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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Find a 16 year old autistic girl with OCD to scream at everyone?
  2. "Neocon Apprentice..." ?
  3. I've been scouting long-snappers for decades by watching and breaking down game film on Youtube, and there's no one better. You're just not a real fan if you dare criticize whatever-his-name-is! You evil so-and-so-Patriots-troll-guy, you!
  4. When you fight a universal soldier who collects ears for fun, you're probably going to lose.
  5. What's the problem? It's completely unpossible that the Democrats will lose bigly in 2020 due to their insane policies, alienation of large voter blocks, and unlikable candidates. Their loss will clearly be due to Russian interference in the form of a few hundred thousand dollars' worth of Facebook ads.
  6. Because they were foolish enough to have a strong work ethic, trying to raise a family without full taxpayer funding. The schmucks. It's all the rage to illegally enter a foreign country, demand full rights, immediate citizenship, and to be suckled by the public teet, without actually having to contribute.
  7. It's funny when idiots like Schumer cry about the "prejudging" by the GOP, then proceeds to declare that Trump is obviously guilty because the facts aren't in dispute.
  8. They've FINALLY got Trump *this* time!!!111oneoneeleventyone.
  9. Now hold on, does "learn to code" mean something different in Sweden?
  10. What happened to "Trump cultist"?!?
  11. Yes, but it's the rickety bench of justice.
  12. I would suggest, my [preferred pronoun], that we simply go to Federal Court in Hawaii and have the judge issue a nationwide injunction against Trump being president, appointing Hillary president-for-life, and declaring the GOP a terrorist organization.
  13. Me too! Though I didn't actually know that ad existed prior to the election, it totally transformed me into an anti-Hillary fascist actual literal super mecha-Nazi. Putin is that damned good, the bastard!
  14. You're actually right. The correct phrase is 'debunked collusion.'
  15. Far be it from me to partially disagree with a Haavahd scholar, but he pretty well proved, a week or two ago, that he is an idiot. Though he's not wrong in the last line.
  16. Nothing in the Constitution actually says that the House must actually transmit the articles to the Senate for consideration. Why doesn't the Senate just vote to send someone to retrieve a publicly-available copy of the passed Articles, then give 10 minutes notice to the House of the trial's commencement?
  17. That's still not an accurate interpretation of Trump's powers.
  18. I sincerely doubt it.
  19. Glad to see that person has settled on a candidate.
  20. I like how the red truck door was locked when the soldier was trying to get in it.
  21. ...barefoot in a 40 below zero super mega sharknado blizzard.
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