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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. So, apparently flights to Hong Kong are selling for about $200 per person (down from ~$1,200), with only a minimal 6 hour layover in Wuhan.
  2. Man, the left *really* can't meme.
  3. Meh, should have gone out singing 'God Save the Queen'.
  4. It needs to be done carefully, in sterile environments, with nothing but the best surgical-grade coat hangers!
  5. The artist should have put an Uno card in the Democrat hand.
  6. What the actual *****?
  7. Unfortunately, so long as the Palestinian leadership (both Hamas and Abbas) want to keep their people oppressed, poor, and angry at Israel to stay in power (oh and rob them blind), no peace proposal will work. They simply do not want peace, when they can continue to exploit the schlubs. It's not a coincidence that Abbas is still in office well over a decade past the expiration of his term, refusing to allow new elections, while his bank accounts grow more than his salary would allow for.
  8. The more serious charges, I think, are the identity theft allegations that she was claiming to be a doctor to get tests run. Depending on the circumstances of the death, I think they will have a hard time proving that she had much to do with a baby dying 6 hours after she did the birth.
  9. Pfft. Flu pandemics are sooo 1918. Get with the 21st century.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/arrested-rural-midwife-heads-to-trial-on-95-felony-counts-182148503.html Interesting case in Penn Yan.
  11. I would presume that Roberts was given that authority in the rules the Senate passed governing the trial.
  12. Fat, drunk, and stupid is a fantastic way to go through life.
  13. You did; we lost WWIII to Iran. WWIV: The Revengening will come soon.
  14. Should be interesting. I'm somewhat burning out on WoW, but new content and good storylines are always appreciated. Waiting for Warcraft 3 to finish downloading. Was a great game with old graphics, should be even better updated.
  15. Or they can get an order for alternative service, such as email, service by publication in a newspaper, 'nail and mail', etc.
  16. Apparently Wayne Brady indeed had to choke a B word. Seriously though, I'm glad those trafficking bastards finally got caught.
  17. Did we? Or is this an episode of Lost?
  18. Yes. Thomas has previously indicated his hostility to blanket injunctions by district courts, and now Gorsuch is criticizing them. They only need 4 votes to decide to hear a case. Of course, coming up with an alternative is something different. Sometimes a judge does need to put a stop to something immediately. The issue lies in how to curb this current trend of wanton abuse by district courts, without removing the ability to utilize injunctions in proper circumstances to prevent actual harm to a party.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/justices-okay-immediate-trump-crackdown-on-immigrants-use-of-public-benefits-011250331.html This is an interesting exercise in media bias and liberal stupidity. First, the headline: "Justices OK immediate Trump crackdown on immigrants' use of public benefits". 'Crackdowns' are scary. First line: "The Supreme Court said Monday it will allow the Trump administration to begin enforcing a controversial new policy making it harder for low-income legal immigrants to obtain green cards or visas." Well, this is not as bad as the violent 'crackdown' the headline promises, but still... It's apparently a "controversial new policy" to actually enforce existing law!!!1 The bulk of the rest of the article is liberal whining about the left's 'Lawfare' tactics not working, and how unfair it is for the Courts to be deciding immigration policy. Of course, they forget to mention that the Democrats in Congress refused to agree on anything to do with immigration after the idiotic DACA injunction. You'd think they would actually want the legislature to legislate, rather than be an activist #resistance, but I digress... Tangential rant warning: I'm shocked that the author - and I will give full credit to them for doing this - actually addressed the most significant legal issue of the whole 'lawfare' strategy, nation-wide injunctions. Injunctions are supposed to be rare to begin with, especially in issuing nation-wide injunctions. Judges are supposed to look at a number of factors, including the liklehood of success on the merits, if the plaintiff's allegations were true. They have, time and again, been issued by judges as policy preferences, not as grounded on the law. Hopefully the Supreme Court squashes these partisan hack judges and tightens the rules they must follow to issue injunctions. They're clearly being given too much discretion, and abusing it.
  20. You know, they actually had a Star Trek: Voyager episode about a similar topic. The holographic doctor created another holographic doctor to consult about some dying alien they found. The other holographic doctor was based on a Cardassian considered a war criminal (think a Mengele-type) who did horrific experiments on live subjects. They discussed throwing out all of the second hologram's research and findings because it was based on the work and personality of the monster. Star Trek was truly ahead of its time.
  21. I'd join the mile high club with her.
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