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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Exactly. $24 in trinkets just doesn't go as far as it used to.
  2. You're right. A true leader would be focusing on the negatives and stoking panic. That's why we need, you know, the guy.
  3. You *almost* got the quote function right. Maybe next time, slick.
  4. Huh, someone hasn't met Lieawatha's price...
  5. Alright guys, I'll take one for the team and catch that Corona Virus.
  6. Unless you're out of toilet paper, and the ***** have bought out all the stores...
  7. Oh, we all know that there's only going to be one winner of the next Democrat debate. The same one who has handily won every Democrat debate they've had thus far:
  8. They should immediately impeach the mother ***** for multi-tasking.
  9. PCH? That's nothing. The daughter of a deceased ultra-rich African warlord contacted me via e-mail, promising to marry me and share her vast wealth. Apparently she's heard of my stellar reputation! All I have to do is give her access to my bank account, so that she can show the banks holding up her wealth that she can pay the fees associated with releasing the millions! I can't wait to plan the wedding with her!
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/CharleyTakaya/status/1238592107566301185
  11. So, the Trump administration, with millions of executive branch employees, is only allowed to do one thing at a time?
  12. To be fair, she is a ***** moron.
  13. How can we possibly survive this Wuhan crisis if we don't impeach the mother *****?!?
  14. Oh, I'm not complaining, mind you.
  15. The NY Slimes promoting dishonesty? I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tells ya!
  16. Makes me wonder how many of these senior Iranian official deaths are from the virus, or if someone is cleaning house, with the Wuhan Virus being a convenient excuse.
  17. He wants to divorce himself from the COVID crisis?
  18. So, on a completely related note, I was considering investing heavily into bottled water/bottled water company stocks, then spreading a rumor that water supplies were infected with COVID-19. Anyone with me on this? I'm sure we can make enough money before being sent to federal pound-us-in-the-ass prison to make the bid worthwhile.
  19. That's why the Titania persona is so entertaining.
  20. This is why I can't believe that it was an intentional release by the CCP. An accidental release/release due to a test animal being sold to the market is far more logical (assuming that the virus is, in fact, manufactured.) The CCP is arrogant, paranoid, and secretive, but they're not stupid or suicidal.
  21. Hey, she #resisted the bad Orange Man! She's a goddamm hero, deserving of a purple heart.
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