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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yes, because leadership is defined by how much the White House Press Corps whines about what the press secretary does.
  2. Make this thread great again!
  3. Oh, they're just praying he does what they want and acts like a dictator, so they can scream at the top of their lungs, "SEE, I TOLD YOU HE WAS A DICTATOR!!!!111oneoneeleventyone"
  4. Wonder if that got Il Douche a visit from the Secret Service.
  5. Thanks, Obama!
  6. If this were even remotely true, why does this dumbshit think she's still alive?
  7. Do you understand how a Federal Republic works?
  8. If this were even remotely true, that principal would be looking for a new job within a day. Nice story, though.
  9. Ahh, the Kirk thread to @KRC's Janeway thread. The Admiral Ackbar to his Admiral Piett. The Bender to @KRC's Zoidberg.
  10. Attorney from Rochester I ran into mentioned that some video was released today. He expected downtown Rochester to be in flames by sundown. Doubt most will notice the difference.
  11. Georgia
  12. Shatner is the greatest. Pine, much like this thread, is a sad pretender. So yes, it does matter.
  13. Which Kirk, Shatner or Pine?
  14. More like Episode 1...
  15. Eh, this is a bit of a cheap knockoff. Like Airplane 2 to Nanker's Airplane!
  16. Well, not afterwards, anyhow.
  17. But... but... he's anti-violence. He even said so! Trump, on the other hand, has failed to denounce violence more than 568 times, which is totally unacceptable. Silence is violence! Speak truth to power! Other focus-group tested nonsensical phrase here!
  18. So... they won a great victory by getting an injunction on a subject that the UC system was getting rid of anyhow? Well, at least California is getting rid of its anti-discrimination laws, so there's that.
  19. I love when Trump's people lie by using their own prior statements. Everyone knows that anything a Democrat once said doesn't count, it was a joke... like telling folks they ain't black.
  20. Funny how they had all of the records when Cuomo ordered them to write a 'study' to exonerate him.
  21. 1 beep for "yes". 2 beeps for "no". 3 beeps for "c'mon, man".
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