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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. True, but when Guam's not tipping over, there's no one better to boost credibility than Da Nang Dick.
  2. Tyranny is great... so long as you're the tyrant.
  3. In the name of justice, of course.
  4. It is.
  5. Carson's smackdown of California is a good read.
  6. Damn, how much dirt does he have on the Clintons?
  7. Avenatti Defense Goes Full Gator! The "he's a good guy who was only trying to help" defense is not going to go very far.
  8. Eh, two of President Tyler's grandsons are still alive. He was president between 1841 and 1845.
  9. The media would be hunting Trump Jr. down with nonstop coverage. Hunter Biden? Barely a mention. You know, in their journalistic roles of being totally fair and unbiased.
  10. Funny, but I believe Bloomberg's minions that they had no clue.
  11. So what you're saying is that this is all Trump's fault for allowing the USPS to suck at delivering mail?!? IMPEACH THE MOTHER *****!
  12. What, you mean the guy no one ever heard of before his disappearance wasn't that important after all?!? I'm still feigning outrage by his murder, though, and will continue to be until the next thing comes along that offends my delicate moral sensibilities.
  13. Those idiots sacrificed their political careers to side with Nancy, what did they expect her to do, protect them? ***** them, they stood with her, they can take the electoral bullets for her.
  14. Rodgers sucks. Other than that one Super Bowl and a crapton of other games and accolades, what has he won, exactly?
  15. She can lock me down anytime.
  16. Yeah, sardine him with stones! Eh, as long as it's not the Star Wars Christmas Special... that's too cruel.
  17. "Stone him with stones"... as opposed to stoning him with what?
  18. We don't need none of that repeatable experiment crap you hippie scientists always try to push to verify the accuracy of previous results! There's consensus, man. CONSENSUS. That means it's settled science!
  19. He just needs to traffic cocaine and confirm judges... all while being out of cocaine.
  20. I love how they added in the "[President]" before Clinton, but not before Trump.
  21. It's all part of Putin's plan... or something.
  22. So she's not advocating for total control of the economy, then proceeds to advocate for total control of the economy... Like, she's, um, like, you know, like, not, like, um, a vapid moron or something?
  23. For a first and a lower round pick or two, sure. For multiple first round picks, no. Dude is great, but you can't mortgage your future for one player.
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