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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. It sounds like Democrats will out compete the Republicans in this campaign.... I didn't think they had it in them. Ironic, since GOP portrays themselves as the private sector party... where the competiton happens....
  2. Any inspiration to repond to the content in the post?
  3. The Non-Producers, who I can't fathom how they have become the bad guy, are the ones that spend all their money to keep this economy going... The protrayed Non-Producers are the ones that finance cars for 60 months and pay the cost of the car in interest, the ones that finance their homes and tend to never pay them off in theif lifetime paying interest over and over and over.... their the ones that sacrifice to send their kids to college much to the financial chagrin... their the ones that are out spending on average $750 on average in Christmas gifts, and this likely going on the credit card.... Let's keep pretending more money being funneled to the top is a good thing... from a purely consumer economy prespective, less money in the hands of the overspending is a really, really bad thing. Look, I could care less... my wife and I earn in the top 3%.... but the ability of the Middle and Lower class to sustain this America will eventually come to an end... the cheap Chinese products will not be low enough to keep pace with decade after decade of stangant wages... Financing homes at 4% with 3% or less down will not be enough.... 84 months financing on vehicles will not be affordable... it will eventually fall apart when the 99% eithe rwake up and stop spending, or simple have no more dispoable income. The Wealthy's rein will be short and bitter.... you can only be on top for so long as the foundations of this country crumble... The people who know how to use Government as the great "Lever" to protect themselves and expand their personaly interests are not the "non-producers"..... if you believe the non-producers have the power in our purchased government, you are just being intellectually dishonest... and you know it. To finish, while Government tends to benefits the "powerful", the real "power" remain firmly embedded in the masses... they just don't realize it... if the 95% were the least bit motivated, they should band together to not spend dollar for a month... that would sure be a statement, right? US Economy to a standstill.... they have the power to do it, but the Kardashians are on at 8PM so.....
  4. crazy- thought I have seen some real buttplugs spill gas all over their car and the ground.... if they had only been smoking and dropped that cig..... No, that is mean
  5. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/14/chris-murphy-lowes-ads_n_1148542.html So why are polictians voicing an opinion/budding in on this subject? Frankly, Lowe's in a public company that's only obligation is to Sales, Margin and Stock holders.... If a violation of law or a crime is commmitted, then perhaps.... but they do not need to a voice in the dealing of companies and the advertising budgets... and where the choose to spend that money. The Government is involed in SO MANY places where it has no business... and that is private sector advertising choices, consenting adults bedrooms among many other places....
  6. So I can see my house from Space on my phone, there are Apps that instantly compare prices all over competing retail locations when I scan the bar code, but we have human beings sitting in a little compartment collecting money by hand for tolls? What's fair to do that job, 15-20/hr? Considering your will likely get Lung Cancer from doing it.... even that wage is generous. Unions get a bad name because they get greedy and are unwilling to be flexible... just ask GM.
  7. Yeah, its like when GM had lots full of cars they could not move circa 2008, the factories were required to build cars anyway.... how dumb is that? I get the utility of Unions, and how in the past they protected workers against abuses... but I see them as abusive themselves, to the guys the represent and the company they provide labor for.
  8. I am going to get crazy here for a second: How about approving the pipeline AND extending benefits AND Payroll Tax plan? maybe fund those last two by shaving some waste elsewhere?
  9. Exactly... A years worth of work, in a development dry ecomony, when just about any company is scrapping by..... I get the fair pay in boom times thing..... But in bad times, be flexible.... Geeezzz
  10. So there are about 100 Union Capenters walking in a circle with signs that read "unfair" outside the new 500M building we are putting up right now, operational circa end of 2012. Come to find out the GC hired a company with non union woodchucks to so the trim carpentry in the building among other tasks..... the Union guys were at least twice as expensive.... I know the owner of the company that won the bid on the building, and he said his company has been taking jobs at "breakeven" for years now just to keep their guys working, and the company afloat.... Instead of negotiating on price, the Union decided to protest instead of taking work.... When will these guys learn?
  11. cell phones are basic communication, like having a hardlined phone 30 years ago. and a TV... meh, most households have 5 of them. Way of life? Have you ever had an inside look into the loves of people on social assitance? Yikes, it is frankly sad how people live on those programs. In a civilized society, no matter how much we try there will alwasy be that "group" of people.... always.... so we make the choice to either support them (and they tend to spend dollar for dollar received back into the economy) or encourage them to live int he streets or turn to criminal action. I have to be honest, I would rather fund housing and other basics that have people running a muck in out cities. That being said, we should never encourage expansion of the programs, i.e. giving more money for more kids....
  12. and we spend trillions upon trillions trying to change that area of the globe... wow.
  13. Since when is Tofu an Asian delecacy?
  14. why is that a factor? I'll bet she had a TV too....
  15. The house had a jumbo and is severely underwater... Basically, the bank has not gotten to note yet.... 4 years.... Crazy stuff
  16. I know someone living in a million dollar house, she gets assistance from the State of Florida - Her husband left to live with a Man, and decided he was going to be a painter and leave his very lucrative job - she could not at the mortgage and she has three kids.... She is living in the same house and has not made a payment in 4 years - she gets no child support, and had not been in the workforce for 15 years.... She makes 14 an hour - she has never been able to sell th house Sad stuff, just because you have a big mean very little about situation or financial health
  17. Wait, so Steve White is in Pakistan?
  18. Oh Tom... Can we agree that the economic conditions before and after Bush are horses of a different color? If we are going to give Georgie boy credit for the housing bubble and the good stuff, should his stamp be smack boom on the aftermath too... It seems like no one is able to mention Bush theses days without being accused of blaming.... So credit of the glory, but free of the pain? I can't say I would argue that a decade of cheap credit expansion, and goverment ver reach in the residential and commercial mortgage market was sound or sustainable policy.... Because we can see where that brought us today...
  19. ko, if you can't win, cheat.... That's what I always say
  20. So what your saying is we should have had a comprehensive plan to deal with the housing market 3 years ago, even if that meant fastaking foreclosures and short sales and what not so the economy could actually recover instead of remain stagnant with housing as an anchor dragging at the bottom of the ocean? You're crazy, man.... I like you.... but you're crazy..... but basically, yeah, I agree-
  21. Isn't there a big push to defund Planned Parenthood? Why don't we make birth control free, and the BC that is the patch or implanted type. Abstinance doesn't work really well, even though I believe it is the most Noble of encouraged methods.....
  22. Better than "9.4" and "good news", right? Obama and his team are praying for under 8%.... I think that number is pretty important to his campaign....
  23. Good news is good news. The question I continue to ask myself, perhaps others are asking as well: Exactly where is the growth going to come from in the near future to bring that number down anymore? Our best streaks have been the Tech Bubble and Housing Bubble... where is the next boom/bust cycle going to come from? To me, and I am no scholar, but there has to be another easy money machine somewhere in the midst for this economy to get heated up again.... I just don't see it anywhere..... Don't employment numberd typically do better around the holidays anyway?
  24. Kinda of like those hikers who allegedly waltzed into Iran? Seriosly, why put yourself in the position?
  25. Huntsman would be my horse.... He just seems different than the other cadidates.... can't put my finger on it, but his interviews seems better prepared and he appears to not get into rhetoric battles as much.
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