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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, the Clinton attack machine has trained you well. Ignore the message and attack the messenger!
  2. Yeah, how dare an expert on the Constitution take a job and do any work for the President during an impeachment proceeding proscribed by the Constitution! BURN THE WITCH!
  3. What kind of incompetent buffoon leaves the evidence lying around in a warehouse, when they should have sold it on the black market? That person deserved to get fired and (hopefully) prosecuted.
  4. Is anyone really surprised, especially after he started going on about "deep fakes"?
  5. Hey, we survived losing WWIII to Iran, we'll survive the rest.
  6. That's it? That's all they got? Some focus-group tested stupidity like "impeached forever"?
  7. Well, on the bright side, he won't have to face us for about two years.
  8. Seems to me that he's entitled to buy that display for 1 cent, not the actual product. This "multimedia journalist" is just an ####### looking to cause problems for publicity.
  9. I would be surprised if the judge refused to let him withdraw the plea. In any event, that decision wouldn't last long on appeal. That's not even getting into the facts about the judge who took the plea having a conflict, and not recusing until after.
  10. The comments are great. You'd think Trump just personally killed every child in America the way those snowflakes are feigning outrage.
  11. Well, after Trump totally ruined Nerd Prom, they needed something to celebrate how wonderful they think they are. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire White House Press Corps doesn't award themselves Purple Hearts and Silver Stars. They're goddamn heroes, just ask them! Wasn't it Tom who prophesized that the Democrats weren't far from outlawing the GOP as a 'hate group'?
  12. Well, after losing WWIII to Iran, Trump is desperate to rebuild his credibility and blah blah blah.
  13. I can't actually prove that you're a pedophile, so clearly you rape children, nuns, various farm animals, and you're also a Patriots fan. I like this proof game!
  14. Keep rooting for that recession, buddy! Maybe someday it will happen, and all your liberal dreams can come true!
  15. I can't wait until 2025, when there's no emissions. Cow farts are killing our children!!11 Oh, and going back to pre-industrial civilization seems like fun. Who needs electricity, heat, air conditioning, running water, etc.?
  16. Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.
  17. In 2020, a crack commando physicist was sent to prison by a military court for a crime he didn't commit. This man promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the District of Columbia underground. Today, still wanted by the government, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire... @DC Tom to call you an idiot.
  18. Ouch. Not your strongest comeback, buddy.
  19. What's the matter, couldn't come up with something original, so you stole it... uh, from your own twitter account? That's just wrong. Apparently. Nadler is waddling. He really is The Penguin.
  20. Eh, they're just transparently setting up a narrative that the Senate majority screwed the country because it wouldn't allow all this fantastic new evidence in, even though the House's evidence was super strong and serious and somber and *****.
  21. Far too few realize that many times, the best course of action is just to shut the ***** up. Years ago, in a job far, far away, a coworker and I were getting chewed out by our boss. We had come back into the office earlier than we were supposed to, and gave him some BS reason why we didn't finish all our stops (we were sales/service for things.) He kept trying to talk his way out of it, and the boss was just yelling at him more and more. He finally pointed at me, and asked why I wasn't being yelled at. The boss said, "because he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut!"
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