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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Sure, and since you want links, here you go:
  2. Absolutely correct, which is why they should be stripped of the provider immunity from suit the government provides them.
  3. Of course the government didn't. They shot the entire thing from their secret studio on Mars.
  4. Dishonest and ignorant, as usual.
  5. Well, when you have their high queen, Nasty Nancy, declaring ME peace as 'a distraction', the lemmings don't care.
  6. I'd be in favor of this, so long as Dana White sits in at the press conference following the debate.
  7. Translation: 'We spoke to our district lawyer, and we are reinstating these children before we get our asses sued off for violating their rights.'
  8. Sadly, this is actually a thing. Had to take training in diversity and inclusiveness over the summer - they literally had nonsense about "generational trauma" and "vicarious trauma". It traumatized me so much, I tuned the rest of their crap out. Though it was slightly more interesting than the 'all white men are the devil' in the past few trainings I ignored.
  9. Interesting. Wonder what is in the source code that the CCP doesn't want the US to see.
  10. What the ***** is a "nonbinary shapeshifter"? Also:
  11. Yes, you ***** racist. You owe that poor oppressed pooch substantial reparations. And hugs. Maybe a walk and a few "good boy/girls". Give that ***** dog a treat while you're at it.
  12. They're going to have a tough time if they ever make it to a business, if they're this offended by the Chinese language.
  13. This thread is much better than the previous thread.
  14. He was a mostly peaceful murdering democratic despot. Totally different than being a murdering despot.
  15. Wait, is it going to be peaceful; mostly peaceful; or fiery, but mostly peaceful? Also, will there be an open bar?
  16. I vehemently disagree with this sentiment. Black olives are disgusting. Green olives or GTFO.
  17. Well, considering that the virus is scheduled to be disregarded on November 4th, this seems like a colossal waste of his basement time.
  18. Are we sure Kamala is not working for the RNC?
  19. Not a fan of this decision.
  20. Man, if Trump had only unveiled a peace plan for Palestine and Israel back on January 28, 2020 that the Palestinians rejected immediately. Oh well, we'll never know what Trump was planning to propose... apparently. However, she is correct. This world peace nonsense is a distraction from the latest laughable Democrat political smear of Trump. Trump, of course. He is actually literally a super mecha-Hitler who has taken away all of our rights, after all.
  21. Former federal prosecutor says Trump admitted to Murder 2nd! You know, if you're hyper-partisan liberal dumbass with a political narrative to push.
  22. Random trivia. You can learn the necessities over a 5 minute martini break. The written test is apparently pretty tough (attorneys are exempt from taking it.) Might need a 3 or 4 martini lunch to learn the stuff. Here's a sample test: https://www.howtobecomeanotaryinny.com/sample-ny-notary-practice-exam.html
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