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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Ratings. Few people would regularly watch straight news.
  2. Ah, so Snopes will finally be able to definitively tell whether or not the Babylon Bee has manipulated a photograph?
  3. Yeah, but I really don't need an "alert" every day informing me that Trump's morning bowel movement is an existential threat to American democracy.
  4. 5 years, 4 days, and 16 hours ~20 minutes, if you're counting.
  5. Dumbass should have just quietly paid the money to reimburse the city, done a few goodwill photos with some Chicago PD officers, and left it at that. No, he had to spike the football following his crooked deal, then double down on his stupidity afterwards.
  6. I must confess: I once beat a nun to death, just to watch her die. I'm not sure if the orphan I used to beat her to death lived. Sure, of that thing. What about the other thing, you know, the one with the stuff?
  7. Uh, since when does the House get to vote on presenting new evidence to the Senate?
  8. Oh, so you've seen his horn?
  9. You know, I would love to see the liberal heads explode if the GOP takes the House next year, and passes a resolution vacating the Articles of Impeachment - declaring them a nullity and restoring President Trump to the status he enjoyed on December 17, 2019.
  10. Eh, is it really going to be a bad ending?
  11. Oh man, not more Jesus vs. Satan ads. Seeing that after the election forced me to retroactively vote for Trump.
  12. No; they will be our allies against a giant killer cigar launched by Best Korea.
  13. I'm waiting for WWIV: The Voyage Home. WWVI: The Undiscovered Country will be great too. WWV: The Final Frontier will suck and never be mentioned in polite company.
  14. Interesting that there's no details about the alleged violations, other than 'we're still investigating'. Wonder what the jackwagon did.
  15. I liked the nervous laugh after that CNN dipschiff asked the question to Lieawatha.
  16. I'm not sure. I will have to wait for Greta's father to write her next social media post telling me what to think.
  17. Eh, just build a high-speed rail lin... er nevermind.
  18. Death Valley too good for you? ***** elitist.
  19. So... we killed 1,000 Iranians recently? Damn WWIII is going swimmingly.
  20. Just read the motion. Wow. 1.) I'm glad I didn't have to write it. I would have been far less kind describing the government's conduct. 2.) Those prosecutors are unethical asswipes.
  21. Heard earlier today that the House is considering making walking the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate into some form of a ridiculous solemn theatrical ceremony.
  22. Pfft. What do those ***** know? They're neither woke, nor environmentally friendly. Think of the poor creature who might need to use that dry plant for shade (you know, to escape the effects of catastrophic global warming) someday! Well, if they burn the dry brush to prevent massive wildfires, that poor creature isn't going to have shade, now is it?!? What the Australian Aboriginals need is a woke white person of privilege to swoop in and rescue them from their own ignorance.
  23. The Vox article about the "unsigned" essay is quite interesting. Thank God we're not a democracy, then. Uh, when was the Senate ever supposed to be "representative"? Apparently someone failed Poli-Sci 101. Of course, if Trump's picks to the Supreme Court aren't valid because of the "unrepresentative" Senate , I'd really like their explanation how RBG/Kagan/Sotomayor are validly on the bench. So, of course, all of these 127 new DC states should be designed so that they vote correctly... That's not even getting into how ***** retaahded the actual Haavahd proposal to make 127 new states out of 10 square miles of DC is.
  24. So what you're saying is that there weren't as many sickos out there trafficking victims until Trump took office? #IMPEACH
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