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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I think it's cute that people believe that moron writes her own speeches. As for her "holiday", I don't blame her. It's rough to skip school for a year or so to jot around the world in a fully-stocked yacht, pretending that you're important. Yet we just reverse the loss by coming to a consensus that we won. Consensus is scientifically-proven fact!
  2. Hunter Biden is a bastion of integrity and good moral character! When he was smoking crack, it was done in a righteous manner, taking a vile drug off the street, so that no minority could have purchased it and poisoned themselves. When he was screwing his brother's widow, then cheating on her by having unprotected sex with a stripper... I mean really, what's wrong with that? Unimpeachable character right there, folks. Hell, the man is even going to be forced to support his bastard child! Now I know people are upset about the Ukraine thing, but his receiving a highly-paid no-show job that he was completely unqualified for was all in the interests of national security, and only a child-raping bigot would say otherwise. Hunter Biden is a goddamn American hero, just like Eric Holder. They should both be given a purple hearts in recognition for their valiant sacrifices to protect us all from evil.
  3. It's going to be an interesting vote on Wednesday. The media is claiming no more than 6 defections. They're full of schiff. I'm not convinced they have 218 votes, which may very well be Pelosi's plan to get loonies like the Jihad Squad off her ass.
  4. If a Shia theocracy falls, a Sunni terror organization is somehow magically going to rise? Seriously, Newsweek has gone full gator.
  5. Damn, if only instant telecommunications was a thing.
  6. They really can't stop fantasizing about getting Trump, can they? Maybe the Electoral College will show up and change their votes too!
  7. The Democrats already know they can't win that fight, thus the impeachment debacle.
  8. Eh, I'm sure they'll cobble together a shoe for the other foot.
  9. Well, the "proudly progressive" waitress got what she voted for. Now she gets to keep busy doing nothing all day, while sucking from the public tit.
  10. Gotta love these focus-group tested hyperbolic bullschiff one-liners.
  11. Eh, I suspect Labor's biggest win is ditching that Corbyn guy as party leader... whenever he fulfills his promise to step down.
  12. NY gets around actually balancing budgets by spinning off liabilities to state-created "Authorities", as an accounting gimmick. There's something like 1,200 Authorities that control everything from Niagara Falls to the Thruway to NY Harbor. Many of them own state property and "lease" it back to the state for nothing, to hide costs that we're paying either way. As an example of how crooked they are: The NFTA (Niagara Frontier Transit Authority) has been a significant (though not the only) hindrance to developing Buffalo's waterfront area for decades, because they own most of the property and cannot be forced to sell. Or another example: The authority that runs the Niagara Falls power plant is not supposed to turn a profit selling power, but somehow had ~$500,000,000 lying around to "donate" back to the general fund (several times) during budget crises.
  13. Now what's wrong with this scenario? You bolded the wrong sentence; I changed it to bold the correct part of that nonsense. Third-hand hearsay is not evidence (or even reliable), but somehow has been the hallmark of NYT (and WaPo) reporting of Trump - especially when they've been dead wrong. 'Unnamed sources citing unnamed methods,' remember that craze in 2017? Hell, the 'people in the room' in your quote can't even come to a consensus as to what was supposedly said.
  14. Oh, I have the feeling that he's going to spend 2021-2025 making them pay.
  15. I'd really like the NYS Bar association to remove Barr from the Roll of Attorneys. You know, since they don't actually have anything to do with whether or not someone is an attorney.
  16. The Democrats only care about the electoral college when they win, otherwise it's undemocratic (nevermind that we are NOT a democracy). It's all about the popular vote... because they can't even claim a majority.
  17. Seems like the PFF author is just being edgy an ass to drive traffic to his article.
  18. Not sure if I will buy another console. I'm about sick of games shipping half-finished, requiring me to download 20-30 GB just to play... only to be forced to purchase and download content to finish the ***** plot.
  19. She can teach me some English.
  20. I may actually watch that halftime show.
  21. I can't wait until Barr investigates and conclusively proves that the Russians forced Hillary to be an unlikable entitled shrew who refused to go to Wisconsin and Michigan while running a victory lap instead of a campaign.
  22. #RefundPete, or #DefundPete? I wonder what Lieawatha is afraid of from Alfred E. Newman.
  23. Israel and Germany are even worse.
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