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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. While I highly doubt that a cop killing a man in Minnesota was the plan to spark this nonsense, it makes me wonder if they were expecting a spark (with all the people shut in for so long), and had agents lying in wait to turn any protest violent. No other real way for all these mysterious agitators to just happen show up in multiple cities at the same time, ready to spread rioting.
  2. She is such a piece of trash.
  3. We haven't had a good mass shooting in awhile... though that would be tough to accomplish right now. I'm sure that will be later this summer after the current "OMG TRUMP'S A RACIST, HE SAID A THING" nonsense dies down. Liberals are nothing if not predictable (and beholden to their wheel of stupidity.) He took a morning crap?
  4. I made it about 30 seconds before I couldn't handle the stupidity any longer. Seriously, she thinks people are rioting because they don't have free health care?!?
  5. The unfortunate result of all this nonsense is that future administrations are going to have no choice but to do a complete overhaul of the entire executive branch bureaucracy every 4-8 years. How can future incoming presidents ever trust holdovers from previous administrations after Obama's people actively worked not only to thwart Trump's agenda, but to also manufacture crisis after crisis in an attempted coup? This will end up being Obama's great legacy - the man who destroyed the peaceful transfer of power.
  6. It's easy. Trump stokes the fires of hatred, racism, and white nationalism. It's a certified guaranteed fact... and you're an jackass and a racist actual literal super mecha-Nazi (and you certainly ain't black) if you ask me to actually justify my feelz with anything resembling a fact.
  7. I thought we established a few years ago that 9/11 was a plot by Jewish bees to use hypersonic missiles (disguised as airplanes) to pump up DC Tom's defense industry stocks.
  8. Yeah... the White House is not the place to be ***** around playing at violent protesting. You are correct, it was Man 2. I'm not sure why I read it as Man 1... been a long day.
  9. 1.) This is wrong. 2.) This is wrong, but also funny, ***** CNN.
  10. Met Eric Bloom about ~22 years ago. He is an MMORPG nerd, and became internet friends with one of my friends. Got into a show they did at the Letchworth Pines for free, and got to briefly chat with him afterwards. Cool dude.
  11. C'mon man, what would liberals do all day without pretending to be outraged by everything?
  12. Politically, for the DA I think it almost has to. There would be a completely justifiable riot if the ex-cop was offered a sweetheart plea deal to go away. The civil suit will be more interesting. If I'm the city, I'm gassing up the Brinks truck to back up to the family's doorstep to settle quickly.
  13. Unfortunately, without doing a lot of research into Minnesota law, I cannot really speculate or opine on potential charges for the other 3 cops. I do not know what their standards are for accessoral liability, what the legal duty of their police is in this type of situation, what other potential crimes may be applicable, etc.
  14. Looking at the Minnesota homicide statutes, it seems that Murder 3rd and Manslaughter 1st are the most appropriate charges. It would appear that there could be an argument for Murder 2nd, but I would have to do more research than I am interested in. Murder 1st doesn't look like a viable charge, from what I know of the facts. That they may have known each other is of no real moment. Murder 1st Murder 2nd Murder 3rd Manslaughter 1st As for arresting him on the spot, that's a far more tricky question. It's hard to judge, in the heat of the moment, whether an officer's actions were justifiable, and it does no one any good to make a snap decision to arrest an officer on the scene. He certainly should have been immediately suspended (or put on a desk job) pending investigation, but arresting him on the spot wasn't likely reasonable - especially if the other officers were claiming Mr. Floyd was resisting. Cops are authorized to use force in situations where Joe Citizen is not, so it's not always an easy spot call until all the facts are in. I am quite surprised that they fired all 4 officers so fast. That would never happen in NY, with all the civil service protection rules and procedures.
  15. Twitter - and that douchebag Jack - is going to regret poking the bear. They're probably going to bring YouTube, Google, and FaceBook along for the ride. The short-sighted morons are going to deserve what they get.
  16. I'm going to probably cook some steaks or ribs or something for my Dad's birthday.
  17. They cancelled the Genesee and Wyoming County fairs as well.
  18. From what little I've seen about this (which isn't much), it looks really bad for the cops. With that said, I really cannot conceive a valid reason for the officer to keep his knee on the man's neck for ~8 minutes after subduing him. Especially a man who was apparently drunk. Looks like he, initially, did not resist the officers, as they had claimed: Of course, there is a significant amount missing from this footage, such as from the initial encounter through the man being cuffed, etc., and it doesn't show what led to the officers using such force a few moments later.
  19. Were there any actual black people at the '***** the police' racial justice rally?
  20. Well, clearly the answer is for Rapey Joe to question their blackness, and threaten that if they don't support him, Trump's going to put 'y'all back in chains'.
  21. What? It's almost like you don't trust the honest and unbiased opinion of the fact checkers who think that Trump is an "Orange Nazi". I can almost say, with certainty, that these fine, upstanding people would never allow their work to be tainted by any hint of bias, as they fact check the actual literal super mecha-Hitler currently usurping power in the White House.
  22. Yeah, DR, I'd tell you to ***** off too, but I'm too good to lower myself to telling you to ***** off, so I'll take the high road and not tell you to ***** off, because only classless people would ever tell anyone else to ***** off. Telling you to ***** off is just plain rude, and I cannot bring myself to the rudeness required to tell you to ***** off.
  23. No, the DOJ and IC thing was just a joke. Weaponizing the IRS against his political opposition for several years, however, is perfectly fine and just you evil actual literal super mecha-Nazi racist.
  24. Drones have historically been highly effective at watching people illegally cross the border while the nearest Border Patrol response was some 4 hours away (due to the rough terrain.) Perhaps the government should invest in some 'illegal immigration free zone' signs. Maybe a few 'just say no to illegal immigration' posters as well.
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