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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. One would think that the arrest of a sitting US Senator by a foreign government would be somewhat easy to verify. You know, being a pretty significant diplomatic incident and all.
  2. On the bright side, we won't have to worry about him losing energy or mental acuity during his non-existent first term either.
  3. He pointed at them with his assault-finger as he said it?
  4. Jurors in Harvey Weinstein rape trial suggest they're deadlocked on most serious charges I'm guessing the jury believes only one of the victims were raped/sodomized, and can't decide if he raped Annabella Sciorra ~25ish years ago. They need to find that two of the three incidents happened to convict on the Predatory Sexual Assault.
  5. Yeah... I decided to have spaghetti tonight because of that joke.
  6. Wow, there were a lot of extraneous words in that jumble to admit that you laughed at my halfassed joke.
  7. Wow, welcome to schiff we knew weeks ago.
  8. Can one use a RaeGUN to warm up their leftover TrumpOLINI the next day?
  9. Trumpolini, now with more liberal tears. Tastes like winning!
  10. That sounds like a tasty pasta dish.
  11. ***** that, I'm not eating underground black market rat burgers because meat was outlawed.
  12. Yikes. Talk about asking for legal liability. Are high school minimum wage fast-food workers going to properly check IDs during a lunch or dinner rush? Are they going to recognize someone who is too drunk to serve when they're busy, putting the entire restaurant at risk liability under dram shop laws? Are they going to serve real beer, or Bud Light? Finally, is this the first step in their bid to win the Franchise Wars, and make Demolition Man come true?
  13. More bigotry against the Delta Smelt. #IMPEACH
  14. This is a bit of a misrepresentation of the Iowa thing. That guy was subject to an enhanced sentence for having multiple prior felony convictions. While the underlying crime may have been burning the rainbow flag, he did not get 16 years solely because of that.
  15. Glad to see that you're in favor of Cocaine Mitch eliminating the Democrats' minority rights to filibuster in the Senate, so that things can get passed.
  16. You'd almost think that the Chinese government is trying to save face by not wanting the actual numbers and facts coming out.
  17. Huh, amazing what happens when you just change the definitions.
  18. Good thing Trump had staffers to discredit the Russian probe. That whole 'lack of evidence' thing was just too weak on its own.
  19. Wow, you'd almost think that their position on immigration is consistent...
  20. Well played, Kay. Zack de la Rocha needs to be punched in the nuts every 38 seconds. His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard (and that's without getting into how idiotic his lyrics are.) Tom Morello is the mother ***** man, though.
  21. Thankfully, Trump is completely incompetent. He's the worst racist, bigot, and warmonger ever. His ambitions to destroy the whole world will fail, just like his racist criminal justice reforms failed to keep blacks incarcerated, his bigoted economic and regulatory policies failed to destroy the economy, and his military planning has failed to produce the promised eternal wars (except for us quickly losing WWIII to Iran last month.)
  22. In other news, a bunch of tax attorneys and accountants did their job. Film at 11.
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