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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'm diabetic and have no self control when it comes to sugar. I'd be terrified. Then I'd quickly get over the terror, realize that I can spare one of my two legs, take some frosting, and quickly pass the cake on to someone else, because I don't like sheet cake. Edit: I don't like sheet cake, and I detest sprinkles.
  2. Wow, the lady at the end is a bit of a B word.
  3. A copy for all 4 viewers who watched it live? That's generous.
  4. I don't see the problem. Nothing untoward could possibly happen when you have Democrat party operatives filling out, collecting, and controlling the 'ballots' of others.
  5. I'm going to create a coal fire to burn plastic bags, before dumping the remains in the nearest wetlands. Oh, and rooting for the Chiefs, solely because I happen to know Lenny Dawson's nephew and great niece.
  6. Eh, those scummy Brits will have the country trashed and all women's rights eliminated by Saturday, without the benevolent guidance of the unelected bureaucracy in Brussels.
  7. Aww, is her liddle feewings hurt? Maybe they should include it in their next Articles of Impeachment.
  8. Sow enough discord during the primaries, so that no one has a majority of delegates, then sneak in the second vote with all the super delegates in her pocket. Proclaim reluctant savior-status and fake-humility that the party needs her. Sound plan if it works. No damage to her rep if someone gets enough delegates during primary season.
  9. Is anyone really going to be surprised if she pulls a move at the convention?
  10. Cocaine Mitch will reap a grim harvest with this.
  11. Trying to teach white folks rhythm is certainly God's work.
  12. Good God, liberals are stupid.
  13. I think it could be entertaining, so long as there were some controls, such as: 1.) Each team must still spend to at least 90% of the salary cap (or even increase it to 95%); and 2.) Teams cannot trade cap space in consecutive years. This would ensure that the cheapasses like Brown cannot use it to consistently to pocket money, and it lets short-sighted teams shoot themselves in the foot by selling off draft picks to fund bloated contracts, in order to 'win now' (which almost never works.)
  14. Maybe she needs to make another absurd video to show us that she's just a normal person who awkwardly sips a beer. Perhaps while walking the dog they got to make her more relatable.
  15. Well, on the bright side, it's not like the impeachment farce has anything to do with democracy. He won't be missing anything (you know, other than the continued dismantling of their bullcrap.)
  16. She's such a hero, she deleted her twitter account. That will show that bigot baker guy and his evil cake empire!
  17. Nah, they're actual literal super-mecha Nazis on alternate days, when it suits the liberal agenda to be anti-military. They don't deserve houses, except on the days they do, then the bad orange man is keeping them down.
  18. Justice Roberts has only a minimal role in this farce; he has no real power. The Senate makes the rules and can vote to override any sustained (or even overruled) objections. Constitutionally, he just has to preside over the matter. The Senate doesn't have to give him any actual power to rule on evidentiary issues, objections, etc.
  19. Trying to get Goldman Sachs to do a IPO for him?
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