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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yes we are talking about the same thing. It's a quirk in the NY Constitution that elected Sheriffs cannot hold any other state commission (which a notary is.)
  2. The correct answer to this pregame question is (and always has been), "3 hours from now celebrating a blowout victory!"
  3. Convicted liar's most recent attempt at publicity... Honestly, can this guy get any more pathetic in his quest for attention?
  4. I'm sorry, it's not. Science is only declared when there's a consensus.
  5. If McConnell were smart, he would change the Senate rules to require 60-75 votes to end the filibuster right at the end of the current term, if the GOP were to lose control of the chamber come January.
  6. All of the Americans left, who aren't killed in our failed wars against Best Korea and Iran.
  7. Don't knock notaries, brah. It's apparently a tough test to be one. Also, it's unconstitutional to be a county Sheriff in New York if you're also a notary.
  8. KSA has put themselves into an interesting position. The King apparently stated last week to Trump that there would be no normalization without a Palestinian state. So either the report is untrue, or they're going to have to do some backpedaling if they publicly make peace.
  9. Gotta love how it's "Mostly False" that Biden said that, then they proceed to quote him saying it...
  10. Well, were I the Feds, I would certainly not prohibit their peaceful protest. However, in the name of safety and social distancing, once the peaceful protest begins, no one else will be allowed in. This would, by necessity, include pizza delivery and food trucks. Hope they packed enough food for 50 days. Also, due to the current climate crisis, power for the protesters' cell phones and tablets will not be supplied, nor will there be facilities available to handle any solid metabolic waste, which could cause methane to concentrate and destroy the native wildlife by raising the global average temperature by 0.000000000000000000000001 degree. Oh, and any form of shelter will have to be banned; could be both a fire hazard as well a concentration of germs, transmitting COVID-19 to the unwary. As we've learned, being out in the open air during a peaceful protest is the only way to prevent transmission. Enclosures will endanger everyone. Hope it doesn't get too cold out. Remember folks: Safety first!
  11. There's a reason for that. Biden couldn't organize a 2 car funeral procession, so they have to keep it to one car.
  12. I will volunteer to assess those guns for safety. It may require a hands-on examination to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations.
  13. Missed ya buddy, where you been?
  14. I will step up and accept the heavy burden of mediating any issues betwixt these two ladies. In the name of world peace, of course.
  15. His latest executive order is pretty funny. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/no-20260-continuing-temporary-suspension-and-modification-laws-relating-disaster-emergency
  16. The last gasp of stupidity on this issue... You know, because speaking on political matters is totally what generals/admirals get paid to do.
  17. Yeah, that's what Putin *wants* you to think. Seriously though, it's tough to tell. It's somewhere between 200 and and 300.
  18. Especially when the delay results in the 'correct' candidate winning.
  19. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll get to you eventually. Until then, feel free to continue to fantasize about me.
  20. Don't forget the time when the US military wiped out 200+ Russian soldiers in Syria, at Putin's request.
  21. Ahh, that's why Trump has answered about 500 more questions than Biden has in the past few months... all without having to be given lists of reporters to call on or having to read the answers off a teleprompter.
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