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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. My assumption was it is taxed at the 35% corporate tax rate.... in theory if the Corporate Tax Rate was zero, you would have more jobs as factories and jobs would stay here, incomes might be higher (of the extra is just paid out to the inner circle)... but I don't know if that is true given the labor liberties of other countries... Someone posed an interesting thought the other day, no here- money is deposited in Swiss banks because of the stability of their money and government. That uis probably true
  2. Temporary Tax cuts were a tool used to be stimulative, and along with loose monetary policy by the Fed, seemed to do the work- even though I think that loose monetary policy led to some very dire consequences. But those tax Cuts should have been left to expire in 2003- especilly when this Nation was beging to mobilize the military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have alsways contended that taxes should have been raised to pay for out Wars, Congress is irrespinsible for spending the money and not have the cash to pay for, or cutting spending to accomodate. This all leads to this delusion that we can, as a Nation, have low taxes, fight wars and expand out Government. It as to be one or the other, we can not borrow in perpituity...
  3. Don't Ambien and Turbolax in the same night
  4. Fariness- I like fairness when it comes to taxation, I think it makes alot of sense, but you have to get over these hurdles before you can talk about that very subject. 1. Most Americans pay no net taxes- some people get more money back than they ever had withheld. I don't care if people pay $1 in taxes, at least they pay something. 2. Rich people use the tax laws the Government brews up to reduce taxes, legally (I don't this offshore acocunts are legal). The Government, in the ultimate in power grab and manipulation use the tax code to promote what they believe to be desirable behavior. If they truly want fairness, you insitute a flat tax, on all income, at set rates for each group. You can't design all sorts of tax goodies and expect fairness... it is the complete opposite of a fair tax system Tax advatages tend to bebenfit people with economic smarts and people who own assets. But you have to ask yourself, do you me puchasing more property, keeping it clean and making money to invest further, or me just to put money in my saving account so that it is fair. Life isn't fair. That tax code benefits those who know how to use it. Its sad, but true.
  5. 25% of the US economy is now financial services, probably will get bigger. The industry is one of the single largest contributors to elected officials campaigns.... don't expect anything that happens with TBTF Banks and Investment houses to change anytime soon, and don't expect your representative government to assume your interests in the situation. The question becomes: since the same cycles will repeat themselves, the boom and bust, how do you personally come out ahead in the end? Americans need to educate themselves so they do not get on the wrong end of the Financilization of the US economy.
  6. This is the exact reason I put my money into physical property. Good times, bad times, mediocre times property for all intent and purposes maintains value. Now if you are retard and overleverage or pay too much, then it is perhaps the worst investment you can make... I have to be honest, I am weary of the financial markets.... my rudimentary understanding of that uber-complex system just does not give the confidence to invest heavily. Call me old fashioned, but I like to be able to fully understand and be able to verify the standing off my investments....
  7. I remember people saying it, or the house would double in value by then and they could sell it an buy two..... It just couldn't end, this gravy train... well, until it did.
  8. Perhaps securitizing highly leveraged mortgage notes in masse wasn't a good idea after all.... If banks were required to hold the Note they originated, my guess is they don't fund 400k mortgages on people with stated income and little down payment... Perhaps the government should not be in the loan guarantee business, that way taxpayers don't have to fund mortgage programs or bailouts when all the financiers coming looking for the bailout money... Why would George Bush make a stink while this happened, the economy was great.... By the time Grenspan was talking Froth, the damage had been done.... What a mess
  9. Its a lock. Just like the Broncos fans who think because they signed a 36 year old HOFer that most likely is on the downside they are contenders in 2012. are you saying you are going to be contrarian, just to ruin my thread and lofty 2012 goal? Oh my lord, you are pushing my buttons today...... LOL
  10. Who needs justification? Just get to the beatdowns....
  11. They think they are LOL. But I will agree, anything but Christian
  12. Every Politicians should be like Ron Swanson. I would be so embarrased to be spending other people's money recklessly. I hate the notion, at work of: "Hey, better spend that budget money or you will lose it next year" Yeah, I am under budget for a reason, no reason to spend just to spend... what kind of thought process is that?
  13. My 2012 is to create a thread where everybody agrees.... then we can all get together and sing songs by a campfire....
  14. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/06/god-prefers-kind-atheists-over-hateful-christians_n_1408519.html I agree- I'll take an atheist doing kind works and good deeds over the those people at the Westboro Church for example, time and time again. Opinion?
  15. Somebody probably asked the question.... is it so egregious he took the stance that he disagrees?
  16. What would be the benefit to this Nation of such policy? A sicker, less productive, segment of the Nation that feels downtrodden and at risk... how does that help this great Nation? The providers in this country take an oath which dictates the opposite of that very sentiment. I get buying a home- if you can't afford it, you shouldn't get the loan If you can't afford a Car, walk or take the Bus If you can't pay your Cable Bill, tough. If you get Cancer, and everybody just strugged and says "sucks to be you", how would that make us a more benelovent people? Sickness does not seek out the Poor or People with Unhealthy lifestyles, its indiscrminant.
  17. Not a chance, but perhaps a take from Ron Swanson: "Capitalism: God's Way of Determining Who is Smart and Who is Poor"
  18. It is no different than the Budgets that Obama has proposed and have not got one single vote.... These documents, these plans are a starting point for negotiation going forward.... we can only hope in this stalemate politcial climate that either of the two parties that are supposed to represent the will or people who live in greatest land in the world will relize it has always been about "compromise"...
  19. oh, sarcasm, good stuff. Healthcare, and the regualtion thereof should be left primarily to the States to decide what they want. Like B-Man mentioned, people in each State could if they wish form groups to mitigate risk how they see fit. It makes alot of sense, it a State wanted a Public Option through a non-profit TPA, they vote to do it... if they wanted laz rules in insurance pratices to encourage more companies to write business there, they can do it.
  20. Finally, sombody acknowledges it. Instead of State charged with oversight, Federal oversight would be in place.... and insurance compaines can do business in any state they choose as it is.
  21. Modern Art- sometimes just tons of **** all glued together, I just don't get it. There is obvisouly a market for it, but just too weird for me....
  22. Smart Guy.... cause you don't want the Art, its awful
  23. of the gallery?
  24. San Fran is ridiculous... California if effed up.... but that's what happens when you pass everything proposed then decided, meh, I don't really want to pay for it.... LOL My cousin has an art gallery he open in SF, by Union Square- $15K a month just in the lease, and the gallery is tiny- His wife has a trust fund from a rich banker is Tennesee or someting like that.... lucky bastard...
  25. Obama's net worth, from what I remeber is 5-7M. Romney's net worth, 250M. People can related and hope for 5M, probably will far far short, not many people without Powerball can concieve 250M in their lifetime..... Heck, my Aunt has 4M and is considering moving out of Souther Calfornia because it is so expensive... Did I say I did? Did you read the post? My original statement what that I can see why people would not connect with Romney, and thought it should not be all emotion, Americans do vote with their hearts.... I mean, heck, Americans can relate to Santorum more than Romney or Obama.... when I ask myself who of the Republican candidates understand the masses better, I would say Santorum.... he has been there, faced everyday issues, he is probably more like the everyday guy.
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