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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Holy schiff, that was great!
  2. Reminds me of some Ben Shapiro thing I saw where he asked some woman her age, then asked her 'why aren't you 16?' when discussing self-identifying as whatever.
  3. Clearly the apprehensions are down because Trump is an evil actual literal super mecha-Nazi, and not because of the wall (or the ending of the catch-and-release bogus-asylum claim scam.)
  4. Interesting that it was the federal government who brought the suit.
  5. 1.) He is a ***** scumball. 2.) #1 notwithstanding, that is freakin' hilarious.
  6. The transgenders might want to be careful what they wish for...
  7. Ain't no time for counting when she's being morally correct! If she 'plays ball', Albany will simply eliminate a GOP-held Congressional district.
  8. So my dreams of being a Cowboy Astronaut Millionaire CAN come true?!?
  9. It's amazing how much these liberal idiots are fantasizing. The Senate doesn't even have to let the Chief Justice (or the House Impeachment managers) in the freakin' building. Of course, it's the same dimwits that thought the GOP Electors were going to rebel from their Electoral College duties and vote for Hillary anyhow.
  10. Well, I hope any movies made about attacking the fake aircraft carrier have a higher production value than their video of the attack on the fake White house.
  11. Greta strikes again! How dare Roger Federer take millions of dollars from a sponsor that provides loans to the fossil fuel industry! He should be more responsible. Though I can just picture the productive dialogue with his sponsor:
  12. Nonsense, we all know that only evil, biased, constitution-hating Republicans must recuse themselves. Democrats are pure as the driven snow in this affair.
  13. Yes, but you see, they're in a highly-dangerous job. That some foreign journalist got killed in another country under completely different circumstances conclusively PROVES that Trump is incredibly dangerous to our super heroic media. Jim Acosta has just awarded himself a silver star for his heroism in the face of mean tweets.
  14. Ate the last one on Tuesday.
  15. That is hysterical. Do they really think they're going to get within 500 yards of the White House or Capitol, much less successfully fight off both the Capitol Police and the Secret Service? Not quite as entertaining a fantasy as the Best Korean propaganda video about how we're all starving in the Us, but close.
  16. Housing is a right! Some evil San Francisco judge has dared enforced property rights and is forcing a poor innocent squatter (and her children) to leave! Of course, it's always a smashing idea to move ~2,000 miles with your young children, having no actual plan for where you're going to live when you get there. She's totally not a selfish ***** moron. But hey, she pays bills (you know, other than rent/mortgage.)
  17. In other news, we wouldn't give them everything they wanted in exchange for meaningless gestures.
  18. Eh, stuff happened after some people did some things.
  19. Wonder if he's going to rub it in their faces during the SOTU address, if he's acquitted before February 4th. Of course, I expect the Democrats to all "boycott" the speech for whatever idiotic reason.
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