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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. She did try to claim she got the Flu Manchu a few weeks ago... even though she was never tested, diagnosed, or treated for it. She *knows* she had it though. It's amazing that she became not only a climate expert, but also a medical expert... all while skipping high school for the past couple years. Bah, everyone knows that environmentalist jet fuel is made from clean-burning unicorn farts!
  2. You're assuming that he actually had the virus, and wasn't faking it to try to get ratings. Call me cynical, but I don't trust Cuomo (or CNN) not to pull a stunt. ~80% of cases are mild - at worst. It's interesting that somehow every single CNN personality who supposedly gets the virus almost dies (while chronicling selected portions of their horrible experiences for TV.)
  3. So... they're going to shoot down another civilian airliner after it takes off from the Tehran airport?
  4. Short clinical trials, or the 30-year long-term studies?
  5. Maybe. It's pretty cold outside. Global cooling is real, dammit!
  6. That's nonsense. Clearly Putin favored Trump over the candidate whom he had been paying off for years. Hillary would have clearly stopped taking bribes through the Clinton Money Laundering Foundation if she had been elected. No doubt that Bill would have stopped accepting $500,000 speaking fees from Russia as well.
  7. No. Clearly you need to be sent to a re-education camp to up your comprehension of identity-politics wokeness.
  8. Guess he shouldn't have prioritized CCP propaganda to 'save face' over "global threats to public health."
  9. Pop Tarty was a worthless and empty. Sure, he looked good standing there on the corner with his shiny outfit, but on the inside, he was devoid of any value. Now their Cap'n, Crunch, was great. Just the best.
  10. I think you're confusing Z-Pak with the bad dude Corn Pop.
  11. Glad we have the testing capacity to handle house cats.
  12. So he's not a weird dude who slightly modified open-source code for an operating system in the 1980's, before copyrighting it to sell as his proprietary MS DOS?
  13. So she knows she's under the spotlight because of her potential VP tap, her "feud" with Trump, and her ridiculous executive orders, and she starts pulling this type of easily-found schiff? Perfect Democrat; the woman is just not very intelligent. What do you expect from the same political party who started a war because they wanted to import/own involuntary servants?
  14. Not only that, but he was supposed to completely shut down the economy with ~100 cases in the country.
  15. Composting your murder victims? Now that's caring for the environment!
  16. The internet is the thing with the tubes that's going to tip over Guam, right? Of course everyone knows why Trump won. No, it wasn't because Hillary was the single most disliked candidate ever, or that her platform was vapid and tone deaf, that she took her voting base for granted, or that she ran a victory lap instead of a campaign. No, it was clearly because Russia colluded with something something something and spent a few hundred thousand dollars on poorly-designed Facebook memes. For the love of God, man. There was an entire book Hillary wrote about 'What Happened'! She even updated it to reflect new reasons she had the election stolen from her!
  17. Eh, the IRGC isn't going to blow themselves and their equipment up. That's what Shi'ite militias in Iraq are for.
  18. The sad part is that these *****tards will continue to be re-elected by overwhelming margins, between the legal ballot harvesting and genuine liberal morons.
  19. India might want to start testing the Chinese test kits for the Flu Manchu.
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