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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Gotta love bureaucracy. Even if they're wrong about the 'penalty', it will cost more to fight it than to just pay the money.
  2. Why do I suddenly want to storm their trenches?
  3. Well considering the Democrats blamed the difficulty in passing Obamacare without resorting to legal gimmicks on the GOP for not supporting Obamacare or taking part in its drafting (you know, after the GOP was locked out of the process), despite the fact that the Democrats had a supermajority in both houses of Congress, this cartoon is appropriate.
  4. Actually, it's rather a good sign. It means that they looked at the evidence presented and applied the facts as they found them to the law. The jury set aside their personal feelings and did their job.
  5. I wonder what the bank president's reaction will be after she's awarded treble damages for gross negligence (assuming it's allowable under OH law) as well as punitive damages following a fun media-friendly jury trial.
  6. Mitt Romney's wife has a horse. Some black kid got shot. There's no story here with Tom's alleged typo. This is nothing more than fake outrage manufactured by Faux News' lies. Move along. Look at the shiny bauble.
  7. God I hope not. I can never forgive that blind !@#$ for the license plate fiasco.
  8. So it wasn't white. The plot thickens...
  9. The man's son was murdered by a racist half-hispanic creepyass cracka, who was just wrongfully acquitted. Give him a break. That pales in comparison to pestering him about these so-called scandals and fake fox-news generated outrage. Or something.
  10. So... my lifelong dream (for the past 2 minutes) of opening a restaurant called "N-word's" is out the window?
  11. Because Boris is just swamped. He couldn't possibly fit them in until next week:
  12. That has what to do with anything? They didn't use guns to carve him up. Stay on topic.
  13. How many young black men carrying iced tea and skittles are shot to death by neighborhood watchmen in England?
  14. Does this need a 'Would Ya?' thread?
  15. That doesn't sound too bad. I'm not crazy about the olives, though. Good thing it's made with all American ingredients!
  16. It best be apple pie. None of that Mexican crap.
  17. Sad thing is that I'm not entirely certain which group is actually doing Satan's work...
  18. Typical abuse of power. I think it's funny that they can say he wasn't fired for this incident with a straight face.
  19. I wonder if it will still be Bush's fault...
  20. No problem guys, I've got this one.
  21. The problem with this line of thinking is that when the gloom and doom predictions all come true, the Democrats will start crying that the GOP knew about the ramifications and somehow should have done something sooner, despite their opposition to Obamacare and Democrat attempts to block anything to do with repealing or tweaking it. You know, sort of like how they blamed the GOP for not being in lock step with Pelosi, forcing the democrats to give in to their more moderate members' demands just to get the votes to get the thing passed.
  22. Ah hell, nothing like an overzealous agency full of !@#$s who re-victimize victims of domestic violence! The man's son was murdered, and you want him to weigh in *again*? You're a monster!
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