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Everything posted by D'love

  1. Lol the 7 are all mods and a couple trolls It's become a stupid place to be and the moderating is done so poorly, so whatever. I find it pretty funny that in 6 years on that forum I received a total of about 7 infraction points except for two instances where I got a 3 point infraction and a 5 point infraction, lol... what the !@#$?? The last one was for "spam", and this one is probably for "moderator call out"... well I don't really think it's calling out when I'm just trying to get a clarification. I wouldn't keep pushing for an answer if they'd just make a little bit of sense. I thought everyone would enjoy that? Was it the gerbil that went over the line?
  2. I was pushing as to why I got a point for the word "self-mastubatory". Apparently trying to extract answers from Town&Country is a 5 point infraction.
  3. Lol. I got banned even though I only had 2 infraction points. Wtf man. All I wanted was a reasonable explanation. That genius T&C just keeps saying to read the CoC without explaining himself. Fun times.
  4. Newt has a pretty damn strong base behind his bull **** of insane social opinions. Politicians need to stfu about stuff that's irrelevant.
  5. Someone get the tar and feathers.
  6. Yes but your point had literally nothing to do with it being a religious holiday. Your point was "you're going to spend money anyways so spend it on the US/local economy". You just threw it in there for no reason.
  7. 1 - Christmas makes a mockery of Jesus 2 - Spend your money on local businesses instead of corporate goods because it's good for the economy 3 - If you're an atheist, shut the !@#$ up ...what? Could you throw in a little more disconnected bull ****? I thought this was going to make a little bit of sense. Why are you even mentioning religion in a thread about holiday spending?
  8. skyrim >>>>>>>>>>
  9. HARharharharharharharharharharharhar omgz so funny harharhar.
  10. Youtube videos are the highest form of political/religious arguments.
  11. On the 'racism against white kids note' one of my friends in high school, white kid, had his shoes stolen on the way to school by groups of black kids at least half a dozen times. Good old Rochester NY. He wound up being a pretty racist guy (big surprise) and kinda spiraled out of control. He was a pretty tough kid too, he was in jail for a while for hospitalizing two would be muggers by beating them with a tire iron. Now I think he works for a big time dealer on the side as muscle. Just a little anecdote.
  12. You're cute when you're snarky.
  13. Ahh there we go, more child references.
  14. Obligatory South Park explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB-Ct8J0LT0
  15. Well said good sir.
  16. Watch out, if you make too many threads about "which do you like more" or "your favorite x" you can get banned. Nevermind that they were the only threads besides the semi-political ones where people were responding.
  18. I'm glad you're in "retrospective" mode now, wyo. Your rage mode a week ago was pretty amusing, never expected you to go for the personal insult. Smart of you to go with "I don't give a rat's petunia" now and funny how you view yourself as a "general pain in the ass". You do realize the problem isn't so much who swung the sword, but why and how it was done, right? Might wanna think about your appropriate boundaries a bit more. We know it was a mod-level decision (unless your mod team lies left and right and it's not a mod-level decision, god knows what's really correct because I've seen conflicting answers on just about everything). And yes, I just referenced real actual facts, you can't just emotionally overreact and decline to respond this time. I think I'll stop now. Oh yeah, why I was banned? It's pretty stupid to go from 2 (bull ****) points to banned without knowing why, no?
  19. Have the crowds changed, or have you changed? Everyone claims that "this current generation is the worst of all" about pretty much everything... it's a load of crap. There's always been crazy obnoxious drunks at Buffalo games. Hell I remember a game 15 years ago where a Jets fan got hit with at least three full cups of beer just for holding a sign. Nobody even got kicked out. So basically, I think that "things have gotten worse" is a load of bull.
  20. Nope, I don't drink in the stadium and never go into the game with more than a strong buzz, thanks.
  21. ...are you one of those guys who asks people to sit down during a game?
  22. But. $$$$$$$$$$$$4
  23. There's a reason Brady said he wanted Pats fans really drunk for a home game a few weeks ago.
  24. It's "no longer family oriented"? When was it ever that way?
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