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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That's the governor of the State of Georgia you're referring to. Show some respect.
  2. Can they be a little more unsubtle with the halo effect?
  3. I have my doubts that the mayor woke up one day and said, "I'm going to ***** over Christians!" What other group exists right now to make an example out of than those trying to go to church? There's nothing else to congregate for at the moment. She can't go after sports fans or bar goers with no sports or bars. Is it an ancillary attack on their religion? Sure, no question. I just don't think the primary intent was to torture Christians just for being Christian. It's about setting an example to control the masses, not solely to go after those going to mass. Christians are an "acceptable" target for liberals, because everyone on the left is terrified of being labeled an Islamophobe or (to a lesser extent with the left) an anti-Semite. No one bats an eyelash when it's a Christian church that is singled out to be the example to cow the others into submission. I will say this: Shame on those cops for following her directive and trying to enforce a clearly illegal order.
  4. This, to me, is more of a control issue than an actual attack on Christianity.
  5. As penance for your petulance, I expect you to say 25 Our Obamas, 50 Hail Obamas, and ballot harvest all of the elderly folk at your nursing home so that you can ensure they correctly vote for a Democrat.
  6. To be fair, the good mayor may not want her motorcade to have to deal with the traffic on her way to violate her own rules to get her hair and nails done.
  7. The correct answer is that we believe all women who accuse Republicans.
  8. Don't forget the part where we don't believe all women anymore, unless they provide contemporary, concrete, unimpeachable evidence backed by a signed affidavit from the flying spaghetti monster.
  9. If the Democrats can't legalize election fraud, then the virus wins.
  10. C'mon man, it's Stern. The guy who was good friends with Trump right up until he ran as a Republican. What a great friend Howard Stern is to have!
  11. Once again you demonstrate your astounding intellect by completely missing the point.
  12. Trump over a socialist, a communist, and two Democrats?
  13. You'll vote for me because a vote for Koko78 is a vote against racism, a vote against hate, a vote against intolerance. Voting for me is a vote for America, it's a vote for a return to greatness, it's a vote for utopia. I promise that, when I am elected, you'll get all the free ***** you want. Not only that, I have a plan to unleash my swarm of rainbow-farting unicorns that will not only pay for all the free *****, but cure cancer, end pollution, create equality for all, and end all wars. Besides, it's not like you have a choice. We're just going to change your ballot for you after you cast it.
  14. Eh, as terrible as any authoritarian purge is, that method of execution is somewhat hilarious in the ridiculous overkill. I'm sure Lil' Kim swats flies with shotguns in his spare time.
  15. Please, we all know those absolute and provable facts are negated by the 284 women who have been paid off to accuse Trump of being naughty 18-40 years ago.
  16. So Friday afternoons are now "the dead of night"?
  17. Interesting. I wonder what part he found most "skillful": The part where he ignored it, the part where he denied it, the part where he acted like an idiot about his Senate records, the part where #metoo got sold out because we no longer automatically believe women without conclusive proof, or the part where his camp sent the liberal attack dogs to smear her.
  18. I'd be fine with this, so long as teams get additional bonuses for hiring women in those positions. I think Mrs. Pegula would make a fine GM and HC, while Beane and McDermott get well-deserved promotions to some other job title (with the same duties they currently enjoy.) I think our beloved Bills could do a lot with 2-3 first round picks every year based on her skin color and gender.
  19. Damn, that sounds much easier than eating all those boxes of Cracker Jacks to get my degree.
  20. Not sure what they're talking about. I've never seen the Cryptkeeper looking so lifelike.
  21. What, in the past 4 years, has the DNC done to indicate to you that they were smart?
  22. This is Trump's fault. If he hadn't colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary, usurping her turn, the media wouldn't have been forced to destroy their credibility by pumping out false/slanted story after false/slanted story after false/slanted story. Clearly the Orange Man is Bad.
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