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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Damn. Bruce really let himself go.
  2. I love Vox. They can't help but take a shot at Trump in articles that have nothing to do with him. The left doesn't get his Supreme Court picks, and never will.
  3. Thank God it's the Chinese government giving out data on the virus, because they totally are trustworthy and don't do things like this:
  4. He could get pissed in the bar, where you properly piss the night away.
  5. Was Finkle Einhorn, or was Einhorn Finkle?
  6. The thing people don't get about this place is that if you want to have a rational discussion, you can easily have one (as you are seeing by the replies to your posts.) If you want to post about facts and statistics/numbers or take a facially odd position, be prepared to back them up when challenged - and this applies to people on both the left and right. Do the long division. Far too many people come down here, whine about their 'feelz', then refuse to provide facts to back up their argument or even coherently respond to questions to flesh out what they're saying. They then get offended when they're called idiots, resoundingly mocked, then ultimately dismissed out of hand for their stupidity. This isn't as monolithic an echo chamber for the right as you might suspect (most here tend toward libertarianism.) Back your ***** up, and you'll get respect - even from those who disagree with you.
  7. Man, the comments are hilarious. No one knows what the recommendation is being changed to (I'm guessing still prison, just a far lower number), but everyone on the unhinged left is convincing themselves that this is some corrupt conspiracy by Bill Barr, who is officially an actual literal super mecha-Nazi, and that the DOJ is now part of the Trump campaign. Oh, and Trump is just going to pardon him anyhow, as part of this corrupt re-recommendation... somehow.
  8. Absolutely unacceptable. I DEMAND at least living wage, plus free everything, for being unwilling to work.
  9. I wonder if they got him doing the barium pill thing DR speculated about years ago.
  10. Yeah, I'd be down with studying biology and chemistry with her.
  11. Why would the KKK award him anything? He's not a Democrat.
  12. Based upon how they are swinging the sledges in that video, those are two furries who have never done an actual day of work in their life.
  13. Eh, the families get a free fresh fish with every downsize...
  14. Oh, this bullcrap actually gets more amusing, and just at the state level. Many law enforcement agencies in NY use the DMV database to pull up photographs, when doing photo arrays to try to get a witness to ID a suspect. They do this to make it easier to find people who look similar to their suspect, so that any identification can be reliable (as in, you can't have pictures of 5 white guys and a black suspect, or a suspect with a beard and 5 others who are clean-shaven, etc.) King Andrew, in his infinite stupidity, has cut off this ability to access the database from any local law enforcement agency who does not sign on to his sanctuary bullcrap.
  15. It's because whitey is keeping the poor black man down and in chains. If the poor black folk want true freedom, they need to keep voting Democrat, because otherwise they're uncle Toms who aren't down with the cause.
  16. It is unclear if he is eligible to run for VP. He certainly would not be able to take over as president if Biden was killed in a tragic double-tap suicide following a botched home invasion robbery where nothing was taken, all occurring conveniently when the cameras malfunctioned.
  17. If Antarctica gets too warm, what happens to the reptoid cryogenic cloning operation?
  18. Ugh, do you SEE that garish out-of-style fugly bag the hussie in black is carrying? So tacky.
  19. Only people who vote against Democrats are racist: Racists want a strong, properly-equipped military. Racists want border security. Racists want black assault weapons to oppress other firearms of color. Racists want strong economies. Racists want fair trade deals. Racists want to live in peace, prosperity, and safety. Racists want to keep the racist money they earn by being racists. People who don't vote for Democrats - selfishly wasting their vote for racist self-interest - are just the worst sort of racist actual literal super mecha-Nazis.
  20. Holy crap, she is such a ***** moron. She's actually competition for AOC in the dumbshittery division of Congress. 'America knows, that just because the jury finds a Republican not guilty, that they're actually still guilty, because it was a rigged trial, and we all know that people should call witnesses to prove their innocence, and America knows that.' vs. 'Like, President, you know, Trump, totally, like, you know, like, totally quitted today and stuff!' Eh, ***** it. They're both flaming re.tards.
  21. Well, what the ***** did people expect would happen? Trump damn sure can't trust either one with national security secrets, or take any input from them at face value.
  22. Boy do I know a LOT of people who will volunteer to take part in his research...
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