 6. " be in the Healthcare payment/management business? Small reforms to these area could shrink the power and reach of the USFG by huge amounts. People need to begin asking the question, IMHO, "what can be delegated to States, Cities and Communities to Provide. While I think it seems logical to attack problems from the TOP, it becomes so distant, bloated and corrupt so fast.
  24. Suck it, grandpa.....
  25. I am going to ask my parents to did up my old hardcopy encylopedias so I research these two historical figures you speak of..... As far as Tim Curry, RHPS was screening 5 years before my parents got intimate on my behalf.
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