Oh, they're just praying he does what they want and acts like a dictator, so they can scream at the top of their lungs, "SEE, I TOLD YOU HE WAS A DICTATOR!!!!111oneoneeleventyone"
Attorney from Rochester I ran into mentioned that some video was released today. He expected downtown Rochester to be in flames by sundown.
Doubt most will notice the difference.
But... but... he's anti-violence. He even said so!
Trump, on the other hand, has failed to denounce violence more than 568 times, which is totally unacceptable. Silence is violence! Speak truth to power! Other focus-group tested nonsensical phrase here!
So... they won a great victory by getting an injunction on a subject that the UC system was getting rid of anyhow?
Well, at least California is getting rid of its anti-discrimination laws, so there's that.
I love when Trump's people lie by using their own prior statements. Everyone knows that anything a Democrat once said doesn't count, it was a joke... like telling folks they ain't black.