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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well gee golly, that would be one heck of a moderately uninteresting story if they actually charged for the voter photo IDs.
  2. Not bad at her age. Looks like she might have been a knockout 25 years ago.
  3. Well we all know that !@#$ing punk always gets away.
  4. Racial gerrymandering will occur so long as ethnic groups vote for one party as a near-unified bloc. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin.
  5. Just tell them you didn't fill that out - someone else did.
  6. Perhaps it's time for Obama to create or save jobs in fictional Congressional districts... again.
  7. My guess is sheer arrogance. They didn't believe the company was broke and couldn't afford their nonsense. The union reps all wear white hats and the company executives are evil greedy lying bastards who do nothing but cash massive bonus checks. I'll wager that it never occurred to the union idiots that the company wasn't bluffing. They lost. I have no sympathy for those idiots who voted themselves out of jobs. I think it's poetic justice that the union workers who pissed away their cushy paychecks by sheer greed are now forced to work without a union.
  8. Good God, I would hope they would censor that gibberish.
  9. The sweet sweet tears of all those union asshats who destroyed the old company and are now out of work will make the Twinkies that much tastier.
  10. Seems a tad arrogant to be judging the Chinese by American standards, doesn't it?
  11. There is no freedom of speech in Russia. They knew this; it's not exactly news. They're getting the attention they wanted.
  12. Well what do you expect from an incompetent Commissioner hired as a patronage appointment (without a search for qualified candidates) by an incompetent Mayor?
  13. Well that guy's story seems oddly one sided and utterly self-serving.
  14. Clearly he's going to take one for the team and just let himself or his loved ones die if he's sick and in need of expensive medical care, or his spouse, or his children, or his parents. You know, because he's all about sacrifice for the greater good. Otherwise it would be complete hypocrisy for him to be fine with other people dying to save money, but not ones he cares about.
  15. That all depends on who you ask, Obama or Roberts.
  16. Al Sharpton is nothing more than a scum-sucking skittles-baiter. Jesse Jackson, in the above photograph, is giving an emotional speech to his congregation on the virtues of iced tea, and how Trayvon was unfairly profiled, discriminated against and ultimately murdered by a wannabe coca-cola employee and iced tea bigot.
  17. Would it be a tax or a penalty?
  18. So now you're just completely ignoring the iced tea? Racist.
  19. Gee, how about that. The Chinese government attempting to squelch dissent and transparency. Any guesses how long it takes Emperor Obama to adopt this type of regulation by Executive Order?
  20. Glad to see that the DA likes being re-elected.
  21. Well they are working hard at auditing groups that support businesses who give large bonuses to their upper echelon employees. The IRS deserves the money for being good little soldiers.
  22. Whoa now. It does have pink paisley print on it, so it's all good. Don't disparage the tie, you commie/terrorist/heathen/etc.
  23. I'm wearing a silver tie, so that's sort of the same thing, right?
  24. It's ok though, she has friends who are conservatives.
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