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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, but do you realize what a pain in the ass it's going to be to rebuild NYC after Snake Plisskin breaks in, trashes the place, rescues the hostage, then breaks back out?
  2. A Chinese PLA viral laboratory creating biological weapons because of global warming cooling CLIMATE CHANGE?
  3. Speaking of viruses that just won't go away... St. Greta "likely" had the Flu Manchu, and has "basically recovered". Was she diagnosed with Kung Flu? Of course not. She had a cough and a sore throat, so therefore it must have been the Wuhan virus! We must now return to our required adulation of this freedom fighter, who took on the Chinese virus so that our sins may be forgiven.
  4. You'll notice they didn't mention it was fish tank cleaner until the very last tweet of the thread... after blaming Trump multiple times.
  5. I was waiting for Barr to fling Pence out of the way, to maintain social distance...
  6. She's a ***** weirdo. Happy (almost) birthday!
  7. There, I edited for clarity. You're welcome.
  8. It's been awhile since you cycled through your list of idiocy to get back to "double dumbass pork chop on you!"
  9. Oh, I'm sure he knows. He's working overtime trying to derail the thread though, since it reflects badly on his "team". Party before country, after all.
  10. Of course not, he was too busy being arrested while trying to see Nelson Mandela to be a Nazi concentration camp guard. Though I'm sure all of the holocaust victims would have loved to touch his leg hair.
  11. There goes their 12-year doomsday clock. Greta's parents must be furious that no one cares about her anymore.
  12. Food racism is bad, mm'kay?
  13. Man, don't be such a hater. Just light up a blunt and feel the healing magic!
  14. We put a plan in place to have everyone switch off working two days per week to keep our office open Monday-Friday, in case of a court-recognized 'essential matter' (also known as an emergency.) With the court closure, we have almost nothing to do for the next 6 weeks. We've even closed our office to the public. My boss wasn't going to do anything until I pointed out it was stupid to have everyone come in to sit in their offices and surf the internet (which I can do just fine from the comfort of my home.)
  15. Should the oil be transported by rail, truck, or magic...? You know, since pipelines are apparently evil now.
  16. What, WaPo being dishonest?!? I fully expect the correction/retraction to be printed on page 22 in 5-point font 3-5 weeks from now. You know, journalistic integrity and all...
  17. No. Stop your racist cultural appropriation.
  18. The first rule of PPP is actually, "You're an idiot." Though what you said is the second rule.
  19. Well, I am pretty sure that @B-Man doesn't believe he's running for Senate in North Carolina... while giving a speech in South Carolina.
  20. To think, all it took for her to be reasonable was to start ***** someone other than her brother...
  21. Was there some particular reason you needed to copy and paste most of the wikipedia entry?
  22. A history lesson from you? Absolutely.
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