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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'm not sure if I should be offended that they're trying to claim that Wyoming and Genesee Counties are in the "Finger Lakes Region", or happy that we're finally getting to open ***** back up.
  2. Never. Put. Your. Criminal. Activity. In. Writing.
  3. "Trump storms off after making racist comment to innocent Asian reporter."
  4. Barr did. Mueller's job was never to "exonerate" anyone. In fact, Mueller violated the terms of his appointment by refusing to make a decision and to explain that decision.
  5. Ah right, the old 'we can't exonerate him, therefore he's guilty' bullcrap. You're either being disingenuous, once again, or you're just a ***** idiot. I'm not sure which is worse.
  6. A terribly unfunny one.
  7. It truly amazes me how often these people just don't tell the FBI, "piss off, I am not answering any questions."
  8. Do you even understand what Cy Vance is pretending to investigate?
  9. The only morons claiming that "a president can cheat in elections to win" are the dumbschiffs on the left who can't understand that "OMGRUSSIA!" was a hoax started by the Clinton smear machine, of which there is overwhelming evidence.
  10. Federalist Nos. 65 & 66. Is exactly right, especially in light of the remainder of your response.
  11. Not that I'm disagreeing, but the moron who tweeted it probably didn't notice. The commenters definitely didn't notice.
  12. Well, at least they managed to hit a military target this time. Babysteps.
  13. It's arrogance that won't let Obama keep quiet. Same problem Smolette had after his charges were initially dropped. He just had to go spike the football to the press and piss off the city of Chicago. Liberals - especially the ones in power - just don't get it. Sometimes it's better to just keep your mouth shut and let ***** blow over.
  14. Of course. The media is fellating themselves over sugartits at every press conference he holds. Facts of his response be damned.
  15. Eh, I doubt they ever really did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism It's not a coincidence that Pulitzer was one of the first to mass market fake news. It's just easier to catch them with the internet and idiot "journalists" running their virtual mouths on twitter.
  16. My boss is very politically connected throughout the state, and has been for a long time. He once remarked that all previous NY governors, even if they weren't directly approachable, had at least some backdoor way to directly communicate/lobby. Not Emperor Andrew. His inner circle is airtight. There is no possible way to get a message to him about anything without going through his handlers.
  17. Gator's stupidity (and Reality Check's messing with his stupidity) aside, this is actually a pretty interesting legal question. It's fairly clear from the Federalist Papers that the Founding Fathers intended impeachment/removal to be the sole remedy while someone is a sitting president. Once they're removed from office, then they can be prosecuted. It makes little sense to have the president prosecuted in federal court by the Department of Justice... which he controls. It also prevents political asshattery from rogue federal prosecutors who simply do not agree with a policy decision (sound familiar?). A state charging a sitting president is a far more interesting question. With the concept of dual sovereigns, can a state charge a sitting president for committing a crime on that stat's semi-sovereign soil? Of course, if the answer is yes, then you have nakedly partisan and thoroughly corrupt asshats like Cy Vance inventing charges because the president sharted on 5th Avenue. Ultimately, the answer is going to be that no, a sitting president cannot be prosecuted by a state while he is in office. Any other ruling simply creates more nakedly-partisan chaos, and renders the office (and the federal government) meaningless. No president - or congress critter - will be able to function once political opponents in the states start criminalizing and prosecuting any pretextual "crime" for policy decisions/votes they don't like. Oh, and I made fried chicken.
  18. The video without context is meaningless. Apparently there was a black guy in a white tee shirt seen a home under construction the day before. Of course, there only being one black guy and one white tee shirt in the state of Georgia means that when these guys saw him the next day, they knew he was the one. https://thegrio.com/2020/04/27/family-justice-ahmaud-arbery-killed-white-men/ https://www.nytimes.com/article/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-georgia.html They cut him off once, then continued to chase him and cut him off again. With guns drawn, just to "talk" to him. Oh, and someone seemingly forgot to mention to the police that the supposed burglary was the day before.
  19. He apparently hears the racist dog whistles. Of course, being able to hear them means...
  20. C'mon man, we all know they can't name the anonymous sources citing unnamed methods! We must blindly trust them, nevermind the track record of them being full of schiff, because *this* time they'll be right and finally have Trump!
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