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Everything posted by D'love

  1. I question the NFL's decision to put four December home games in Buffalo. That's a great way to deter people from going to 1/2 the games on the schedule. I assume one is Toronto, but still. In the 90s they didn't sell out a playoff game. Weather makes a huge difference.
  2. Plates are the best drunk food on earth.
  3. The main difference to me is that I've gotten food poisoning from Mighty Taco but never from Taco Bell.
  4. I'll start doing it too, bring on the hate.
  5. That's a good way to get your car beaten on by a militant bicyclist.
  6. Ever see any of the ridiculous fanfiction? Warning: gets pretty graphic https://docs.google.com/document/d/14lgUY7yfbooT5IT6miNNbPqSY_qLA9aiVMjsEpszePk/edit?hl=en&pli=1#
  7. It's definitely not the same as a jogger. They're going at a reasonable pace whereas these bikers are coming up on me so fast I can't see them. Not to mention, most of the time this happens when I'm trying to make a right on red and the biker is running a red light. I'm happy to share the road, but the suicidal/homicidal bikers make it dangerous for everyone's lives and bank accounts.
  8. I almost got killed the other day simply exiting the door of my apartment by a bicyclist blazing down the sidewalk at a million miles per hour. It scared the **** out of me. Those !@#$ers never do anything right around here, half the time they're on the sidewalk (and no I don't move out of the way when they ring their little bells at me, it's a sidewalk), the other half the time they're blowing red lights, weaving between cars, and pulling up to a red light in the bike lane then moving into the center of the traffic lane just to be !@#$s. Here's a question for bikers... when I'm in my car with the turn signal on about to make a right turn (across the bike lane), what happens if I make my turn and a biker going 20+ MPH smashes in to the side of my car? Am I at fault? It seems to me that the burden has to be on the biker, in most cases it's impossible to see the bike approaching... it's hard enough to deal with all the pedestrians, and who expects to get passed on the right when you're already in the right lane? I've had so many close calls that half the time I'm afraid to make a turn without looking over my shoulder now.
  9. Don't feed the troll.
  10. If 85 yards a game was average for a receiver, the yearly yardage for an average receiver would be 1,360. I don't know where people get it in their heads that receivers having less than 100 yards a game is not a good showing.
  11. Why is too many men on the field a dead ball foul?
  12. Give them our 1, 2, and a 4. Well worth it.
  13. Wow he is such a freak.
  14. Greer. It still burns me that they didn't lock him up and thus wasted a 1st rounder on CB.
  15. omg omg omg do i have time to poop????
  16. If we had a last-5 pick, sure... but no way with a top 10.
  17. Those guys do nothing but **** on everything. I used to try to listen to them but gave up.
  18. In tandem with someone like Williams, it's a huge deal. On its own, it's a normal FA signing.
  19. Well she (he) was in my video so obviously I thought she was hot. What are you going to do, ban me from TBD too?
  20. I think you mean more aggressive defenses with simpler roles for each player. The goal is for your athlete to beat their athlete. Less agressive = reactionary and slower. More aggressive makes the offense react to the defense.
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