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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. This really isn't anything new. Hell, the Celts practiced psychological warfare thousands of years ago in painting their bodies, spiking their hair, fighting naked, displaying the severed heads of their enemies, etc.
  2. What I really love is when they get busted for it, they claim they had no idea and donate what they claim the money they were paid to some random charity.
  3. When I go shoot up my local school (though I will not put more than 7 rounds in my clips, so as to not violate the SAFE act), it will be all your fault, B-Large. Your constant cyberbullying of me and transvestite avatar are compelling me to murder those poor, innocent children. You'll just have to live with yourself and the consequences of my actions, !@#$.
  4. Please, he's far too busy to make speeches about little things like food, clean water, etc. The man's gotta critique impromptu rappers. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/06/obama-advises-young-rapper-to-drop-the-mic/ Besides, all the Chosen One has to do upon his return is throw another beer summit on the White House lawn, and everything will be alright in the world.
  5. Perhaps Odin Lloyd was the actual murderer of Martin, and Hernandez found out and killed him in retaliation for both the murder and framing Zimmerman, a fellow black/white/purple/brown hispanic...
  6. This is just stupid. Everyone knows Zimmerman got out of the white Bronco and shot Martin execution-style in the head.
  7. You could just as easily keep your legs closed. That is all.
  8. I thought we ate the remaining birds last Tuesday... At least according to the North Koreans.
  9. It's not her parents' fault, it's society's for keeping her down and not spoonfeeding her opportunity whether she is capable of taking advantage of it or not. It's not her teachers' fault, they need more money to properly educate her. Less hours and better working conditions also. A Cadillac healthcare plan for the teachers would be helpful to her education as well (exempt from Obamacare penalties, of course). Stop being racist.
  10. One side or the other can ask, at least in NY, for the jury to consider a lesser included offense. A lesser included offense of murder would likely be manslaughter.
  11. Judge can't do that; double jeopardy has attached. If the judge declares a mistrial based on prosecutorial misconduct, without the defense's consent (and they have no reason to consent), the case is done. At least in NY. You're the only one talking about the media.
  12. If that's what you have to tell yourself...
  13. At this point, I think the prosecutors are tanking the case on purpose.
  14. Yeah... don't take your legal advice from Law & Order. Or CSI. All joking aside, I can't watch that show anymore. It pisses me off how often the writers screw up.
  15. If the prosecutors did that (and they would be stupid to do so), then I would agree that the defense has the right to show he was a hoodlum in rebuttal. Though I think that Martin's 'good character' is just as irrelevant as his 'bad character', as Zimmerman had no knowledge of either.
  16. There's really only so far they can go into Zimmerman's character as well. They should not be able to go into the whole lying about the passport/money thing (unless he testifies), they can't really go into uncharged crimes, prior bad acts, etc. on their direct case without seriously prejudicing him. However, as he is asserting a justification defense, some level of proof into his character is warranted to show that his actions that night did not meet the relevant standard of reasonableness.
  17. It truly amazes me how incompetent prosecutors can be. Their job isn't *that* hard. Hell, the statutes point out exactly what they need to prove. There's no excuse for having done no prep work and being made to look like fools by a witness who cannot read what is supposed to be her own letter. These guys are screwing the pooch in the Zimmerman trial, the prosecutors were incompetent in the Casey Anthony trial, the first Blagojevich trial were simply incompetent, the OJ prosecutors were more interested in playing to the cameras than proving their case, the idiots who did the Corisanti trial in Buffalo were more interested in class warfare than proving their case.
  18. Do I have any idea of what Charles Manson did back in the 1960's? Do famous people who happen to be currently incarcerated routinely show up at my doorstep? Is this a relevant (or even intelligent) example? Inquiring minds want to know!
  19. You can't really say that you were in fear of your life based upon information you had no way of knowing at the time. Martin's character is irrelevant to the current trial, just as Zimmerman's character issues -which Martin would have no way of knowing - would be irrelevant if Martin had been the one to survive the encounter and be on trial for Zimmerman's murder (assuming he asserted a justification defense). Of course, regardless of who is being tried, you can only go so far into character/propensity evidence unless the defendant opens the door.
  20. Brother Tasker, you know what it says in the Bible about not forgiving people? ...Well, it's against it.
  21. The problem is that Zimmerman's character/state of mind is very much in at issue to show a motive to shoot Martin, whereas Zimmerman had no knowledge of Martin's history when he shot him. Martin's character is irrelevant, Zimmerman's isn't. However, I have the feeling that the prosecutors have already blown the trial. It probably doesn't matter anymore. They better pray Zimmerman takes the stand so they can hammer him with passport/money lies.
  22. On doing the milf senator, or on the less important abortion thing?
  23. I don't really see the problem. It's only a 48.6:1 ratio of conservative groups to liberal groups. Clearly the IG is a racist obstructionist CEO only out to crush the little guy and collect his obscene bonuses.
  24. The rich white CEO is keepin' them down. Apparently.
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