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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Her seat isn't 'vulnerable' because of illegals in her district. Her seat is vulnerable because she's pissing off the Democrat machine that sits in Albany.
  2. It's almost like these "mourners" don't want to be curb stomped... again.
  3. Yeah, they kinda sucked.
  4. The media is pretending this is everything you've been hoping for, ain't life grand?
  5. Tombstone, keep Billy Bob Thornton.
  6. I suspect that, for some, #OrangeManBad is so ingrained into their psyche that they cannot possibly come to terms with the positives going on around them. They'd rather see the world burn around them than to accept that their views are wrong.
  7. So, I said, my plane leaves in 6 hours, and if you don't recuse by the time I leave, you and your family get dismembered. Well son of a B word...
  8. 3 sentences, 2 paragraphs. That's a solid .5 hours.
  9. The possibilities are endless now that NY is no longer going to give billions of dollars in tax-breaks to Amazon!
  10. I predict that the Bills will win the Super Bowl in a blowout. I also predict that I may finally give up sniffing glue.
  11. Discovery, including depositions (which could potentially give them a head's-up on the prosecution theories.) Maybe some media narrative-framing that the charges are in retaliation for the civil suit. Nothing that's going to really save them if they go to trial.
  12. The replies to Lisa Page's tweet are freakin' hilarious.
  13. I'd wager that's as close as you're going to get.
  14. Bust out a few flamethrowers, then see how willing they are to refuse the call to leave.
  15. Well, it certainly can't be due to any enhancement of physical barriers. We've been told for years that walls don't work. This must be due to some Obama-era policy. Thanks Obama!
  16. C'mon man, wouldn't you find it hilarious for Ermey to be screaming "DO YOU SUCK DICK?" or "I BET YOU'RE THE KIND OF GUY WHO'D ***** A MAN IN THE ASS AND NOT HAVE THE COMMON COURTESY TO GIVE HIM A REACH-AROUND" to a shaking muppet?
  17. I'm with Joe on this one.
  18. Whoa, leave my boy 2Rox out of this.
  19. House of 1000 corpses. Keep Rob Zombie's wife.
  20. Greta 'claps back' and ignores Trump during hypothetical 'what-if' UN meeting She pretends doesn't care, but gave him a death stare just for walking in the room and taking attention away from her. Petulant little B word. What's next for Greta, interviews stating that he didn't dump her, SHE dumped him?
  21. Couldn't have been. The guy would have never disobeyed a sign on the way to murder people.
  22. Star Wars Episode 1: Shoot Jar-Jar Binks and break Lucas' legs for creating that character.
  23. Casino. Keep Pesci.
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