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The Official Mitt Romney thread
B-Large replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If you randomly surveyed 10 Americans, just off the street, how many do you think know about Citizens United? -
Who would be the super liberal punching bag?
The Official Mitt Romney thread
B-Large replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Romney needs a good person, or bank, to count out his 57K a day.... damn, that is alot of money per day.... frankly, I don't get the outrage at banks..... banks are out to loan and make money, not be equitable or humane. I like to think of Banks as a partner who loans me money so I can increase my wealth..... I am using them as much as they are using me.... the only issue is my wealth is not 57K a day.... lol -
Newt comes with his own baggage both part of the congressional record, but also some personal garbage that must make his a tough guy to get behind for conservatives. Romney- I still can't see how Mittens gets the nod when he personally signed a healthcare bill that was the blueprint for the controversial PPACA that Obama and the Democratic Congress jammed through- I just don't get the feeling he is a candidate that most TP'ers or Conservartives in general would be super enthused about.. RP-- Conservatives don't like his foreighn policy, but he does espouse alot of the more conservative priciples that are held so dear.... I'd like to see more of him in the picture, when he speaks, it makes sense to me.... most of it, but I will probably never embrace all the conservative agenda items. Santorum- I get the feeling he has blown his load, and does nto appears to to have the "umph" or financial strength to get a boost... I assume he will be nudged out of the race soon... So what are the chances that another candidate is not even on the scene yet, or that a Ross Perot 1rd party guy might gain some traction and make a splash.... I am too young to remember why Perot was able to get in the race and hang, but I assume it was ambivilence wiht the crop of candidates.... The GOP candiates do not strike me as a strong group, and my that I mean a guy conservatives feel they are ready to get behind... I like to hear some thought from Conservatives....
I hope someone reponds to that.... it would be interesting entertaining the thought of what would McCain would have done, albeit a Democratic Majority in Congress.
While I think "Energy Independent" sounds so good coming off a Beauracrat's lips, the reality of energy policy in this country should be one of diversified sources, as well as consideration that we will always be dependent of foriegn oil sources due to our consumption. This is a global economy, we have to be a top user of energy in the world so to think we are going to independent aka self reliant, isolated from having to deal with other nations is a pipe dream. Of the top of my head, after the moratorium of deep seal drilling on the Gulf, Obama lifted the ban and drilling resumed and permits to explore and drill.... I seem to remember compaines like Chevron and BP reporting new discoveries and were optimistic about drilling 100 miles off shore in 5K feet of water would be approved, considering the risks. I will be the first to call BS when Obama talks Oil Independence.... we don't have enough efforts into energy production, ie Nuclear Power to keep up with Americans needs (espcailly now that we are incentizing electric vehicles.... it buring coal more efficient and cleaner that Nuclear? and as for wind farms and solar panels, it is not sunny nor wnidy every day) , especially given our sensativity to environmental policy.
I'd be interested to know exactly what would have been different had McCain elected. Frankly, I liked McCain, even though Sarah Palin basically turned any moderate off. I sometimes wonder what exactly McCain would have done to be different than the current admin... 1. Stimulus- maybe 2. Healthcare- that would never have gotten done, and I understand why that could be considered a good/ bad thing- 3. Spending Cuts- Would he have reformed tradtional programs like Medicare and SS in a time when Americans were depnedent on them most? Would he have cut defense outlays in the middle of two wars? Let's be honest, wihtout changes to the Big 3, all cuts are nice but unsunstantial 4. Cut Taxes? Probably, but he would have to borrow unless he had the ability to do anyting about #3... so more debt would habe been piled on in either case. 5. Expand Credit/ Lower Interest Rates? That shipped sailed for just under a decade, the cheap money option was exhausted. The tone is often Obama has done nothing and is a complete and utter failure... While I think some of his policies were weak and I liked the PPACA reform bill (not that it had to be 2K pages) would it be that much better with another President? Wisdom, you have sir.
So if it is good, the previous Adminstration is welcome to enter the conversation and the current President gets zero credit for extending such policies..... If it is bad, no one can mention the previous Adminstration and the current President sucks at everything......
The loan targeting was socio-economic, so that would include alot of minorities, as well as lower class whites. Technically he is correct, but then again, he is telling a selective part of the story... Blacks had equal chance to NOT sign contracts they did not understand as anyone.
What the !@#$ is wrong with this bitch
B-Large replied to whateverdude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
She investigated him for Ethics violations officially, and who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes with Newt and his indiscretions. I still find it hard to believe that Conservatives would put up with Newt and his, well, lapses in Traditional Family values. He is a smart guy, knows the game in DC, and while I could care less about someones personal transgressions outside of breaking laws, it must kill conservatives to have a choice between a Mormom and Cheater. Frankly, Santorum or Paul seem to better choices for that voting base.... it will be interesting. My bet: Pelosi knows who Newts loves child is.... and that kid is a Democrat.... -
Have you met most of America?
