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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. Seriously, Denver was 1-4 and people were talking Luck, a worse record than last year... Fire Fox, Elway sucks as VP..... So, now they are 5-4.... They have basically a rookie QB with 1 decent receiver. They shipped their best receiver before they started their new QB. Tebow literally cannot pass consistently.... Their RB are a 30 year olf journeyman and 1st round bust who is made of glass.... The Defense up until the last few games was a sieve.... Yet, these guys find a way to stay close, not give up big plays, don't tur the ball over, and make a play when needed.... There is no frakin excuse why the Bills cannot compete and make a push.... None... If the guy who starts ain't cutting it, bench his ass and bring up the next hungry guy...... Gaileysvto set a fire under these clowns, playing below you potential is not an option.... If the team that is running a college offense and has a D with scrubs can compete, there is no reason the Bills can't.... 5-5, not 5-4
  2. If the Broncos can beat the Jets and the Raiders, ANYTHING is possible... Denver has passes less in 2 games than I have fingers on my hands, essential essentially.... DO OR DIE AT THE JETS...... The old Bills fold, will these guys?
  3. PETA has lost focus on what's important,.. The humane treatment of animals.... Concentrate on places like Sparboe Farms, Tyson, and the Beef conglomerates... Leave the Teddy Bears and Cartoons alone, kids love those things and kids don't do horrific things to animals... Unless their budding sociopaths
  4. My aunt just spent 20k in defending herself against a bogus workers comp lawsuit.... California is the worst for tha stuff- a state ca get by being stupid when in good times you have a 2 Trillion dollar ecomony....
  5. In a perfect world, everyone should take care of their business.... Sadly, it's not a perfect world
  6. Do you want to live there? I don't. The auto industry WAS Detroit.... So much of that has dried up, the place will never be the same. It like Buffalo when steel and manufacturing left, never be he same-
  7. Welfare should be at the State level, that is a no brainer.
  8. wow, read some of the comments... there is stupid all over those posts. Here the botton line for Detroit- the boom time in that City has been over decades, most people who could leave have done so, and it is never coming back.... ever- no matter what they do, the bad weather and crumby location will leave Detroit a shadow of itself forever. So Detroitys biggest companies build cars nobody wants because they are garbage in quality and design, Unions demand outrageous pay and long term benefits, and then when people are not buying cars and the City is seeing people head for the hills, they do nothing to cut their costs or restructure their demands?
  9. Got it- wsj is we're I get my conservative perspective, but I understand the fine line- thanks for the FYI Does the WSJ bust 2BillDrive's stones? I was a refugee once, I feel like I finally have a home here...
  10. not 1 bit- MLB- Gone, could care less NBA- ditto NHL- ditto Really, the NFL is all I really are about. Even college football, to me is way to disjointed and they have the horrid system for determining the rankings. If college was like Pro I maght care more, but all the Bowls and crap... meh-
  11. I thought I added the site link at the bottom, I typically do in order to give credit (since we are basically vioating copyright and sharing). For the WSJ, not everybody can view the article without signing up, so I try to post the text for discussion. thank you for the heads up- Not trying to be a wenis, what is the issue with posted text?
  12. The Federal Government is really good for laughs, at least we have that. So if I read this article correctly, they will essentially pass a Bill that does nothing for all intents and purposes? I have a solution. For every dollar the government spends, there will be a tax increase on all americans to equal it dollar for dollar. We have been spoiled in America for the last decade if not more... we have not been asked to pay for 2 Wars, Expansion to the War Department, Medicare D Prescription Plan, The Stimulus, The Bailout to Auot and Finance, Cash for Clunkers, and that is what I can remember wihtout thinking all that hard about it.... BUT, these things have happened anyway, and we have paid LESS. So no more borrowing. How long do you think the Republican "Cut Taxes and Spend Anyway" or the Democrats "Traditonal Tax and Spend" will remain a 2 Party Dominant Force? I think the biggest issue right now, is American not having to pay in cash for their Government.... we've been putting it on our tab for later...... no better way to wake people up that dollar for dollar taxes on expenditures. Paygo is a fallacy Debt Ceiling? what ceiling do you know of that consistently rises? and it all comes down to to a SuperCongress.... a super version of the representative body that 10% approve of..... classic. Americans needs to get the Bill.... we need to stop the shell games and credit expansion.
  13. Mayeb this is a better question- Do you REALLY want transparancy? Do you really want to know the exent of the foolishness, waste and cronyism that goes on in DC? Do you really ever wnat to know hoe deep the rabbit holes goes? Frankly, it sounds frightening.
