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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Oh, that's easy: Quit pouncing on them with your debunked conspiracy theories using partisan smears, without evidence, to trash the most scandal-free administration ever.
  2. I have full faith in my boy @Tiberius to come through.
  3. I want the corrupt elements fairly prosecuted. I want to see the FBI dismantled. I want to see the laws get changed to eliminate these rampant investigatory and prosecutorial abuses. I want these *****wads to start respecting the Constitution. I foresee nothing happening, as things will get quietly swept under the rug late on a Friday afternoon when there's a bigger news story afoot. I have complete confidence in the Federal government to do nothing other than to protect and expand the power of the Federal government.
  4. That would require honesty from an idiot leftist. We all know that isn't going to happen.
  5. Is Danny Manning related to the traitor formerly known as Bradley Manning?
  6. Accused sexual predators are, obviously, perfectly fine to be elected president - so long as they are Democrats, and are for, you know, the thing.
  7. Oh, they've got all kinds of 'exceptions' when doing a hunger strike. They'll drink liquids with the nutrients they need, which coincidentally makes them generally not starve to death.
  8. Keep cheering for people's misery. Maybe you'll get lucky and we'll have more deaths to entertain you.
  9. Wait, so there's not actually a bald French guy, who speaks with an English accent, commanding a Galaxy-class Federation Starship in the 24th century?!?
  10. Why do I have the feeling that there will be suddenly be extensive mail errors in traditionally red-leaning counties?
  11. That's totally sexist, and ageist, and ableist, and racist, and some other -ist.
  12. C'mon man, leave poor Gary alone. He's got to wait for his latest NPC download before he can respond. Without getting new information, it's like challenging a person with no arm, no legs, and a sore neck to a drumming competition.
  13. I'm not sure the judge can actually do anything to him for the misrepresentations, other than report his unethical conduct to whatever the appropriate attorney discipline agency is in that jurisdiction. Nothing I saw in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure addresses attorney misconduct (unlike Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure), and I am not interested enough to try to find any applicable Federal statutes. However, I wouldn't suggest that Mr. Van Grack appear in front of Judge Sullivan - for any reason - in the near future.
  14. Which day, exactly, would you have preferred he shut down the country?
  15. If that doesn't work, I'll happily volunteer to deliver a spanking.
  16. Not fair. Joe was simply using rhetorical flourish, and had a stuttering problem when he was a child in the 1740's. He's not nuts. Trump, on the other hand, is an actual literal super mecha-Nazi.
  17. Sure: 1.) A buncha ***** I couldn't care less about. 2.) Criminal court judges can now hold felony hearings to determine whether probable cause exists to hold someone accused of a felony in jail (assuming the judge does not find good cause to ignore the hearing because the prosecutors can't empanel a grand jury.) 3.) People can now be released if they've previously had (and lost) a felony hearing after not being indicted within 45 days - again unless the judge finds good cause to ignore it because of the grand jury limitations. 4.) Certain proceedings can be done, and pleas can be taken, remotely through electronic (i.e. Skype for Business) proceedings. 5.) Tibs still touches himself at night.
  18. Well, 3.5 months isn't enough time for people under normal circumstances, so why not give them an extra 6-8 months to file ***** that was closed out at the end of 2019?
  19. Wait, so liberals want free money to not go to work?!?
  20. Good to see some of the counties are starting to revolt.
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