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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Much like December, 2018, any downturns are solely Trump's fault. The following rebounds are all due to Obama's careful and glorious stewardship. PRAISE BE OBAMA!
  2. The bonus for gator is that he gets a good laugh from all the deaths.
  3. Oh no, we're all Russian bots now!!!! Seriously though, Trumpolini does sound like a good pasta dish.
  4. Well, she finally became proud of her country on January 20, 2009, ending her pride on January 20, 2017.
  5. Man, I can't wait for the excerpts she wrote about her marrying her brother to violate immigration laws.
  6. Wouldn't surprise me if she did. This judge is increasingly acting fishy.
  7. You're an idiot.
  8. His handlers should have gone the Hillary route - keep him mentioned in public by surrogates, but generally out of the public eye. Hillary had to be hidden because she is an unlikable shrew who doesn't connect with people. Joe needs to be hidden because, while likable, he's a senile moron.
  9. In other words, that racist, evil, incompetent buffoon Trump didn't ask for enough money to sufficiently pay off Democrat donors.
  10. Especially since he has a right to public hearings - specifically so the government can't hide schiff.
  11. Double jeopardy is an interesting argument. I'm not sure which way it will go (and I certainly do not know IL law.) In NY, jeopardy attaches when a jury is sworn in, or - in the case of a bench trial - when the first witness is sworn in. Under Illinois law, I presume there's a definition as to when jeopardy attaches. It will be an interesting argument when there's an obviously-corrupt bargain at play to dismiss the prior indictment.
  12. Venezuela begs to differ.
  13. Nice to see that you continue not to have any clue what you're talking about.
  14. Eh, it's possible, but I'd be hard pressed to believe that this is an actual plan, rather than a wacky contingency. There's just far too many variables at play that need to go right in order to force a brokered convention where Hillary sweeps into save us all.
  15. If Biden is smart (yeah, I know), he's making a backroom deal with Steyer to be Secretary of Whatever-he-wants if Quid Pro Joe wins the nomination/election.
  16. She's going to be forgotten in a few months, especially now since the Democrats want to "move on" from their impeachment embarrassment. The real question is whether or not she even bothers to write a book to "earn" the graft (or are they just going to hire a ghost writer to write it for her?)
  17. It's been like 25 days, I'm sure the people of the UK have all starved to death by now, without the oversight and protection of their benevolent EU bureaucrat betters.
  18. Trump's changing facial expressions get me every time I watch this video. Whomever is responsible for the video is a damn genius.
  19. Nah, he trotted out the brown man to pander to the brown crowd. Afterwards, Trump pounced - according to anonymous sources citing unspecified methods - by deriding him for being from "Pakistan or something", before ordering a burnt steak and cheating at golf.
  20. Until the Cubans find out Bernie was a big fan of Castro.
  21. So... do you want a medal for having "2 nuts" or something?
  22. Weinstein Guilty of 2/5 charges. Called it. Here is the sentencing options for Criminal Sexual Act 1st: He will serve 6/7ths of whatever his determinate sentence is before being eligible to be released on his 'good time' date. Edit: Clarified that the sentencing range was for the top charge. Rape 3rd is up to 4 years determinate with 10 years Post-Release Supervision.
  23. How do you think they solved the 'no steak' crisis at lunch?
  24. Well, that's all that really matters, right?
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