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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/gunman-opens-fire-navy-yard-washington-d-c-021732377.html Why do I have the feeling Obama's next hyper-partisan speech about the tragedy is going to entail how the security lapses allowing this tragedy were due to the sequester and about how the evil obstructionist baby-eating racist teabagger party of no GOP forced this on the unsuspecting public against Obama's will, resulting in 12 deaths?
  2. We didn't bomb them, someone else didn't make that happen.
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-rejects-criticism-shifting-syria-policy-im-less-130259612--abc-news-topstories.html Well at least he managed to make no style points on the way to an ineffective joke of foreign policy. It takes real talent to go 0-for-2.
  4. Sounds like he just needs to rub some dirt on it and walk it off. Seriously though, the school would get the crap sued out of them if they fired him because he might have a seizure on the field. They simply need to take whatever precautions are necessary for both his health and for someone to take over HC duties, and hope that his ability to coach the team outweighs any potential issues with him having an episode on the field.
  5. That was always his foreign policy, you (and 100% of the rest of us) just weren't smart enough to understand all of the nuances and calculus that he has been quite clearly explaining to the American public for 5 years. So, you see, he wasn't confusing or giving mixed messages; we just can't comprehend the greatness that is the Chosen One. It is completely our fault that we don't get it when a bona fide certified Constitutional scholar explains things to us using fancy language. We should be smarter.
  6. He would have been immediately fired for being insensitive to other religions.
  7. "Oh well, **** happens" also becomes "what ...does it matter?"
  8. He's looking for other people's medals to throw away.
  9. It's still the car manufacturer's fault for not making a cupholder that would prevent lids on Tim Horton tea cups from coming off in a motor vehicle accident, spilling the contents on an occupant of said vehicle. They had a duty to protect her, and should have foreseen this happening.
  10. Nyah, now he's gonna sleep with the fishes, see?
  11. It does help when you're sleeping with the president of CBS, though.
  12. Oops. I wonder how many heads rolled for that one.
  13. That's a tough position to be put in as the head of one of these companies. Do they betray their customer base and secretly help the government with constitutionally-questionable spying activities hoping that word never leaks out, or do they make a very public "screw you" statement by leaking everything to the press, knowing that they will be arrested, persecuted and making the trial as public as possible?
  14. Hold the phone! Oblamblam and the CIA have been arming the "correct" rebels for a month now. Of course, the Rebels do not seem to know anything about all this aid they're getting: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57602575/report-cia-delivering-arms-to-syria-rebels/ Therefore Chosen One > Romney and his wife's horse.
  15. A summit on the White House lawn may be necessary. Assuming they can find the proper beer to accommodate the guests and highlight the issues surrounding Ms. Cyrus.
  16. So I can pay the AFL-CIO to not represent me?!? Where do I sign up!?!?!?!
  17. Doesn't he have little Weiners to play with?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-sdO6pwVHQ&feature=youtu.be
  19. Stay tuned for Weiner's stunning climax.
  20. I must disagree with this quote about not having the right to voice an opinion. This administration has made it quite clear that you're free to voice any opinion you want, so long your opinion is in agreement with their agenda. Otherwise you're just a racist teabagger nutjob.
  21. The wife was apparently in the Hamptons instead of supporting her husband. Between that and his classy move of flipping off a reporter, Weiner is having trouble keeping a stiff upper lip.
  22. It might be a tight fit in the polls. Weiner might stick it in, though.
  23. "Elections shouldn't matter".
  24. But hey, at least an inexperienced idiot like Sarah Palin isn't a heartbeat away from the presidency! FORWARD! YES WE CAN!
  25. Normally I would suggest this being a 'Would ya' thread, but no... just no. Sounds like their attorney is inventing work for billable hours, though.
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