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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. If a federal judge with lifetime tenure can be influenced by a tweet, then they really shouldn't be a judge.
  2. That's God Emperor of the United States Trump to you, peasant.
  3. As to the bold, that was the entire point of reforming prior bail system. The same alternatives that exist now existed then - they simply were not being used. Judges weren't making sound decisions; many were simply setting bail and incarcerating people with no regard to anything other than putting the scary person in jail. I'll give you a real world example (and yes, this actually happened.) A judge in a small town set $1,000 bail on a person who couldn't afford it, and set his next court date about 32 days out. The horrible crimes that required this amount of bail? Traffic infractions. The maximum punishment being 15 days in jail. Fortunately, it got caught, and the guy was brought before a county court judge the next day, who reviewed the bail situation and released him. If it hadn't been caught (and it almost wasn't), he would have spent more than twice the maximum punishment in jail before being back in court - there was no chance he was making bail. Twice the maximum sentence, all while not even having a day in court. There's your discretion and sound judgment.
  4. Holy schiff. That's pretty egregious misconduct, if true.
  5. He called us all idiots and left the board a month or so ago. Hopefully, he'll be back.
  6. Well, nice to see the Democrat smear machine is recycling discredited nonsense again... https://www.yahoo.com/sports/rep-jim-jordan-accused-of-participating-in-osu-sexual-abuse-coverup-by-exwrestler-165329175.html I'm sure that the timing of this rehashed smear has absolutely nothing to do with this: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/11/jim-jordan-mark-meadows-congress-committees-113911 The left is nothing if not predictably stupid.
  7. They haven't gotten to that part of her African-American Women's History of Liberation Art Studies curriculum yet.
  8. Welcome! Hope you have fun here. Since @DC Tom is gone (hopefully temporarily), I'll do it: You're an idiot.
  9. C'mon champ, eventually you're bound to come up with your own material - or even an original thought. I believe in you!
  10. From the comments: They just can't let go of their TDS revenge-porn fantasies, can they?
  11. You just don't get it. There are actual journalists in other countries, in completely different circumstances, whose lives are in danger by wholly different interests. Therefore, what passes for 'journalism' in the US puts these brave men and women in grave danger of something something something you actual literal super mecha-Nazi. They're goddamn heroes who deserve purple hearts, silver stars, blue moons, red hearts - and don't touch their lucky charms!
  12. Oh no! The evil despot Trump is getting rid of people working for him who are "resisting"; actively trying to defeat his agenda! We're all doomed! Democracy is in shambles! The Russians are coming! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!1111eleventyone
  13. "Black Emergency Response Team" is a thing?
  14. You know, like most Bernie Bros.
  15. Nothing to pardon with Flynn, if he is allowed to withdraw his plea.
  16. The dumbshit should have just shut his mouth and quietly repaid the city while doing a goodwill tour with Chicago PD officers.
  17. Interesting. If the judge allows this nonsense, are the former attorneys going to perjure themselves - with no repercussions from these crooked DOJ attorneys - or are they going to admit to committing pretty egregious malpractice?
  18. Sorry, but we apparently lost WW3 to Iran last month. Trump blew it somehow.
  19. Seriously, the video is 50% credits?
  20. Better Irish-up that coffee, B word.
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