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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Man, if only that racist xenophobe had listened to the Democrats and cut off travel to China sooner.
  2. And, not coincidentally, when people aren't allowed to gather and protest.
  3. Man, I can't wait for the rainbow-farting unicorns to appear and magically fix everything into a perfect socialist uptopia once that happens!
  4. Makes me wonder if he's trying to provide motivation for the states (especially Democrat-controlled states) to end their emergency declarations sooner, rather than later.
  5. Clearly he's talking about the audience, and those who call into his radio show. CNN, and he, are paragons of impartiality, honesty, civility, and humility.
  6. ...or a prostitute.
  7. Much like his entire administration.
  8. Well, the Great One had to time his endorsement for maximum impact.
  9. You are REALLY basing your idiotic "idea" on a few tweets?
  10. Well, no one is surprised that you can't figure out how to reconcile those "ideas", considering one of them is an idiotic fantasy you came up with.
  11. What we need is a 'research engineer' to explain everything to us.
  12. Well, I must congratulate the great state of Virginia. They voted these idiots in, and now they'll never be able to vote them out.
  13. Oh, you mean Mitch McConnell's Asian wife's family? Why are you racist against Asians?
  14. On the bright side, any damage to your lungs from smoking pot is cured through the magic of smoking pot.
  15. That he's too stupid to come up with anything original?
  16. I self-identify as a 6'8" Olympic Powerlifter and non-binary street-fighting Deity who happens to be bulletproof and can fly while shooting fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lighting from my ass.
  17. What the MSM forgets to tell everyone is that states that introduce voter ID laws also provide free IDs. Of course they can't tell you things like that, it would ruin the RACISM!!!!!! narrative.
  18. You know, about 25 or so years ago, some old Chinese general let it slip that their plan was to invade Taiwan in 2020 to forcibly reunify all of China. Pretty sure he got "retired" shortly thereafter. Considering the strides they've taken to significantly upgrade their military and to fortify the East China Sea since then, I've always wondered if that slip was accurate. It will be interesting to see if they think they're a match for the US, or if they'd bank on a half-hearted response that we'd tire of in short order.
  19. It was, thank you.
  20. So Trump "downplaying" side effects somehow got two morons to poison themselves using a completely different substance? By the way, the woman who poisoned herself and killed her husband was a Democrat contributor. Somehow I doubt she was 'ignoring' the MSM just to listen to Trump.
  21. No, they overdosed on aquarium cleaner because they're ***** morons.
  22. Nah, he's a badass who just declared victory. Ain't got no time for answering questions!
  23. Clearly it's because of #OrangeManBad. That, or the lies by China and the incompetence shown by Democrats like DeBlasio...
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