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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Hey man, he needs to be erected so he can run, you know, the thing.
  2. What's the old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times"?
  3. Maybe. Not sure how attorney discipline works in the DC Bar. Either way, I'm sure it's not a short process.
  4. I'm interested in seeing if anything happens to those Covington attorneys. If half of what Flynn says was true (and I have no reason to doubt him), what they did was highly unethical and intentional legal malpractice. To not reveal to a client completely exculpatory information about what the FBI agents said - that goes to the very heart of the case - while pressuring him to take a plea, is horrifying. In criminal defense, to be found to have committed malpractice, the standard is essentially that the defendant wouldn't have been convicted but for the malfeasance of the attorney.
  5. Oh, don't get me wrong, it won't work. She's still going to come across as an obvious phony, and I have no faith she'll be able to spin her record (from blowing Mayor Brown's Willie to her stint as a crooked oppressive persecutor to her Senate career) as anything other than her being a political opportunist. I'm just speculating that she's dumb enough to believe she can rehabilitate her image and spin her prior record with the help of a compliant media.
  6. It might be an interesting way for her to rehabilitate her image, after Tulsi's rather brutal assassination.
  7. That's one hell of a statement.
  8. I still think they'd be better served trying to promote the benefits of breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and eating food grown in clean soil, rather than the "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE IN 12 YEARS!!!!!!!!eleventyone11111" histrionic crap.
  9. The Democrat playbook of smears isn't terribly thick... I suppose they could go with 'taking a bribe' to destroy him, but I don't think they want the scrutiny.
  10. That level of flawed procedure in their 'study' is disappointing.
  11. I wonder what caliber of Corona Virus that was injected through the back of his skull was the ultimate cause of death.
  12. I still think that all he had to do to make this go away was to keep his ***** mouth shut, quietly repay the OT money, and do some minor PR for Chicago PD...
  13. So, we'll be believing women again - without question - by next week?
  14. ...after 20 or so years of more DOJ obstruction and delaying tactics.
  15. Huh, how about that. Courts that actually uphold the laws as passed by the political branches, instead of rewriting the laws to suit their whims, like Sotomayor was arguing for in her dissent. Uh, the statutory language in that blurb is pretty clear. If you commit a prior offense that makes you inadmissible or you commit a prior offense that makes you deportable, AND you commit a later offense that triggers deportation proceedings, then you can't appeal.
  16. For me, I'd say either 1992 or 1993. There were a lot of darned good teams, including the Bills.
  17. Her money is her money, and his money is her money! Either way, they both made money through graft and crooked dealings relating to her position in Congress.
  18. That's not entirely accurate. Nancy made her real money by her husband's company somehow magically getting multi-million dollar federal government contracts on a regular basis, as well as exploiting the insider-trading exemptions for Congress (until she got caught and changed the rules - after she made her money.)
  19. Yes, but they declined to purchase the movie rights.
  20. Wow, that was cold.
  21. Well, they are WHITE blood cells, after all. How much more racist can they get?
  22. At least we're not Browns fans...
  23. My God, how unlucky do you have to be to die like that?
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