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Everything posted by NewEra

  1. You’re so butt hurt because some Bills fans (and some non bills fans) think Josh is Mahomes equal in terms of play on the field. All my chiefs fans friends (and I have several die hard KC friends) love Josh. They hate playing him, but most of them say he’s the most exciting player they’ve ever seen. They know he’s going to get a Super Bowl eventually. Mahomes is in the goat talk. Be happy- and enjoy the runs. Why even waste your time on an opposing teams website crying about Bills fans loving their QB? Don’t let your insecurities raise your blood pressure so much. Life’s too short and you have an all time franchise to root for.
  2. lol……so, who has had a better supporting cast, Allen or Mahomes? Stay with me here - I am not everyone- talk to others about this. Allen hasn’t been perfect- I’ve said it for years. You and I are discussing supporting casts- again- stay with me here……who’s had the better supporting casts, Allen or Mahomes?
  3. Nah, it’s the worst WR unit we’ve had in 40+ years.
  4. Because you’re using stats from 1 game and 2 half games. I don’t expect 2/3rds of our games to be won by halftime…. Do you? If you don’t, then it’s useless fluff. and if by chance that were to be the case….there would be nothing negative about it. Our WR numbers (180 catches and less than 2,000) would be just fine, because we’d be steam rolling every one. if you’re going to project those to be the WR numbers, why wouldn’t you also project our scoring numbers, wins, scoring differential along with them? I’m not projecting anything. I’m just stating that any statistical projection after the 3 games we just had are useless fluff. If we were to project our scoring number, winds and scoring differential based on these 3 games, the results would ensure that our WRs would be just fine. We’d be undefeated and crushing everyone weekly
  5. Sure we can, but why would you when it’s obviously just useless fluff?
  6. no….. I’m not all the posts you see. Go to chiefs planet. Does everyone there have sound judgement? 🤣 He’s currently widely hyped based on his amazing play. He’s been widely disrespected in the past based on his turnovers AND his team failing him in the playoffs. WTH are you even talking about? He’s been without tyreek for 2 years and 3 games. So he had tyreek and kelce for 4 years as a starter. Are those subpar years? Mahomes has THE BEST coaching staff in the league leading his offense and his defense. Spags beat what would have been the best team in nfl history in the Super Bowl. Reid is the best offensive mind in the nfl. Josh has a solid head coach that wasn’t able to make sure his kicker kicked a kick off in play that would’ve won 13 secs. He’s had 3 different play callers on O. 3 different play callers on D. His team has suffered SEVERAL key injuries to the teams best players causing them to miss playoff games. Just answer this: Are you saying Josh Allen has been in a better, equal or lesser situation than Mahomes?
  7. I didn’t say it did…..you’re putting words in my mouth. read what I said. I’m not wrong
  8. I hear ya- but I do 💯 know for a fact that clashing personalities and negative attitudes have the ability to ruin chemistry and locker rooms. I don’t know for a fact what Diggs did or didn’t do to our locker room and offensive personality but it’s looking like he was having a negative effect on our team A projection based on 1 game and 2 half games isn’t a projection that should be discussed. Based on that same projection- we’re going to average 37 ppg all season. A projection not worth a discussion. It means zilch
  9. Projected receiving stats based on 3 games- 2 of which were complete blowouts and over by half time. Josh is one off the passing TD lead and our offense is scoring 9 more points per game than the 3rd highest scoring team. it’s still very early and we’ve played some poor defenses- but I don’t think those projections you list carry any relevance
  10. I think that he’s proposing that it CAN make teams less successful. Still too early to tell in our case, but it’s trending to be the case with the Bills. Diggs was in Josh’s head (Josh has basically said so much himself) and it seemed to have had a negative effect on our offense at times.
  11. Prior to Brady/Manning the best QBs were considered to be Montana and Unitas but Marino was always IN that argument, not just close to it. Most people with eyes could see that Marino was a much better passer than both of them. It’s not his fault that he never had a great defense or a running game (or WRs for that matter- Clayton and Duper can thank 13 for making them into “stars”). Winning super bowls is a complete team/coaching thing. It’s not just a QB thing. There’s a reason he’s received so much hype- Because people have eyes and can see how amazing he is. There’s never been a QB like him. Not even Mahomes. Josh can literally do EVERYTHING Pat does on the football field. The same can’t be said for Mahomes. He doesn’t have the same supporting cast. If you don’t think that that matters a LOT, you’re even more dense than I had originally thought
  12. Well, of course you think that. Most unbiased fans don’t. The current national narrative is that Josh is playing the QB position better than anyone in the world. This isn’t just a bills message board saying this.
  13. I’m not claiming anything about the chart being correct or not. I’m claiming that he’s not a noticeable weakness, because he’s not. I agree, ed has been “underwhelming as a pass rusher”. That’s not what you said prior. A noticeable weakness is something that can be taken advantage of and is hurting our team. Ed’s run D and discipline in his rush lanes have been part of our defenses success.
  14. You heard the man!!! Shut up and sit down. Let him talk!
  15. “He can’t overcome?” 🤣 some people are so smart
  16. Noticeably weaker
  17. The 2024 bills WR starters have played one game vs az and 2 half games vs Miami and Jax. The snaps they received in the 2nd half of the last two games were in blowout run out the clock situations. I can’t believe how much time of your life that you continue to waste on this thread- saying the same thing 1 billion times. only because you know that it’s “not likely” that we win the Super Bowl (because it’s not “likely” any particular wins the SB). That way, when we don’t win the Sb, you can blame it on the WRs. meanwhile elite WR Diggs came up lame and did nothing in any of our season ending losses. Actually, he did something, he helped lose the game with poor play
  18. To each their own. We’re 5th in the league in sacks. Sacks aren’t just generated by one person making the sack. Sacks are often a result of the entire defensive line keeping in their lanes and containing the QB in the pocket so one guy can reap the stat. Ed has not been a “noticeable weakness”. That proclamation is noticeably weak
  19. Ed Oliver has been a “noticeable weakness”? Or he’s just been “invisible to your eye”? Which is it, because they are 2 completely different things.
  20. Sorry, I wasn’t implying that you were. Should’ve been more specific. Was just making a statement. idk if Dorsey was low energy, but he certainly seems low energy when compared to Brady. He and Babich both bring high energy. Love those guys so far
  21. Wrecking booths doesn’t show high energy. It can show that they are quick to anger, easily frustrated, or frequently irritable.
  22. Every D has it harder than ours. Our D never has to face 17 😉
  23. He doesn’t even have a 900 yard season yet!!! Word on the streets is that he’s no Jordan Matthews!! this thread hasn’t disappointed. It’s only going to get better and better
  24. No it doesn’t. Maybe their luck is running out
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