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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. She knows best, after all.
  2. Look, can we all just agree that this is somehow all Trump's personal fault and move on?
  3. This is apparently the type of guy 'The Fink' was:
  4. Even worse, I hear that a member of Trump's administration has a friend who knows a guy who invested $12 into the company that makes the drug. Total corruption. Trump is an actual literal super mecha-Hitler.
  5. Eh, student loan forgiveness is mere pocket change. The Federal Reserve can just print some more money to cover that.
  6. I, for one, can't wait to see the conclusive badly-photoshopped proof! You know, like the compelling evidence that Russia did not shoot down that airliner over Ukraine.
  7. I see it starting in either Michigan or Virginia. They seem to be the most asinine about instituting arbitrary policies. As much of a piece of crap Cuomo is, he's not going too far off the deep end (though I have no intention of following his forced mask policy - a thin cloth covering does little-to-nothing to prevent transmission.) You're correct, of course. We'll most likely have to squeeze them for 500% of their total wealth in taxes (we still have to pay for the Green New Deal and free healthcare for everyone, after all.)
  8. These idiots somehow forgot that this is still America (and have learned nothing from history.) We will put up with temporary restrictions for a time, but eventually we're always going to rebel against oppressive measures.
  9. In other words, people were ignoring them and they wanted a PR boost.
  10. Well hell man, the government will just pay them. With what? Who cares? Tax revenue declines don't matter. We can just make a 'wealth tax'!
  11. No, pretty sure you showed everyone else.
  12. Superior Court/Family Court Judges have been instructed to hold Skype conferences to try and settle cases, decide any pending motions on the papers, etc. on anything that is currently pending (anticipating the flood of new filings.) Basically they have to start with their oldest cases, then move on to whatever can be decided on papers/settled quickly. I feel bad for the clerks who have to process all of the new filings once the ban on new ***** is lifted. Of course, any statutory/regulatory time limits on filings/appeals have been administratively tolled (not quite sure that's legal, but whatever.) Town/Village Courts are going to be even more problematic. They're not allowed to operate at all, or even have clerks come in the office alone, just to catch up on old stuff. Oh, on top of that, they have to keep adjourning things, notifying the litigants/defendants (and any attorneys) of their adjourn dates, using their new notification system, without actually being allowed to come into the office to access their new notification system. The criminal stuff isn't going to be anywhere near as bad as the traffic tickets. If they open the Courts back up in June, I can see the logjam in Justice Courts lasting until September/October. The logjam in Supreme/County/Family/Surrogates Courts are going to last years in the busy counties (Erie, Monroe, NYC, etc.) They may end up needing to create a crapton of Family Court Judge/Judicial Hearing Officer positions for the larger counties. As it is right now, doing a Family Court Trial in NYC can literally take years, as you only get an hour or two (if you're really lucky) set aside for trial every few months. It's going to be worse with a 2+ month backlog, just in intake. On the plus side, the Office of Court Administration is only changing things every few weeks now, instead of every few hours.
  13. Oh, maybe you should drop some nukes then! Mostly because you suck at internet insulting.
  14. Nah, you just want attention.
  15. Aww, poor you. You got called out for posting extreme stupidity, and now your feelz got hurt. No one cares about your explanation, so feel free to stuff it. You wonder why you don't get respect around here, this is it, genius.
  16. Your words, doofus. Not mine.
  17. Trump Derangement Syndrome is ruining not only this country but families, minds, and sanity. Please stop. Get help. https://pjmedia.com/trending/watch-unhinged-trump-hating-doctors-steal-seniors-trump-flag-while-their-own-children-watch-in-horror/ My God those people are sick. I feel bad for the kids.
  18. So the next time Hamas fires rockets at Israel, you are fully in support of Gaza City being nuked?
  19. Yes, but just remember that it's Trump's fault in the first place.
  20. I can tell you that as of yesterday, the NY Court shutdown has been extended to May 30 for most matters.
  21. I go into work two days per week now. I have very little to do other than to be here in case of an emergency. I'm not sure what's more boring, not working for 5 days straight, or getting out of the house to go to work... and do next to nothing for 8 hours.
  22. You have to pay the man. He's a great CB, and no one wants him to close the Tre White Goalie Academy of Louisiana at Buffalo.
  23. Bah, the answer is simple: Only arrest white people who go outside.
  24. Then they become "right wing talking points" that are used to pounce, without evidence, even though they've been thoroughly debunked by unnamed sources citing unnamed methods.
  25. C'mon man, All 57 genders must be properly represented so that no one feels excluded (even though 55 of those genders have no practical distinctions between them.) If the SJW crowd isn't entitled to have everyone cater to their whims so that they feel special and unique, what then? Get jobs, and actually work for a living? These special, unique individuals should not be forced live under the type of cis-gendered patriarchal oppression where no one gives a flying ***** about their 'feelz'.
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