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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Eh, I'm still waiting for him to post his Trumpolini recipe.
  2. ...says the guy who has been actively rooting for Trump to harm the country so his "team" can win. Yeah, you're a real patriot. America last, amiright? We're never going to let you lie your way out of finding it hilarious that 4 Americans were killed.
  3. Is there some reason they can't move the festival to the Nevada side of the lake?
  4. No, in fact the clock has accelerated. We now only have 8 years left until they give us another 12 years left to live! The only answer to this climate catastrophe is radical wealth redistribution. The science has confirmed this, and it is settled.
  5. They lost an opportunity to have another groundbreaking, award winning town hall - where nothing of substance would have been discussed!
  6. Aww, look at gator pretending to be patriotic. Maybe the "thousands" of terrorists that you think Trump is freeing will kill some more ambassadorial staff. That should cheer you right up! He's on to WWIV. Don't forget that Trump's blundering blunders lost us WWIII last month when Iran defeated us.
  7. I'm with you. A long time ago, a buddy and I went to a store to get pick up something for his kid. He paid for it, we walked out with the big box still in the cart. Some lady came rushing out yelling at us to stop. I held up the receipt, we ignored her continued protests, put the thing in my vehicle, and moved on with the day. I've never felt so arrested, molested, and sexually exploited in my life. I'm a victim because of that.
  8. My friend's parents both immigrated here. They did it the right way, and became US citizens. They ***** HATE illegals, after going through all of the time and effort to do it the right way. That's what the dipschiff liberals don't understand. They think that hispanics and legal immigrants are some monolithic group like blacks have been. They pander to illegals, without understanding that they're alienating and pissing off people (and their descendants) who did it right.
  9. Should be? We both know that he has no shame. He's spent decades saying whatever stupidity he thinks will score him "points" today, then pretend it didn't happen tomorrow when he's made to look like a fool. About 18 years ago, my dad was part of a group from our local chamber of commerce who went to Washington about how NY violated both state and federal law to split the 716 area code. They met with Chuckles and Senator Hillary. My dad remarked, after coming back, that he felt dirty after shaking Schumer's hand. Only time in his life he ever felt that way just from shaking someone's hand.
  10. Clearly they were schmucks who didn't understand that all you had to do was walk across the border, make some bullschiff claim that they were in danger if they went back, get released into the country with no restrictions pending a hearing, disappear into the wind before that hearing, then apply for public benefits, because they're entitled to free everything for coming here illegally.
  11. That's easy: Trump is such a racist and white supremacist actual literal super mecha-Nazi that he single-handedly undid all of the things our lord and savior, St. Obama, did to eliminate all racism in the world, and this poor confused gentleman is simply a victim of Trump's bigotry and racist walls. So, you see, if it weren't for Trump's victimization of this poor soul, he never would have been forced to desecrate the monument with racist language, reflecting Trump's personal views of anyone who isn't white. Ergo, this is all Trump's fault, and we must impeach the mother *****, after speaking truth to power, #resisting, and other focus-group tested buzzwords. Oh, and don't get jealous Gary, I'm still your huckleberry.
  12. Well, when you can't find racism to rebel against, I guess you must create it.
  13. There would be minimal blowback if the NYS legislature eliminated her district after the census. The Democrats aren't losing control of the state, and they don't give a flying crap with the rest of the country thinks... hell, they don't really care what the people in THIS state think.
  14. What in the actual ***** is wrong with these people?
  15. Of course it will go back up. Obama's economy shall triumph over the evil of the racist, bigot, misogynist, actual literal super mecha-Nazi Orange Man.
  16. That was a great rendition, using the most absurd instrument in existence.
  17. Silly bigot, celebrating God is for black people only. Or something. This woke B word is stupid.
  18. Who said that was a mistake? What? It's an exciting career with all kinds of opportunities to be bored out of your mind for 8 hours per day!
  19. No, but the Office of Court Administration keeps sending me emails about their upcoming Court Security Occifer Exam...
  20. Uh, if I need the shirt off his back, I'll do without.
  21. You just know *****'s getting real at a cabinet meeting when the gong hits, the lights go out, and a dense theatrical fog covers the floor. Sending the VP out to cut a foreign policy promo could be fun: "Iran, this Sunday at WWIV, You. Will. Rest. In. Peace."
  22. Not according to Katie Hill! She takes on all comers.
  23. Ah, "doctor" Gu. He was fired from his residency for sucking at medicine, sexually assaulted his girlfriend, and beat his wife. Buy hey, he spends all of his time trolling Trump on Twitter since he's not allowed to practice medicine anywhere, so liberals love him!
  24. Why do I feel a 15 part NY Times expose coming on against Barr, citing voluminous anonymous sources using unnamed methods?
  25. ...yet he still only got 42% of the Democrat vote.
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