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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. There goes her bid to be VP.
  2. Joe Biden sniffed her hair once in Kiev?
  3. Lil' Kim cannot actually bend time and space I'm crushed. I always thought he was the hero we both needed and deserved.
  4. Yet Beijing cannot figure out why Taiwan will not accept their 'one country, two system' proposal to reunify.
  5. But, but there's affirmations and notices and such on them! Who the heck would violate that unverifiable trust?
  6. Wait, is Fauci an anti-Trump hero or a Trump lapdog this week? I lost track.
  7. The methodology of some of these "studies" (especially the VA one) seems to amount to: "I tried to apply a bandage to someone who had already bled out. The person died right after I bandaged the wound. Bandages don't work!" Even the latest "studies" being announced don't seem to mention that they're combining HCQ with Zinc or Z-Paks, which is immediately going to skew the results to get to the predetermined narrative that it doesn't work.
  8. Wow, the ultimate ZoomBomb. What a horrible thing those people had to witness.
  9. I wonder if Sullivan will just 'decide' to dismiss the case, rather than explain himself to the DC Circuit Court.
  10. Well, if I have to keep my metaphorical foot on their metaphorical necks to get a good steak, *****'em - I choose a medium-rare steak.
  11. "A night out with Bunky could result in a court summons or a world-class hangover" The world is a lesser place for his passing.
  12. I'm sure the guy (at 1:10) who was picking his nose and eating it thought so as well.
  13. It's an interesting proposal, in theory. However, I agree with the comments about unchallengable phantom PIs being called (or blatant OPIs being ignored), allowing the refs to be involved in deciding games even more. Also, how do things like defensive holding calls work? Does the offense get an automatic 1st down? A re-do of 4th and 15?
  14. Well, that's pretty interesting. This provision can be quite easily read to mean that 1.) There's no such thing as a quorum online; 2.) Doing online remote voting is adjourning the House to somewhere other than the Capitol; and 3.) The Senate is not going to agree to adjourn to anywhere other than the Capitol.
  15. I'm sure they'll just get 'reassigned' and the position left unfilled.
  16. Here's a far better picture of her:
  17. Uh, that Grant being "one of the greatest military commanders" bit is pretty debatable.
  18. I'm not sure who is more senile, Biden or his idiot handlers/strategists.
  19. Removed? No. The first judge suddenly decided there was a conflict after taking Flynn's plea. Based on new information that he already knew. ***** dirty.
  20. 1.) ? Molly McCann 2.) They could have lost about 10 pages of fluff without losing anything. 3.) Even with the bloat, was an interesting read.
  21. Thankfully, 26CornerBitch left in a huff and isn't likely to come back and delete the thread to hide his stupidity.
  22. It's almost like those who keep saying nothing more than "Flynn pled guilty" are idiots or disingenuous halfwits.
  23. I am aware of that. Only pointing out the continuing dishonesty of your poll.
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