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Everything posted by B-Large
The Thread To Name The Unconstitutional
B-Large replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Financial Bailouts Auto Bailouts Not Having Budgets -
A view into the mindset of a liberal
B-Large replied to DaveinElma's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Financial institutions made loans and bets of their free choice and got a bailout when the consequence came down... So Banks, Brokerage Houses and Insurance compaines are held harmless, but we look down on people exercising their protected right to protest crony capitalism? The Occupier's main shortcoming is they identify our current political climate and sitting president as agent of change in what we have in our economy today... -
Good to see our Politicians are focusing on the really important stuff....
http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/story/2012-03-08/gasoline-poll/53421786/1?loc=interstitialskip Talk about Entitlement, Americans obviously feel they are entitled to inexpensive gas to fuel their overleveraged, overspent lives..... Why do people here feel like gas should be less? Do they want Naitonalized Oil Companies and refineries? Heck, if I have a boat lead of the light sweet stuff, you bet your ass I am selling that stuff to the highest bidder... that's how Capitalism works... If you have some time, read the comments in the article... hilarious. I remember prior to 2008 when gas was $4 plus, people were pissed because Bush was not doing anything about gas prices... 4 years later, same circus different clown... American politics has become quite the entertainment...
House in Cash, a little Passive Income from the State.... who the heck would want to give that up?
Its doesn't make alot of sense to chant USA if both of the team are from the US... racist, perhaps... bad taste, probably.... dumb, yep.... If they were chanting their school, town, district, city.... that might make a little more sense.
$3,000 annually on contraception? Anyone can go to PLanned Parenthood and get the Pill for almost nothing... I think you can also get free condoms as well. $250/mo. on contraception, you're doing something wrong. Option #4- Pull out Really Early- Ernie McCracken did it, why can everybody else?
Women are a huge voting base.... Conservatives should have stayed laser focused on the Economy, instead in 1 State you have to get a Trans Vaginal Ultrasound before an abortion, and they made a big stink about contraception... those are not items that will endear female voters.
I like Ron Paul's stance on Foreign Policy, he is a very smart man. Our consistent belief we are the police of world will be the fall of this Nation... Israel has one of the advanced miltaries in world, let them protect themselves.
Obama Calls Sandra Fluke to Console Her
B-Large replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Dog Style You don't even need those, just pull out really early -
"It's the only way to be sure" Nice Aliens reference, BTW This has "Get the F out of that Sewer" right now all over it, doesn't it? No One should be burning the Texts of anybodys elses religion, whether it be Xtians, Muslin, Hindu, etc. That being said, I think an apology was fine, perhaps warranted but it overshadows the bigger picture..... the people DO NOT want us there, the US troops want ot get the heck out, and the place will be a mess when we leave no matter what we do.... leave now, let be what will be.... I like RKfast said, we leave and let them know terror from the sky will come down if there is any more funy business... will it work? for radicals religious fundamentalists, probably not, but perhaps the local people will start policing themselves... nonetheless, lets leave and start focusing on our domestic issues...
Ben Stien On Servicemen Forced To Pay More
B-Large replied to Dante's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't disgree, I always regard the armed forces at the top.... mostly because I would be way to much a hair-pie to sign-up..... so I appreciate the boys and girls who have to the gumption to do so... The cost of benny's both for retired and active duty miltary has to overshadow the wages of Federal employees, so that is probably why they chose to hack there... bigger pie... I have a good idea- start hacking down the compensation, excpense accounts, budget and retirement plans for these lifetime politicians in Washington who live high on the hog? Those do nothing bastards skim the cream why a enlisted guy gets nailed.... mystery to me. Broken Record Alert- we CANNOT fund all of our committments with the current amount of taxes coming in annually... people want the miltary to be taken care of, but heck if they are going to pay for it.... seniors will riot of SS or MC get touched, but how many would vote for a tax increases to fund them by their children... it is a house of cards IMO -
Energy Secretary Wants High Gas Prices
B-Large replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It certainly is scary that a few cents on a gallon of gas tips the scale on ALOT of the people who fall into that very catagory.... like I say, expansion of credit is not a economic strategy..... I get the sick feeling the US is running on borrowed time, to mush debt and no income growth to keep up with service, acquisition and overall spending. As far Nationalized Oil Production, you would habe to sit down and think real hard about the inteneded and unitended consequences of such a move... I like to think free market forces can solve such an issue, where Petro is offset with other sources as private investment in infratructure and refienment increase. -
I wish we guaranteed a good football team......maybe the Fed should buy the Bills.....
Ben Stien On Servicemen Forced To Pay More
B-Large replied to Dante's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
We could give Miltary personel the gold standard of benefits, but people don't want to fund it with taxes... costs go up, you have to cut somwhere- benefits are typically first. -
No Americans should take pleasure in the death of another American who has committed no crime, only voiced his opinion and point of view. This was from another site, but I thought it was nicely put: All of our voices are important; disagreement is simply patriots with differing views for the future of our country. Fair debate only makes us all better eventually; if we let it that is. No one should experience the grief and loss of such a premature passing and his family will be in our prayers as will the other lives lost this week. Nothing is guarenteed to any of us in this life.
