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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Definite yes to the officer in the background.
  2. All time: 1.) Hulk Hogan 2.) Ric Flair 3.) Bruno Sammartino 4.) HBK 5.) Bret Hart As for the best currently wrestling*: 1.) Chris Jericho 2.) Rey Fenix 3.) Kenny Omega 4.) Adam Cole (Bay Bay) 5.) Daniel Bryan *Excludes Japanese wrestling, because I don't watch it.
  3. Uh, Greg... It's literally in your username.
  4. No way in hell I could ever let that go during oral argument without comment.
  5. Well, at least it's not just the White House Press Corps. that wants to use false information to pose questions, and not allow answers without interruptions.
  6. Of course, they're under the standard of guilty unless completely exonerated by the prosecutors, right?
  7. That ***** don't matter. The only thing that will fix everything is if we turn total control over our lives to the government, which will bring about the rainbow-farting unicorns, who will impose a socialist utopia.
  8. You remember that movie Brad Pitt did where he aged backwards? Yeah, that was based on NPH's life.
  9. Trump should tell Pelosi that the Virus Taskforce is only available for testimony tomorrow at 10 am. See how fast she uses her taxpayer-funded plane to get to DC.
  10. Did you know that Patrick Henry's famous line is misquoted? Yeah, he actually said, to the 2nd Virginia Convention, "Give me liberty or give me death, so that we can continue to oppress the ignorant knee-grows in perpetual bondage to their superior white masters!" This swung the balance in favor of independence against those pesky English who wanted to dismantle slavery. Can I has Pulitzer now?
  11. On the bright side it's clear that they've now cured cancer, drug overdoses, heart disease, old age, and the like!
  12. I believe that today's talking point is that anyone who wants to open back up are violent white supremacist Nazis.
  13. Eh, to be fair, all they've got is "grab'em by the *****", "he pled guilty", and OMGOrangeManBad!!!!! The morons here are trying to make due with the limited opinions they're allowed to have. Their DNC/MSM masters have failed to update their programming.
  14. They were good; I wasn't solely talking receivers.
  15. It only took a few weeks, but now protesting stay-at-home measures is a violent White Supremacist thing.
  16. We all know that it originated in a US Army bio weapons lab, and was secretly transported to the wet market in Wuhan to infect the poor innocent completely-blameless Chinese. It's so blatantly obvious, that the Chinese don't even need to prove it!
  17. Great coach. Too bad he never gave Marino better weapons.
  18. No, Trump is actual literal super mecha-Hitler. At least 85.3% more evil than regular Hitler.
  19. You're thinking of a different idiot. Gator has been Tiberius for many years now.
  20. While home with his guards during a botched burglary where nothing was taken.
  21. I've never seen a man who is more clearly a White Supremacist than that dude.
  22. I'm waiting for the histrionics that will happen by morons who don't understand what 'flatten the curve' meant, when there's a second wave of COVID due to the re-openings.
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