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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The tweet has been deleted. What are they talking about?
  2. I would assume so. Heard an interview with the head of the RNC about a week ago, who talked about the donation being shady, but she seemed to think it was a legal loophole.
  3. Huh, a UN agency that is thoroughly corrupt. You can't tell, but I'm using my Tommy Lee Jones shocked face.
  4. Gee, you pack 500 the next day, instead of 1,000 the next day. Apparently the point was really hard to figure out. Don't be dense.
  5. That's pretty discriminatory. Each non-white race, non-Christian religion, and non-male gender-identity must have their own seat on the Supreme Court.
  6. Any indication of what? That you're going to be thirsty 7 minutes into the walk?
  7. Did anyone crying about Pegula's wealth bother to consider that $1.2 million may have been all that was needed at this time? It's not about how much they can afford; it's about what is actually needed to accomplish the goal. Yes, they *could* easily afford $50 million to donate. What happens with the remaining $48.8 million if it's not needed? Or, to put it another way: Do you pack 1,000 lunches per day to feed 500 needy kids? Of course not, it's wasteful and stupid.
  8. So long as they accept my bullschiff claim of persecution, and give me a free ride through life. Also, they must all speak English to me, because I can't be bothered to learn Spanish.
  9. Yeah, there's people who know the difference between wasteful/unsustainable pork spending, and emergency spending to keep both the economy and the people afloat. Then there's you. Don't be you.
  10. They should build a wall.
  11. I can see tomorrow's NY Times/WaPo headline: "Racist Xenophobe White Supremacist Trump Only Helping Americans To Boost Non-Existent Re-Election Aspirations".
  12. Congress (both sides) won't bite the hand that feeds them, but I'd seriously like to see a prohibition on campaign/political contributions for any entity that receives government funding, as a condition for receiving the public funds.
  13. I'm fairly certain that her brand of "comedy" has been giving people 'unbearably painful chest pains' for decades.
  14. I rather like how Joe's team is plagiarizing Trump's team's plans as their ideas - then criticizing Trump's team's plans.
  15. Yeah, remember that time he told people to drink toxic fish tank cleaner? Neither do I.
  16. I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. I'm sure someone else will get killed soon, due to Democrat malfeasance. That should cheer you right up!
  17. Except when they blame a Democrat. Then they're lying whores. Just look at Lt. Gov. Rapo in Virginia, you know, Coonman's running buddy. The media has totally not used a different standard than the bullschiff Kavanaugh allegations.
  18. Well, he does find it hilarious when Democrats get people killed. Just imagine how much entertainment value he's lost from someone's grandma not dying to the Kung Flu because Trump closed the racist 'borders' to China early.
  19. I would defer to you as an expert in making stupid points, but you're a colossal ***** moron, so I don't believe I can in this case. It makes them extra dead following suicide. Super-extra dead if it's considered an 'assault weapon'.
  20. Dipschiffs like Tibs tend to ignore that not having a gun isn't going to prevent someone from killing themselves.
  21. Yeah, that will totally eliminate the issues that lead to suicide... you ***** dumbass.
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