I know the worth tithing... people in Catholic Churches are asked to give what they can, at least my upbringing that was the case. You probably believe that to be true, and while that fits your case on this message board, I highly doubt that is an established fact. I think there are immenseily charitable people who come from many ideologies, and frankly, the R or D just happens to be assigned. Our biggest Donor, who happens to be Libertarian, has donated upwards to 150M to build our hospital buildings.... but we also have some very wealthy Democrat/Liberals who have supported Chairs, Depatments and Building well into the 100M range, in aggregate. These people feel they can make a difference in the lives of many through direct charitable causes.... other feel that a central governing power is the best route for that effort... I don't think any way is right or wrong because the intent to help is good... I happen to personally believe local, direct assitance to from people who know the needs of their community best serves that need.... if any asssitance is offer by Government, it should be at the State level at the highest, ideally local or city.
Most Americans will not dole out $300- $400 for an accountant.... lol..... my accountant who rails me every year ALWAYS give me advice, based on tax laws, that lower my tax liability. Most Americans would die for a bigger paycheck.... nothing could be more middle class than that very notion.....
I think the Morman Church requires no less than 15% of your gross income. I heard that somewhere, I can't corroborate if that is true. We had a Mormon CEO for a while, and I seem to remember he remarked about the Church getting a chunk, of course he said this in jest.
Isn't all reality based on Point of View, Perception and Preconceived Biases.... for example, from so many people all I hear about it doom and gloom about the country, but quite frankly it has been nothing but good for me personally. It is all about perspective, is it not? - I have picked up a bunch of equities that were down in value and have bounced back and do quite well. - I have one of my rentals all most paid in full - I make more money than I have ever made at any point in my life - my home will be paid for next year - hopefully in 2014 I can resign from my job I keep for insurance, and further develop my hobby that has become some steady income... and I can do it because I have all my stuff paid for and decent income from rental cash flow. I just don't see the doom an gloom, but everybody cries about that reality being so bad. This post is not intended to be boastful by any means, I live a very small fincally tight existence- frankly, people don't understand how my wife and I live like that... just my 2 cents- I am sure it is bad for some people, but that is just life... I do find it humorous whine so much about ho the government makes achievement in America impossible... I tend think bad choices, poor habits and stupidity with money does sends up barriers just fine.
Boston Bruins player skips White House visit
B-Large replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Heck, don't care who the POTUS is, I would love the chance to do that.... -
They make push sticks for a reason, mostly not to cut your fingers off.... among the fact they are fun! I have cut half way through my ring finger with my bandsaw, as it was shutting down, and I was STUPID to whish away some debris.... probably have 9 fingers in that thing was running.... Probably be more careful from now on....
It further proves my suspicion, outside of splitting hairs on social issues, politician are all the same.... Ever wonder why there are huge deficits even though 50% of out political system espouses to be fiscal conservatives? Politicians love to fill your ear with bull **** then spend money they did not earn, and franjkly, are not really accountable for....
Nobody who follows politics, or really pays attention believes that. The Federal Government, IMO, no longer represents the will and wishs of the electorate. In the age of Super PAC's and Billions Dollar re-elections campaigns, I can say I feel less and less represented as a Middle Class guy by this government. The crafters of our founding documents understood this notion of too much central power very well... it was their very specific wish to avoid what we are seeing transpire today.... but, like all great nations and powers, this top heavy crony machine eventually topples under its own weight. Heck, its a runaway train- Our government does not even ask the people in which is serves/answers to, to finance it anymore... they just borrow and do whatever they feel like doing... I find that very fact fascinating
Borrowing money just to give it away.
B-Large replied to Gary M's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I think for every $1 of spending over the spending the law requires or as agree in the fiscal year budget, taxes should raised by $1. The majority of Americans could care less about the Government spending because they never actually have to pay for it, it essentially is on a Credit Card. Take it directly out of the income and all of the sudden people will take notice. -
Companies do not need capital for expansion at the moment?
The Official Mitt Romney thread
B-Large replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I wish I had a huge chumk of investment income that was tax advantaged... this earned income crap is a racket -
I hope they continue to do well... that is good for the Workers, Owners, America in general... but I have to be honest, I would not by GM or any other domestic car equity. If anything, would but a consistent performer who continue to pump out quality and cars people want, like Honda. I have owner Chrysler and GM... not the best results... Owned two Honda, 86 Accord that I left back east because the rust began to eat the body (at 200K and running just fine), and a 2001 Civic that still drive and if well maintined I bet will go 300K. I would buy equities based on value and long term perfromance, neither of those two I see in GM
Which Republican candidate do the Bills most resemble?
B-Large replied to major's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
wait... what brand of Toaster Oven??.....