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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Too bad many prosecutors don't remember that.
  2. Crap, didn't think that one through...
  3. These are the classes I would take. I believe they would be the most likely classes for the slutty feminist liberal idiots to congregate. You know, the ones who would !@#$ anyone in the name of 'girl power'. I'll wait for the home edition of that game.
  4. So your parents like to be fracked in the rear?
  5. You might catch stupidity from her. I'd double-wrap.
  6. Well, I can't imagine how the public interest in a report showing a complete partisan abuse of power would outweigh the government's interest in keeping such a report showing a complete partisan abuse of power secret.
  7. Not intentionally. There actually was a cornfield across the road where the kids used to fight after school where I went. I felt it would have been a more appropriate field of battle to challenge jboyst than out behind the swings, considering he's a farmer and all.
  8. That's it! You, me, in the cornfield after school!
  9. What's your view on Women's Studies with a minor in Art History?
  10. Well look at the bright side, at least the 2016 presidential campaign between Hillary and Kerry for the Democrat nod will be hysterical, with each of them trying to claim that they were less useless than the other.
  11. Certainly. It also doesn't affect the righteous wealth redistribution part of the peaceful expression of their feelings march.
  12. Just remember: You didn't steal those Air Jordans, someone else made that happen.
  13. Wednesday afternoon. Be there to protest the injustice and righteously redistribute some nice electronics, or be square.
  14. Kerry has to continue to work hard keeping his wife happy to maintain his fortune. He also apparently runs the state dept. or something in his free time.
  15. I don't see how you get $100,000 out of that, especially after perfecting a 'system' for beating Vegas and needing funds to make it happen.
  16. I cannot believe the tone of this article. It's clear, to me at least, that the FBI is using all the diligence in investigating this matter that OJ displayed in looking for the "real killer". Or that the City of Buffalo uses to find qualified candidates to fill a top-level position...
  17. I think we can all agree that Lloyd was the man.
  18. Cut the brass some slack. There were fundraisers to attend. Obama's re-election efforts were far more important than the lives of a few paltry State Dept. employees and an Ambassador no one ever heard of. It's not like the guy was Obama's son.
  19. There's a lot of stupid attorneys out there.
  20. I'm sorry, but if you're not eating skittles and drinking Arizona Iced Tea with your menthols, you're just a poser. Stop insulting urban culture by mocking them.
  21. I'm rather torn on this issue. On the one hand, I completely disagree with what the NSA was being allowed to do. I think it is a perversion of the 4th Amendment. I agree with Benjamin Franklin when he wrote, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." The libertarian in me is sickened by what our government has been doing. On the other hand, I don't believe Snowden is any kind of hero for exposing it (though I will not condemn him for doing so). He still broke US law and violated the trust put in him when he was given his security clearance. He needs to answer for his crimes.
  22. He's on his own to look up and post the Florida definition of 'culpable negligence', including the paragraph containing the dispatcher rule.
  23. Since Webster's Dictionary has absolutely no relevance to anything in the legal world, I'll help you out by providing the Florida definition of Manslaughter: http://law.justia.com/codes/florida/2005/TitleXLVI/ch0782.html
  24. They've been pussies since Larry Bird retired. No one threw a severed head like that man. Exactly.
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