  14. It's not a "Right", but is it the "Right thing to Do". The US is a benevolent society, were leaders who other countries look up to. While I think there are a small portion of people this UNited States who wants something for nothing, most reasonable repsonsible Americans are glad to pay their way, purchase insurance to cover themselves and their family, just as they do with the home, car, disability risk, life insurance etc. We are increasing supply, all across the country- we are building a second 350 bed tower on campus, adding 100,000 sqaure feet to our cancer center and building three new parkign garages tight now to prepare for increased demand- we try to build funded by capital campains funded by our wealth donors, much of that cost gets passed on for now. along with the mutli-million dallor outfitting of those new facilities with medical equipment. Socilized Medicine weill not be the answer in the US, it would lessen the motivation to create and innovate technolgies that the we and world use. The ACA, im my opinion, keep the competitive dynamics that exist in the traditional insurance market (Companies will have to compete on exchanges, and will achieve the desired goal of universal coverage of all Americans, and if people to chose to pay the penalty, that money goes to risk pools in States to support people who do sign up when they get sick.
  15. Costs are not going down for the foreseeable future, why do people not get that? Increase population, more drugs and t herapies to treat more conditions, a incrasingly unhealthily population, everyone wants to make money off the system, there are huge capital expansion of facilities all over the country... Why would expenditures go down..... They're not.... Your options are price controls, and that already doesn't work, or more money into the system so each American is paying their portion. From there, you try to find economies of scale, an overall improvement of preventative medicine and encourage the shrinking waistlines in the US... Here's the bottom line- Americans are going to have get real with the fact that Walmart and China do not run out Heathcare system, stocking shelves with trash.... Our system tech and expertise wise is the best in the world, even though for dollars spent we lag in outcomes in many areas... when you have the best, you have to pay for it.... We will have to get over this "cheap" mentality.....
  16. I don't disagree- I still support the bill, but there is suspicion about what happened between goverment, insurance reps, among many others. But then again, Medicare Part D passed with no public forum I could remember, and that had a 500b price tag (and, quite strangely, cost less than expected) many believe this was a publicly funded handout to drug producers..... And I think it is important to keep in mind that many of the people who disliked ACA, did so because they wanted single payor, or even further universal health. I liked the in between compromise....
  17. Of course it makes sense.... As a country wi e are unwilling to turn people away to die, and that is good..... But that creates a situation where some people can leech on the system by not paying for insurance and just "show up" and get treated when thy get sick.... That crap has to an will end.... I would like to see a preference on high deductible plans though..... People need to feel the pain of paying for services, nothing like having to blow through 5-10 grand to make one weigh treatment decisions. The good news, tomato paste in a vegetable as defined by our dept of Agriculture.... That promotes health.... I try to get 8-10 serving of hunts tomato paste daily But newspaper circulation or lack thereof will not bankrupt this country.... Healthcare, will, if something was not done... And it might bring us to the brink no matter what we do.... Everybody will use healthcare eventually, and not by choice- for that very reason is why Heathcare does not react normally to traditional market principles..... I can skip buying cable, or drive my car for 20 years, I can't chose to not have cancer or get hit by a car.... Yes one could chose to skip care, but most Americans have wives, kids, family or friends that cause us to want to stick in there for a few more years.... It should be televised, 100%... The issue is too big, too expansive to keep it behind closed doors.... And, Americans ,ought learn something!
  18. It's an interesting combination of elements thats for sure- you have a big, mobile QB who has the guts and gumption to take the rock and go. He open up the running game in a sense because he fakes the run pretty well. Also, I do think that Tebow can be tutored into a servicable, maybe even highly competent passer in this league. This season, to me, is about trying to compete and win game using Tebow strengths, and not asking him to do to much passing until someone is really able to work with him. He'll likely never be a Brady, Manning, Rodgers, when he does set his feet and has tight throwing motion, he throws a decent ball. I think he continue to look more posied in te pocket from game to game.... the first game he looked like he had never played QB before.... But is he going to change the game? No- this is a passing league, and the rules habe been tweeked to encurage that, IMO. I see Tebow as a less good passing, more moral, better running version of Big Ben- and that aint a bad thing. I still think Elway squiges his pants over Luck yep- and it hinges ALOT on zero turnovers, limited penalties and few mistakes.
  19. They find it romantic, from the front or behind..... Like Andrew Dice Clay used to say: Your face, your a$$, what's the difference I can stick in either, just get it done.
