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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It might go back to using 'Brenna', so be careful with those fixes.It's a very confused young [thing] who may need to leak more classified documents in order to sort out its identity/gender issues.
  2. It is simply astounding how these idiots can continue to be so willfully stupid and intentionally ignorant.
  3. Well c'mon man, the Gulf Coast is hard to navigate.
  4. There is only one possible motive for that form of violence, regardless of the facts of the case.
  5. She can ride on my city council any day. I'd like to see how she does on the poll. There may have to be a few recounts scheduled.
  6. ...so be good or face the IRS.
  7. Well that makes it all better. Perhaps she can attend counseling with Riley Cooper.
  8. Here's the event listing from Obama: https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/climatechangeactionevent/gsc74f?source=ssn_20130808_STOFA_TW_CLIMATE_DAY_OF_ACTION_AA_EVENT&utm_medium=tw&utm_source=ssn_stofa&utm_campaign=ssn_20130808_STOFA_TW_CLIMATE_DAY_OF_ACTION_AA_EVENT
  9. They're dicks up in Genesee County. In Erie County, it would have been an ACD, not plead to the charge and 3 years probation. Oh, never shoplift from Wally World. They spend a ton of money and resources on asset protection now. The days of Wal Mart not caring about shoplifters are over.
  10. That "neighbor" is a complete idiot. He seriously called CPS? Wouldn't surprise me if he was also reviled in the neighborhood for being a jackass. The psychologist isn't far behind.
  11. That's just a right-wing conspiracy perpetrated by Faux News.
  12. Well, at least they're still playing the important event; Prince Andrew's political fundraiser. What's the Gov expected to do if he doesn't have the money to run for President?!? He can only pass so many badly written secret political bills like the SAFE Act!
  13. Hey, enough of that foul language, mister. There may be children potentially present somewhere in the neighborhood.
  14. Some idiot in that crowd probably had skittles on him. Perhaps even iced tea.
  15. Many of those on the left cannot understand anything that doesn't require the government to wipe your butt for you.
  16. Whoa there. Give the man a break. His son was brutally murdered a year ago by some white hispanic who was just wrongfully acquitted of the crime. On top of all that, during his administration he's had to deal with obstructionist opposition from the GOP even through he had a supermajority in Congress, has had to do endless fundraisers, been forced to golf scores of rounds AND has been forced to explain things to the one or two simpletons in this country who will not blindly accept his Bob the Builder inspired campaign slogans as a vision for a utopian future. The man simply does not have time to deal with pesky journalists asking irrelevant questions about minor incidents that don't really matter. He's all about going FORWARD!, rather than focusing on the past, which is the past.
  17. The kid isn't going to change anything. I have no doubt that the goal of this 'meeting' is to use the 12 year-old to ask embarrassing questions in order to solicit awkward answers to be used as sound bytes later on. I'm sure she would be well-coached prior to the 'meeting'. You know, because 12 year old girls are all about the abortion issue without activist douchebag parents dragging them to be used in protests.
  18. That's just crazy talk. Congress was forced to pass the bill so that we could know what was in it. To do anything less, such as not passing it through shady means and questionably-legal trickery would have been irresponsible and uncivilized.
  19. Would this be the Thanksgiving of Recovery 5? (I would say 6, but clearly the first year doesn't count as it was Bush's fault the turkey wasn't ready.)
  20. I've heard of insurance companies requiring professionals, such as doctors, who screw up to admit it and write a letter to apologize. Seems that placating people with an apology/acknowledgement of screwing up makes them less likely to sue the poop out of you than being an arrogant asshat like this bank president.
  21. After the punchlines and defections, Mr. Weiner will just have to stiffen his resolve.
  22. You didn't mail that letter, someone else made it happen...
  23. To be honest, I figured that anyone who was dumb enough not to get the sarcasm would have attacked the math rather than who controlled the House in what year...
  24. So if my Democrat spin doctor math is correct, Obama has reduced the federal deficit by 40% in just three years! #forward!!!!1111oneoneone
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