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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I can answer for them: 1. More. 2. Earlier. 3. Triggered?!?! STFU you racist bigoted actual literal super mecha-Nazi.
  2. The only reservations about this being some type of DNC plot to put a Hillary (or Emperor Andrew/etc.) are the fundraising aspects of a campaign, and sufficient national recognition to sell to voters. There would be little time to raise sufficient funds to run a proper general election campaign in the battleground states. Especially since Trump's campaign and the RNC currently have incredibly deep pockets. They also can't depend on a 'blue wall' to ignore after 2016, so that's more states that they have to put resources into. Super PACs can help, but they can't get caught coordinating with the campaign, which would likely be necessary to keep everyone on message. Hillary's benefit (and curse) is that she's a known quantity - and still thoroughly unlikable. Someone like Emperor Andrew, while he's currently getting a lot of free positive press, isn't as well known to moderate/independent voters on the other side of the nation as someone who had been actively campaigning for the past year+.
  3. I think the Darwin Awards selection committee will have their hands full this year.
  4. Like the "political" and "military" wings were separable? It's good that they've finally put a total ban on Hezbollah, but ***** them Deutsch bastards for allowing them to freely operate on German soil for the past few decades.
  5. I wonder if CNN can ever rehabilitate their lack of credibility at this point.
  6. Wasn't she against a virtual Congress, before being for it?
  7. I am wondering if Biden's allegation is suddenly getting more press in order to pressure Biden to drop out, so that they can do some sort of brokered convention to put forth a 'cleaner' candidate (and minimize the time Trump's campaign has to find dirt.) They can't make it go away, and he's not really coming off well during his Flu Manchu interviews.
  8. Not for nothing, but if they're stupid enough to actually write out that they were trying to ***** the guy over and how they were planning on ***** him over (and then keep said incriminating notes in the case record), then these morons deserve to go to prison.
  9. This thing will never get old.
  10. Tell me about it. When I lived in the 716, we were so poor, we were reduced to eating Irish babies.
  11. Just stay in the 585 portion of WNY, you'll be fine.
  12. Better to be ~2,450 years late than never!
  13. Arrest them... and do what with them? They're not going to jail.
  14. That's evil prideful gluttony, not corruption.
  15. C'mon man, he was a minority investor in a deal that owed hundreds of millions in debt to the Bank of China for 2 days, 4 years before he ran for President! How much more evidence of corruption does anyone need?
  16. Not sure. In NY, for example, you can do a fee arbitration when there's a dispute between an attorney and a client. I have no clue what exists in DC, or even if it's available ~2 years later. Don't get me wrong, I meant they'll give much of it back after he successfully sues them for negligence, fraud, and malpractice.
  17. Well, after they took his money to ***** him up the ass without lube, it's only fair.
  18. Don't know about the listening to science, but I'd wager heavily we'd currently have a lot more freedoms taken away in the name of "safety" if she were president.
  19. Interesting timing. Wonder how long Covington has been sandbagging that document dump on Flynn. I have a feeling they may wind up giving a lot of it back. Their conduct as his counsel was pretty outrageous.
  20. Apparently 'publish or die' now means check your brain at the front door.
  21. Well, on the bright side, she does understand her base: This would be fun to drop in the news right before Biden's handlers made his decision:
  22. I considered bacon facemasks, but then reasoned that they would not last long enough out of the package to be useful.
  23. Bacon-scented face masks?
  24. That's fine and dandy, but is Tom Brady still the guy who intimidated her in the parking ramp?
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