  20. I do half blind dovetails up front, and full dovetails in the back. I can cut them by hand and get decent results (it really is an art to get good.... I have seen guys cut fast dovetails by hand that fit perfect... it is amazing, but they have been doign it for 30 years), but I prefer using my bandsaw to cut the tails with a tapered jig, tranfer the tails to layout the pins, and I have a jig to rout them and clean then up with a chisel. I get 90 degree tails, and more consistent cut. I wish I could say this process was my brain child, but I got it from Fine Woodworking Issue 219. I may consider getting a dovetail jig cutter at some point, they are pretty slick. But for the pace of work I do, the bandsaw, router and chisel are just fine and produce good results. I like to think the bandsaw/router/chisels is still craftsman, even though it is not tradtional.
  21. I know we will disgree on this, but this is the mentlity many are left with. Insurance Carriers could care less about anything other than making money, I don't begrudge that, this is a capitalist country. Universal Health coverage has no chance in this country, for many reasons, some good, some wildy unfounded. So where does that leave a citizen who wants to do right, i.e. purchase insurance and has the money to do so, but cannot be rated, i.e. cancer dx 30 years ago? WIFM I can afford $50k of healthcare in a catostophic illness siuation, but I cannot afford 300K, 500K or a million. The ACA gives my family that option to cover our risk, so I will take what I can get. Decisions like that go against my better sensibilities, but at the end of the day we are here to look out for our own best interests on many levels, healthwise, moneywise, etc. This is not a country where we value Social program, or Socialism, so the fact I would make such a me first decision should not really suprise.
  22. yeah, he's a real sweetie-pie, for an old guy They call you "Mr Personality" for a reason then, huh?
  23. Insurance companies were able to do business and compete for business anywhere in the country prior to 2010.... in fact, cities center usually had many competing providers.... the problem becomes, nobody competes for the business of sick people, or people with pre-exisiting conditions- competiton is for the low-risk, non resource using patients (money making pateints, let call it what it is). That and the the people who chose to not carry insurance, but then get care when they get sick and pass on the cost to the rest of paying premiums. Now that I think about it, John McCain during the campaign suggested heavy expansion of HSA's, and using high risk insurance pool for people who were sick or prior condition. I think those were good ideas, but I voted Democrat because I believe they were the only ones that could get anyting accomplished. If McCain had outlined a plan that mandated every American carry insurance (with HSA, or without) OR sign a waiver acknolweding they could be turned away because they chose not carry insurance or have insifficient funds, I may have considered voting otherwise.
  24. Does it make you uncomfortable, maybe even hot, when guys are talking about their "wood?" is that why you want this exciting topic moved?
  25. agreed, MD's do make the recommendations, but from what I have expereinced it is families that tend to extend life on a less than productive/quality of life basis (lets assume really old person). But alot of the rationing comes from payors, like not paying for unproven therapies in people who are really sick (lets assume a younger person)- will it save their life? don't know. But by not trying, we are in effect rationing. It is interesting and one of my criticism of the ACA is this. If you are gauranteed to be able to purchase insurance, no matter what, why would anyone pay premiums until they get sick? Just pay the penalty- when you get sick, hop on the exchange and buy some insurance, which by LAW, you have to be able to get. Boom, insured and treated! That is the biggest flaw in that legislation. It is a crap Law, but from a personal standpoint, I would rather whats on the books to protect my wife and I personally, where as prior to March 2010 there is no may my wife would be able to get individual health coverage. It sucks, but in life I think you weigh the options, and you tend to look "self-interest" first- it is the very reason I voted Democrat in 2008, and likely will again in 2012- my biggest risk, right now in life is COST of being unable to get health insurance- I have everything else covered, from Life Insurance to Disability. As far as HSA's, I they are limited because the designers of the ACA were unsure Americans we able to budget and put money away. I think there is some merit to that, until recently US has had a negative savings rate- but for people like you and I, they work great beacuse the monthly premiums are low, and if you can cover 5-10K and have that saved, you are in good shape- it also a good way to get a feels for costs, etc. I think the ACA has "less than transparent, managed care" versus a "consumer driven" feel to it, that is a big weakness as well. *for example, if someone has high blood pressure and diabetes attributed to weight, chances are they are on a bunch of Meds- if they only pay $10 copay for those meds, they have no idea of the costs. What if they had to pay cash for those Meds through a HSA? Do you think $400-500/ month until they met their dedcutibel woud be a motivator to make life changes? You bet! I don't love mandates, but I understand why the mandate mechanism was used. To me, humans are creatures who can be taught to engage ins favorable behaviors.... mostly, through the wallet.... I don't think the ACA accomplishes that.
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