Energy Secretary Wants High Gas Prices
B-Large replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Michelle Bachman promised $2/gal gas during her campaign- any chance she still gets back in it? LOL Gas is not likely to go down no matter how much we find, by 2050 there will be an increase of 2 Billion people on the planet, and those population increases for the most part are happening in areas with big energy demand. Oil will be sold on an international market priced in dollars for the forseeable future, so that will help the US temporarily... but in the long term, people better start budgeting for higher fuel, food and commodity costs.... The only option is Nationalized Oil Production and Price Controls here domestically... and that is not gonna happen... Increased cost of Petro fuels will at some point make other fuels price competitive, and we will see massive priavte investment in new tech and products to meet new consumer demand. We'll probably have a Energy Boom and a bust not to far after that. My guess, we will still be running deficit, have increased LT debt, and social program that are like they were 20 years ago.... -
Dan Rather must be at Huffington Post
B-Large replied to DaveinElma's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Its a crappy thing to do to someone working and trying to keep their bills paid.... Actually Waiting is in and of itself is a results oriented business... not entitlement.... you kills it in service and delivering a pleasent dining expereince, you get 20% if not more... you suck, you may get zilch. I tip handsomely to people put in the effort.... be there, not an easy job and the good Wait staff make a good dining expereince great -
Rick Santorum: Either dumb or fanatical
B-Large replied to John Adams's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
He seems disconnected, or like others said trying to look as conservative as possible..... but most true constitutional conservatives would raise a brow at his statements, understanding the USG leaves the Church alone and the Church stays out of direct USG affairs (constitutionally enumerated powers).... I have to stay I don't agree with all of his policies, but Chris Christie has to be one of the better considates the GOP has waiting on the sidelines... he is smart, and does not say to many things that make you go "hmmmmm"... George Will had some great input this week at the roundtable...... -
Rick Santorum: Either dumb or fanatical
B-Large replied to John Adams's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What a weird choice of words and effort by Santorum..... I had a hard time seeing his point, nothing in that speech indicates barring people of faith from anyting..... he also sounded like a doof with when he went into his diatribe about BHO being elitist about wanting every child to have the opportunity to go to college... I mean we are falling behind educationaly (Yes, America, the greatest country in the world)and Rick is worried about those Liberal Brainwashing College professors? If faith is important go to a Catholic College.... what a bozo statement. I still maintain Gingrich and Paul are the best candidates in that field... Romney is not very conservative and Santorum, well, did that interview on Meet the Press.... yikes.... PS- I do not believe it is the Governments role to fund and guarantee college for every American... however, I do think aspiring to such a lofty goal is admirable.... -
That's fine, but aren't the parties doing that now anyway? They spend however they wish, the core issue it is on credit that they personally have no reponsibility to pay back... for them, who cares, pork and progams for all!! Start raising taxes to pay for outlays, see how long Americans continue to vote for D and R's, both next expanders of Federal Government.... most Americans recognize the spending issues, but do they really care since it is not coming out of their pocket? Raise they taxes 25%, all of the sudden people get real motivated and involved. The borrow and don't worry about game has to end... the taxpayers have to be smacked in the face, this would be agreat was to do it....
No, retarded is continuing down the path the US is on right now. Start requiring Americans to pony up for the big bloated expansion of Government that these politcial parties have created..... I bet the winds of change gust pretty darn fast... Or we can just continue what were doing, borrow money and pretend it is ok... as long as Americans taxes are low... Its the most logical solution, start letting Americans feel the pain when they open that tax statement... its like opening a credit card statement when you know you ahev been living WAY above your means, all of the sudden you start to reprioritize your fiscal priorities.... Nobody is asking Americans to do that right now, and that is an issue
I still think the US government should be required by law to match every dollar of spending with equal dollars of tax. If the US Government plans to spend $896 more than they have to spend, I think an immediate tax levy should be inacted to match. How long do you think that will jive with Americans? We have been spoiled as our Government has provided the same services without asking Americans to pay for them.... they just borrow to fund it.... Wars? no problem, borrow Tax Cut Entension? No problem, borrow Stimulus? No Problem, borrow and add it on
Wall Street does well because Main Street spends disposable income, plain and simlpy. The Tax Cut extension is fine in the short term, but the simple fact remains those tax cuts were inacted because of continued borrowing and financing with foreighn capital.... we have been doing that for a decade now.... all that means is this will have to be paid back with interest at some point because you can fund deficit with borrowed money forever. Our political representatives will NOT raise taxes nor reform programs... Under Bush, US Economy = house of cards Under Obama, US Economy = house of cards And Americans are fine with it because they're taxes have remained low..... but the tab will have to be paid at some point, just ask Greece, Italy, etc.
I am actually not surprised, I just never saw Romney being a strong candidate with him signing Mass health reform and being a silver spooner.... I don't see Santorum being that strong of a nominee, but then again who knows....